3、要求,因而是合理可行的。关键词: 高层建筑;钢筋混凝土结构;框架剪力墙结构;综合办公楼;建筑与结构设计 AbstractThis graduation project follows and builds, and then structure, more basic design process first, according to the request of task book and guide book, finish the building design and structural design of reinforced concrete frame - shearwall
4、 structures Hua-Ye comprehensive building.The construction drawing of the building including general layout and proving, first storey, standard storey and roof plane figure, straight elevation and reciting elevation, the section systems of the stair and lift well, and several detail drawings. Every
5、drawing is designed according to the requirement of standardizing and approved by teacher.Combine the architectural design closely at the time of the structural design in this project, strive to make economy and rational, assign the reinforced concrete shearwall in the structural system of the frame
6、 appropriatly, as resist side force component work together with frame coordinate, and make the structure have good antidetonation performance. Focal point that structure analyze lie in frame and shearwall work to analyze in coordination. Consider special requirement of graduation project, rely main
7、ly on the fact that hands can be regarded as, electricity charge for complementing.The structural design is composed of eight parts: Structural rigidity is calculated; Function effect analysis of the horizontal earthquake; The verticality loads function and makes the frame and cuts the wall internal
8、 force of strength calculated; Load the effect association; The section is design and worthy of the muscle to calculate; The stair is designed; The roof beam board is designed and designed with the foundation.The main content of calculating book is as follows, finish one cast-in-place floor some uni
9、t design of board (include handwork to carry out load calculation, force analysis and match tendon to calculate, computer paints construction picture); Require to finish the layout of the structure of other floors according to building, employ SATWE procedure to calculate the electricity, and among
10、layout of the structure construction drawing, employ flat law say, stamp roof beam, board, column, serial number of frame, board thick buying muscling; Calculate the frame of finishing artificially - Cut the wall structure of strength work and analyze in coordination, the structural side is moved an
11、d calculated, cut the strength wall designed by strength analysis and section, frame design strength analysis with section (including internal force analysis , level load with calculation , association , section that verticality load mixing the muscle and drawing the construction picture); Employ ,
12、design software finish , analyze , design , compare and analyse electricity regard as with main achievement that hand charge.The graduation project achievement conforms to the present standard requirement, thus is reasonable and feasible.Key words: tall building; reinforced concrete structure; frame
13、-shearwall structure; comprehensive office building; building design and structural design目 录摘要 1Abstract 21 结构设计说明 52 结构设计计算书 92.1 剪力墙、框架及连梁的刚度计算 9 2.1.1 框架的等效剪切刚度CF1 9 2.1.2 剪力墙的等效刚度EIeq 11 2.1.3 连梁约束刚度CB 13 2.1.4 壁式框架柱剪切刚度CF2 14 2.1.5 刚度特征值 202.2 水平地震作用效果分析 21 2.2.1 重力荷载 21 2.2.2 水平地震荷载计算 24 2.2.
14、3 框架剪力墙协同工作计算 26 2.2.4 总剪力墙、总框架和总连梁的内力 28 2.2.5 连梁内力计算 31 2.2.6 单片剪力墙的内力 32 2.2.7 框架内力计算 332.3 竖向荷载作用下框架和剪力墙内力计算 38 2.3.1 框架内力计算 38 2.3.2 剪力墙内力计算 462.4 荷载效应组合 51 2.4.1 梁的支座弯矩和剪力 52 2.4.2 梁的跨中最大弯矩 532.4.3 柱的内力组合 542.4.4 剪力墙内力组合 562.4.5 连梁内力组合 572.5 截面设计与配筋计算 57 2.5.1 框架梁(正、斜)截面设计 57 2.5.2 框架柱的截面设计 63
15、 2.5.3 剪力墙墙肢截面设计 74 2.5.4 连梁正斜截面设计 792.6 梁板设计 82 2.6.1 板的计算 82 2.6.2 梁的计算 862.7 楼梯设计 92 2.7.1 平台板计算 93 2.7.2 梯段板计算 94 2.7.3 平台梁计算 952.8 基础设计 962.8.1 荷载计算 962.8.2 地基承载力计算 972.8.3 基础沉降计算 972.8.4 基础的倾斜 982.8.5 基础构件截面计算 983 手算与电算结果对比分析 102结论104致谢105参考文献106附录1071 结构设计说明 1.1.1 工程概况本次设计工程为一综合办公楼,建筑主体结构共有8层
16、,总高27.3m,无地下室, 1层层高3.3m,其余层层高均为3.0m;突出屋面的塔楼为电梯机房和楼梯间。建筑面积7413.12m2,占地面积823.68m2。自然地表下1m内为填土,填土下3m厚为硬塑性粘土,再下为砾石层。粘土允许承载力为180kN/m2,砾石层允许承载力为300kN/m2。地下水位在地表以下2m,水质对混凝土无侵蚀。地震设计烈度7度,建筑场地类别为类,场地特征周期为0.35s,基本雪压0.30kN/m2。1.1.2 结构方案及布置该建筑为综合办公楼,建筑平面布置灵活,有较大空间,可考虑到采用框架结构或框剪结构。由于楼层为八层,主体高度27.3 m, 7度抗震,考虑到框架抵抗
17、水平荷载能力较低,抗侧刚度差,侧向变形大,且电梯井道一般宜做成钢筋混凝土筒体,选择框-剪结构。该工程采用全现浇结构体系,15层混凝土强度等级为C40,以上各层均为C30,结构平面布置如图见1-1-1。1.1.3 构件初估1.1.3.1 柱截面尺寸的确定利用式A=a, 式中:A为横截面面积,取方形时边长为a;n为验算截面以上楼层层数;F为验算柱的负荷面积,可根据柱网尺寸确定;为砼轴心抗压强度设计值;为地震及中边柱的相关调整系数,7度地区,中间柱取1、边柱取1.1, G为结构单位面积的重量,根据经验估算钢筋砼高层建筑约为1218KN/M由于框-剪结构办公楼荷载较小,按14KN/M考虑;负荷面积按F
18、=7.8(6.6+2.4)/2=35.1m考虑。设防烈度7度、小于60m高的框-剪结构抗震等级为三级,因此取0.95。1层中柱(n取8;C40混凝土,=19.1MPa); A=a=0.242m, a=0.491m。6层中柱(n取3;C30混凝土,=14.3MPa) A=a=0.121m, a=0.347m。初步选定中柱截面500mm500m;对于边柱,F=7.26.6/2=23.76m考虑,取1.1,则:1层边柱(n取8;C40混凝土,=19.1MPa); A=a=0.164m, a=0.405m。6层边柱(n取3;C30混凝土,=14.3MPa) A=a=0.082m, a=0.287m。初
19、步选定边柱截面450mm450mm。 梁尺寸确定梁截面高度hb=(1/121/8)l,l为跨长;梁截面宽度bb=(1/31/2)hb,本设计取与墙等宽240mm。该工程框架为纵横向承重,根据梁跨度可初步确定横向框架梁的边跨为240mm650mm,中跨为240mm500mm;横向次梁240mm600mm;纵向框架梁240mm700mm. 楼板厚度的确定楼板为现浇双向板,一般厚度取(1/401/30)板(短向长度)且不小于80mm,3600/40=90m,取120mm90mm,满足要求。剪力墙尺寸的确定电梯机房近似位于建筑物中心且墙体为承重墙体,考虑做成
- 配套讲稿:
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- 关 键 词:
- 土木工程 毕业设计 论文 某框剪 综合楼 计算
