1、超市培训-生鲜,Fruits&Vegetable蔬 果 课,Participation 销售占比:35%of the Division Operating result 营运绩效:21.60%,超市培训-生鲜,Cold room management 冷库管理,Consumption charter 保质期限,Quality&freshness 质量/新鲜,Product quality 产品质量,Good practice良好实践,Management tools 管理工具,Contents 内容,Flexibility 灵活性,超市培训-生鲜,Separate fruit&vegetabl
2、e.蔬菜和水果分开 Cleanliness of cold room.保持冷库的清洁 Temperature between 8 to 12 degrees.温度在8摄氏度到12摄氏度,Cold room management 冷库管理,Objective目的:Storage the products in good condition.在良好的环境下储存商品,Key points:要点,超市培训-生鲜,Basket should be 10 cm far from the wall.塑料垫仓板和周转篮须离墙10厘米 Receiving date on the basket.周转篮上标有收货日
3、期 Cleanliness of cold room.保证冷库的清洁,Cold room management 冷库管理,Objective目的:Storage the products in good condition.在良好的环境下储存商品,Key points:要点,Receiving date收货日期,10cm far from the wall 离墙10CM,超市培训-生鲜,Cold room management 冷库管理,Consumption charter 保质期限,Quality&freshness 质量/新鲜,Product quality 产品质量,Good prac
4、tice良好实践,Management tools 管理工具,Contents 内容,Flexibility 灵活性,超市培训-生鲜,Check the expiration date.检查保质期,Consumption charter 保质期限,Objective目的:To guarantee the freshness.保证新鲜,Key points:要点,超市培训-生鲜,Put the label price on the right hand top.标签贴在右上方 Check price,name matched to the product.检查价格与名称与产品一致,Packing
5、 date包装日期,Item name单品名,Unit price/kg单价,Item weight重量,Expiration date保质期,Consumption charter 保质期限,Objective目的:Pack the product in good condition.包装良好,Key points:要点,超市培训-生鲜,Cold room management 冷库管理,Consumption charter 保质期限,Quality&freshness 质量/新鲜,Product quality 产品质量,Good practice良好实践,Management tool
6、s 管理工具,Contents 内容,Flexibility 灵活性,超市培训-生鲜,Fruits 水果,Vegetables 蔬菜,Mushroom 菌菇类,Condiment 调味类,Root 根类,Stem 茎类,Gourd 瓜类,Flower vegetable 花类,Leafy 叶类,Citrus 柑,Tropical without seeds热带无子水果,Tropical with seeds 热带有子水果,Import fruit 进口水果,Watermelon 西瓜,Orange 橘,Pomelo 柚子,Lemon 柠檬,Pear 梨,Apple 苹果,Product qua
7、lity 产品质量,超市培训-生鲜,Fresh新鲜:Freshness&cleanness 新鲜、干净 Uniformity of growth&color 色泽形体均匀 No defect leaves(insect damage,disease)&rot leaves 无烂叶(虫斑、病斑),No defect leaves 无烂叶,Not Fresh不新鲜:Wilting&dirty 枯萎、脏 Size&color are not same 规格颜色不一 Have defect leaves&rot leaves 有烂叶,Rot leaves 有烂叶,Vegetables蔬菜 leafy
8、叶类,Uniformity of size 规格均匀,Size not same 规格不一,超市培训-生鲜,Fresh新鲜:Freshness&cleanness 新鲜、干净 Uniformity of color(green)绿色均匀 Firm 坚实,Uniformity of Color颜色均匀,Not Fresh不新鲜:Decay&dirty 烂、脏 Discoloration 变色 Not firm 不坚实,Color not same色泽不一,Vegetables蔬菜 Flower Vegetable 花菜类,Firm坚实,Not firm不坚实,超市培训-生鲜,Fresh新鲜:Sh
9、iny color&cleanness 色泽光亮、干净 Uniformity of shape,color&size 规格一致 No defect(mechanical injury&growth cracks)&No rot 无斑点(伤斑裂痕)、腐烂,Shiny&clean光滑、干净,Not Fresh不新鲜:Wilting,sprouting&dirty 枯萎、脏 Injured on surface&rot 表面不平、腐烂 Shape color&size are not same 颜色规格不一,Wilting&rot枯萎、腐烂,Vegetables蔬菜 Gourd 瓜类,No defe
