4A广告公司的策划 @ 奥美《消费者洞察Consumer Insight》79页.ppt
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1、消 费 者 洞 察Consumer Insight,James WongNovember 1998,什么是消费者洞察?What is an insight?为何我们需要消费者洞察?Why we need insight?什么是好的消费者洞察?What makes a good insight?如何得出好的消费者洞察?How to get insight?,消费者洞察是.An Insight is.,?,洞察是An Insight IS,英文字典说,Insight是看清/看入某一状况的能力The English dictionary says an insight is the power or
2、 act of seeing into a situation.中文字典说,洞察是洞悉事物原委的观察The Chinese dictionary says,“Don Cha”is a sharp observation that see through the surface of something.,See through,什么是“消费者洞察”?,你观察到消费者生活里的一些素材或想法它们是Relevant&Unexploited,消费者洞察是What is a consumer insight?,消费者对品牌或产品或该类别的习惯、态度,可在广告传播中运用来激发消费者,使他/她动心 A co
3、nsumer habit or attitude to the product,the brand,or the category that is motivating and leverage in copy.在今日,只运用产品特性通常无法形成差异,激发消费者的选择 Product attributes often no longer sufficient to differentiate or motivate choice.,消费者洞察是A Consumer Insight IS.,一种突然的觉醒(A sudden awareness)某时刻,或某一刹那间的了解(A moment,or
4、a flash of understanding)请注意:一个产品或品牌可以引发许多、许 的洞察 重要的是如何去分辨最具相关性 最具激发力的洞察(Caution:A product or a brand can generate many insights-the trick is to identify the insight that is the most relevant and motivating.),它必需有明显的相关性(relevant)才能让许多人说“感同身受”它必需无人触及过(unexloited)才能让消费者说“那就是我的感觉!没有人用这种方法说出来过!”才不会让消费者说
5、“陈腔滥调”,消费者洞察是.,春天的故事The Story of Spring,春天的故事The Story of Spring,我是个瞎子I am blind.,春天的故事The Story of Spring,我是个瞎子I am blind.,现在是春天,而我是个瞎子This is spring,and I am blind.,洞察力,就是找到“春天的意思”的能力,Instinct,Instinct,It feels right,杰出的广告必定因应一个清楚的消费者洞察而生Brilliant advertising must be developed around a consumer in
6、sight.,为什么?Why,Why Consumer insight is so important,运用消费者洞察而产生的广告Ads that leverage consumer insights,与你相关(relate)与你连心(connect)让你投入(involve)给你动机(motivate)洞察力能驱动广告的相关性insights drive relevance of ads,消费者洞察及创意简报Consumer insights and the creative brief,具相关性的洞察是联系产品特性,品牌承诺及定位陈述的最佳桥梁。它也是创意简报中的驱动元素 Relevant
7、 insights are the bridge or link between the product attributes,product or brand promise and the proposition,or trigger in the creative brief.一份创意简报可以详述主要的消费者洞察,以及洞察如何导到产品的定位及按纽 A good creative brief will always describe the key consumer insight,and will lead from that to the proposition/button.,黄页电
8、话簿 Yellow Pages,美国(US)只呈现黄页电话簿如何被使用,在家里会如何用它 Simply reflects how YP are used,what happens to it in the house.,黄页电话簿 Yellow Pages,英国(UK)了解人们只在遇到生活中一些讨厌的事时,才会用电话簿,但用较具有相关性及激发力的方式呈现出来,通过诉求:黄页也可以让你了解在生活中较令人可喜的层面。广告激起了极佳的商业结果 Recognizes the fact that people only use YP for the nasty things in life-but le
9、verages this insight in a more relevant and motivating way,by saying that YP is there for the more pleasant things in life too.Commercial generated excellent business results for YP.,黄页 英国版的创意简报Yellow Pages-UK Creative Brief,产品是什么?黄页上记录所有本区可以找到的商业服务 YP is a listing of all commercial services that ar
10、e available in you area.消费者:大部分人除非有急事,否则很少想到使用黄页 About the target audience most people never think to use their copy of YP unless they have an emergency in the house.定位/按纽 黄页在你身边,也可以帮助您做许多“生命中的美好事物”Proposition/Button The companies in YP can help you with some of the nicer things in life too!,消费者洞察及创
11、意简报 Consumer insights and creative brief,为什么寻找消费者洞察是创意策略发展过程中的重要挑战?Why should identifying the consumer insight be the critical challenge of a copy development strategy?对准焦点在创意发展的过程(it focuses creative development)“相关性”回应而生(it drives relevance)节省时间 第一次就做对!(saves time-right first time!),消费者洞察的目的Object
12、ives of a consumer insight,提出对消费者了解的精华能够引发一个单纯的简报以及卓然出众,具有关联性的创意作品,洞察是:To pick the key nugget of consumer understanding that will lead to a single minded brief and outstanding,relevant creative work.Insights are:单纯(single minded)激发人心/可执行的(motivating and actionable/executionable)长线或短线(long term or sh
