1、托福口语模版的正确打开方式 模版是很多同学备考托福口语时经常使用的备考材料之一,然而如果只是生硬死板的背诵口语模版反而会导致低分,下面就和大家分享托福口语模版的正确打开方式,来欣赏一下吧。托福口语模版的正确打开方式第一步:口语材料巧准备对于托福口语里的第一二题,大家时常将其叫做独立任务。当大家应对如此的托福口语考试题目时,是能够准备有的常用的口语段子。例如敬佩的人,喜欢的动物,喜欢的地方,难忘的事,对自己影响最深的人很多段子是可以回答不同的题目的。例如,题目需要你表达对自己最有影响的人,亦或是说你最敬佩的人,就能够使用相同的一个段子。因此考生们能够按照人、事、物、地点等,准备几个属于自己的口语
3、憾。第三步:争分夺秒来应试托福口语考试要求大家当听到题目的第一时间把该说的准备好,在脑子里快速的做出反应,闪现灵感,当提示音响起时,你必须要开始大声响亮的把自己的答案说出来。其主要是对一个人的口、耳、脑的协调能力锻炼,是一个需要争分夺秒的技术活。此外当准备时你也可以在草稿纸上写下准备内容,可以看草稿回答。所以是否有充分的准备也影响着你的发挥。托福口语:备考的重要指标1. 中心是否切题:解释:考察考生所表达的口语内容是否完整、准确地回答了题目的要求。考察重点在于考生是否能够准确理解题意和准确迎合题意两个层次。2. 意思是否明白:解释:考察考生所表达的口语内容是否能够被明白地理解,还是表面上很流利
4、,而实际上语义含糊、不知所云。3. 结构是否严密:解释:考察考生是否有能力将口语用严密的结构和逻辑表达出来,还是缺乏层次,信马由缰。4. 表达是否连贯:解释:考察考生口语的语流是否有停顿,这包括思维停顿和表达停顿两方面的原因或表现。但此标准并未对考生的口语表达速度作硬性的要求5. 发音是否清楚:解释:考察考生的发音是否能够做到纯正、清晰。起码理解起来并不因为口音的问题存在障碍。6. 语法是否正确:解释:考察考生是否能够熟练的使用较复杂的句子结构表达思想,同时尽量避免错误。7. 词汇是否熟练:解释:考察考生是否可以掌握足够的 英语 (论坛) 词汇进行表达,考察重点在熟练度和准确度两个方面。但此标
5、准并未对考生的用词难度作硬性的要求。托福口语:解题基本原则INDEPENDENT SPEAKING TASKSIn the independent speaking portion of the TOEFL iBT test, you will give two short speeches on topics that are familiar to you. For the personal preference task,you will choose and support a preference from a particular category. For the persona
6、l choice task, you will make and support a choice between two contrasting options.An effective speech begins with an introductory statement that tells the listener what the speech is about. The body of the speech is made up of explanations and details. A concluding statement completes the speech.1.
7、Listen carefully to the task and think about what you must do in your response.Ask yourself these questions:What is the topic of the task?What am I being asked to do?Then make a mental list of the answers to these questions. For example, look at the following task:Name a skill you have learned and e
8、xplain why it is important to you. Include details and examples to support your explanation.For this task, you would make a mental list like the following:The topic is about a skill I have learned. I need to:Name the skillDefine the skill if the listener might not know what it isExplain its importan
9、ceInclude details and examples2. Quickly decide on a topic.It is easy to run out of preparation time while trying to decide what topic within the given category you will discuss. Quickly choose a topic and start thinking about the examples and details you can include for that particular topic. Remem
10、ber, examiners are not interested in what the topic is but in how well you can express yourself.3. Restate the task to include the topic that you ate going to speak about.For the task in Strategy 1 above, you might choose to focus on the skill of touch-typing. Your restatement could be:/ have learne
11、d how to touch-type, and this has been very important during my studies.4. Work through your mental list of requirements.For the task in Strategy 1 above, your list might be:Name the skill. You have already named the skill in your restatement of the task statement.Define the skill. Ask yourself if y
12、ou need to define your topic. Will the listener know about the topic you have chosen?Explain the importance to you of the topic you have chosen.Include details and examples from your own experience.5. Know your goal.When studying, record your speech and make a transcript, writing it exactly as you s
13、aid it. Then make improvements to it: correct mistakes, eliminate long hesitations, and replace words or rephrase sentences to avoid repetition. Practice reading the corrected version aloud, and time yourself. Read it again while timing yourself, and stop reading at 45 seconds. How far did you get?Y
14、ou will find that 45 seconds is only enough time for you to restate the task with your topic and to give one or two examples and one or two details. Eliminate unnecessary examples and details from your transcript and read it again with a timer. Once you have eliminated enough to be able to read your
15、 response aloud in about 35-40 seconds, and the topic does not suffer from a lack of examples or detail, you know your goal. The remaining 5-10 seconds are for the natural hesitations and corrections a speaker generally makes when talking.6. Get ready for the next item.It is easy to get anxious if you run out of time and have not finished what you intended to say, or if you finish what you want to say and there is still time left. Take a deep breath to help you relax and get ready for the next part of the test.托福口语