10、ct无斑点,Mechanical Injury裂口,超市培训-生鲜,Uniformity of shape color&size规格颜色统一,Wilting枯萎,Vegetables蔬菜 Stem 茎类,Fresh新鲜:Shiny color&cleanness 色泽光亮、干净 Uniformity of shape,color&size 规格一致 No defect(mechanical injury&growth cracks)&No rot 无斑点及腐烂,Not Fresh不新鲜:Wilting,sprouting&dirty枯萎、脏 Injured on surface&rot表面不平
11、、腐烂 Shape color&size are not same 颜色规格不一,No defect无斑点,Injured受损,超市培训-生鲜,Fresh新鲜:Freshness&cleanness 新鲜干净 Uniformity of shape,color&size 规格形状及颜色统一 No defect(mechanical injury&growth cracks)&no rot 无坏损(碰撞或生长造成的裂痕)或斑点 No sprouting 无发芽现象,Freshness&Cleanness新鲜、干净,Not Fresh不新鲜:Wilting,sprouting&dirty枯萎、脏
12、Injured on surface&rot表面受损、烂 Shape color&size are not same 规格和颜色不一,Dirty脏,Vegetables蔬菜 Root 根类,No defect on the surface表面无斑点,Injured on the surface表面受损,超市培训-生鲜,No defect on surface无受损,Not Fresh不新鲜:Wilting,sprouting&dirty 枯萎、烂、脏 Defect on surface(mechanical injury,sunburn&insect damage)表面受损(碰伤,晒 斑或虫害
13、)Rotten spot 有烂斑 Shape,color&size are not same 形状规格及大小不一,Mechanical Injury受损,Fresh新鲜:Shiny color&cleanness 色泽光亮、干净 Uniformity of shape,color&size 规格一致 No defect(mechanical injury&growth cracks)&No rot 无斑点及腐烂,Vegetables蔬菜 Condiment 调味类,Clean&Shiny干净光泽,Rotten spot腐烂,Wilting枯萎,超市培训-生鲜,Fresh新鲜:Mushroom
14、head is close 菇头合拢 No insect injury,disease 无受损 No rotten spot 无斑点 Natural color 自然色,Mushroom head is close菇头合拢,Not Fresh不新鲜:Mushroom head is open 菇头打开 Have insect injury,disease 有受损 Rotten spot 烂、斑点 Discoloration 颜色不自然,Mushroom head is open菇头打开,Vegetables蔬菜 Mushroom 菌菇类,No rotten spot无腐烂斑点,Rotten s
15、pot腐烂斑点,超市培训-生鲜,Fresh新鲜:Firmness&clean shiny skin 光泽、坚实 No rotten spot,insect damage,rotten core&mechanical injury 无受损、腐烂 Uniformity in shape,color&size 规格统一,Clean shiny Skin光泽,Not Fresh不新鲜:Soft or wilting skin 软、皮皱 Have rotten spot,insect damage,rotten core&mechanical injury 有受损、腐烂 Shape,color&size
16、 are not same 规格不一,Wilting skin皮皱,Fruits水果 Apple 苹果,No rotten spot&injury无斑,Mechanical Injury受损,超市培训-生鲜,Fresh新鲜:Firmness&clean shiny skin 结实,有光泽 No rotten spot,insect damage,rotten core&mechanical injury 无受损、腐烂 Uniformity in shape,color&size 规格一致,Clean shiny skin 光泽,Not Fresh不新鲜:Soft or wilting skin
17、 软、蔫 Have rotten spot,insect damage,rotten core&mechanical injury 斑点、受损、腐烂 Shape,color&size are not same 规格不一,Dirty skin表面脏,No rotten spot&mechanical Injury无受损,Rotten spot&rotten core腐烂斑点,Fruits水果 Pear 梨,超市培训-生鲜,Fresh新鲜:Freshness&juiciness 新鲜,多汁 Clean&shiny skin 干净,有光泽 No disease damage,rotten spot
18、无腐烂和受损,Clean&shiny Skin 光泽,Not Fresh不新鲜:Soft or wilting skin 软、蔫 Have defect(disease damage rotten spot)on the surface 受损、腐烂,Disease&rotten spot霉斑,Fruits水果 Citrus 芦柑,No disease&rotten无腐烂斑点,超市培训-生鲜,Clean shiny Skin光泽,Rough surface表面粗糙,Fruits水果 Lemon 柠檬,Fresh新鲜:Freshness&juiciness 新鲜,多汁 Clean&shiny sk
- 配套讲稿:
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- 关 键 词:
- 超市 培训 生鲜 蔬果