13、ort term)情感或理性的(emotional or rational),消费者洞察Consumer Insights.,来自特定的消费群 derive from and work against defined,specific target audiences当广告意图改变行为/鼓舞行动时,角色益发举足轻重 have a great role when advertising is trying to change/encourage behavior当广告只是想增加知名度或宣布某讯息时,就没有太重要的角色 have a lesser role if the advertising i
14、s just awareness/announcement,判断消费者洞察Judging Insights,怎么知道洞察好不好?(How do you know when an insight is good?)感觉上对(They feel right)消费者也同意(Consumers agree with them)符合这个品牌,并能提升它(They fit the brand and uplift it)“判断”和“直觉”最重要(Judgment and Intuition are critical in identifying insights)只要能分辨出来,就可以利用进一步的调查来证
15、实(Once identified they can be corroborated in further research),什麽是好的消费者洞察?What Makes A Good Insight?,令观者投入(be involving)“它真了解我,说得太贴切了”“我从没有这样过.但是这就是我的感觉”“Someones touched my heart.”,有深度,不只是浮面的(Have depth,and not be frivolous)看穿水面 不只是去重复消费者表面的行为,还要有看 穿表面的能力,什麽是好的消费者洞察?What Makes A Good Insight?,可得到普
16、遍大众的共鸣,而不是去夸大一个 人的观感(widely shared,not an exaggerated perspective of one person)例子“第一印象最重要,特别在某些重要时刻”“我觉得脸上的粉刺一天比一天大,好像 有一天会长满我的脸”,什麽是好的消费者洞察?What Makes A Good Insight?,能连结产品利益点及情感的需求(connect product benefits to emotional needs)只有情感滥情某些情感,在某种情境之下特别感人情感必须能与产品现实面相连,才能达 到商业的目的,什麽是好的消费者洞察?What Makes A G
17、ood Insight?,触及某种关键时刻(Moment of Truth),突然的觉醒(Sudden Awareness)最令人永 生难忘,什麽是好的消费者洞察?What Makes A Good Insight?,触及某种关键时刻(Moment of Truth),什麽是好的消费者洞察?What Marks A Good Insight?,突然的觉醒(Sudden Awareness)最令人永 生难忘,在某些关键时刻,你会了解自己人生的某 些基本事实,才能达到商业的目的,不只是一个类比,或巧妙的比喻(metaphor)(not just an analogy or nicely phras
18、ed metaphor)“每到下午的时候,周围的人几乎可以在 我鼻子上看见他们的倒影”VS.“我的脸油得像煎蛋一样”,什麽是好的消费者洞察?What Marks A Good Insight?,释放创意的可能性,而不是限制创意的呈现(Open up awareness for Creatives,not restrict them to a pre-defined idea),什麽是好的消费者洞察?What Marks A Good Insight?,如何得到“消费者洞察”How to get them,Observation-观察力Creativity-创造力,观察力,与人谈话,观察人生It
19、 has to do with talkingto,and watching human beings,or consumers.,巧克力的消费者洞察是如此产生的The insight for chocolates was generated,在会议室里(in a conference room)创意人员和很多的部门的成员(by creatives and other personnel who were also consumers)对别人的观察及知道的趣事(via observation and anecdotes)把最棒的吃掉,剩下的才分掉!EAT THE BEST,AND SHARE
20、THE REST!,消费者洞察的本质The nature of consumer insights,如此简单,却难以寻觅 So simple to recognize,but so difficult to find!如何找到?How to find insights?如何选择正确而又有潜力的?How to choose the right insights,with the most potential?,如何寻找有用的消费者洞察How to find leverage insights?,质化调查(Qualitative Research)专门的调查(Dedicated Research)
21、观察自己和周围的人群!observations of self and fellow consumer beings!,利用调查寻找消费者洞察,我们在寻找什么?What are we looking for?,人性行为的一个层面 an aspect of human behavior从消费者与该类别、产品,以及品牌关系衍生 而来!springing form the consumer relationship with the category,the product or the brand高度相关,高度激发,定以主导广告的创意 that is sufficiently relevant a
22、nd motivating to drive the advertising idea,消费者洞察的调查Consumer insight research.,解构消费者与下列项目的关系 deconstructs the consumers relationship with 品牌(the brand)竞争品牌(competitors brands)产品(the product)类别(the category),消费者洞察的调查Consumer insights research.,对特定的目标对象进行的调查 Research amongst defined target audience引发消
23、费者的讨论与互动,运用 Stimulate discussion and interaction with consumers via产品认知图(product mappings)该品牌或竞争者的广告(brand and competitive advertising)品牌认知图/联想/拟人化(brand mappings/associations/personification阶梯式“渐层”的技巧(laddering techniques)概念及定位(concepts and positioning work)刺探关系及情感 Probe for relationships and feeli
25、是相似的?说话的语调为何?我们过去广告里,有何正面/负面的联想,Questions that help to generate insights.,The ProductWhat is it made from?Where does it come from?Who made/makes it?How is it made?Where can you buy it?Is it exclusive/commonplace?How long has it been available/made the same way etc.?Where do you see it?How do you fir
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