1、本科毕业设计题 目: PGG388散料收送机的三维设计II摘要散料机械就是针对煤、粮食等散料的运输问题而设计制造的,旨在通过机械化设备代替人工,降低散料成本,增强其竞争能力。本设计是为了实现粮库和矿山等地的散地物料的收取和输送连续化,减小了工作量和中间的运输、储存成本。本文主要阐述了PGG388散料收送机的设计过程,着重介绍了一些主要部件的设计和计算。文献综述首先阐述了对于散料收送机优化设计的必要性,及对现有散料收送机产品类型的简介。现有的类型有:皮带运输机又称皮带输送机、螺旋输送机、埋刮板输送机、板式输送机、气力输送机、斗式提升机、振动输送机等。全文主要为PGG388散料收送机的结构设计及相
2、关强度计算。首先根据输送量的要求,确定带宽,带长;后计算整机所需功率,确定电机型号。转向滚筒的设计主要是确定滚筒的结构。转向滚筒位于机架尾部,通过转向辊轴和划块固定在机架上。随后是托辊部分的设计,托辊是安装在机架上支撑平带的,它的机构与转向滚筒类似,只是把密封装置和轴承座改成一个钢制轴套,轴套里面放轴承, 外面用塑料密封。驱动滚筒的设计与转向滚筒类似。这一部分主要对轴及齿轮传动的强度进行强度校核。在V带的设计部分,确定了带型、及带轮的中心距。第七章驱动反杠的设计。驱动反杠是减速器部分的中间装置,由轴和齿轮以及带轮组成,负责减速器的二级减速。第八章转向轮设计,转向轮是属于机架的行走部件,同时也负
4、功能,在其中输入齿轮的相关参数及渐开线方程,之后使用样条曲线中的根据方程指令,生成精确的齿轮渐开线,从而绘制齿轮。关键词: 散料收送机; 输送机; 扒谷机; UGNX; 参数化设计AbstractBulk material machinery is in coal, grain and other bulk material to the transportation problem and the design and manufacture, aims to mechanization, reduce equipment to replace artificial bulk materia
5、l cost and enhance their competitive ability. This design is to realize the grain depot and mining, moved the collection of the material and transportation continuous, reducing the workload and the middle of the transportation, storage costs. This article mainly expounds the PGG38 x 8 bulk material
6、to the design process of the machine, introduces some of the main parts of the design and calculation. The first chapter literature review first expounded for bulk material to the optimum design of the machine, and the necessity of existing bulk material receive send machine product type of introduc
7、tion. Existing types are: rubber belt conveyor belt conveyor and say, screw conveyor, buried scraper conveyor, belt conveyor, strength, board type a pattern lift machine, vibration conveyor, etc. The second chapter to the chapter 9 for PGG38 x 8 bulk material receive send machine and structure desig
8、n of relevant strength calculation. The second chapter first according to the requirements of the through put, determine the bandwidth, take long; After the power needed, sure calculation motor model. The third chapter is to the design of the drum for. Located in the frame to roller, it is by turnin
9、g the roller and sound control panel fixed in the frame. The fourth chapter roller design, roller is installed in the frame of the conveyor belt, it support institutions and turned to roller is similar to the seal device and housings into a steel bearings, axle bush inside put bearing, plastic seal
10、with outside. Chapter 5 is drive roller design and turned to roller is similar. This chapter is mainly to the axis and gear transmission intensity of intensity. The sixth chapter for the design of the V belt, sure take type, and the center distance of the wheel. Chapter 7 is drive against the design
11、 of the poles. Drive the ball reducer is part of the device, the axis and among gear and belt wheels of gear reducer, responsible for the level 2 slowing down. Chapter 8, turning wheels turning wheels is to belong to the design of the frame, and at the same time is also responsible for walking compo
12、nents of the support of the whole frame and walk to effect, and that it mainly by the brackets and linear composition. Fixed bracket by bolt connection on the frame and installed inside the rotation axes and bearing, the top cover with boring sealed to prevent dust and debris into, reduce shaft and
13、the service life of the bearings. This part of the shaft mainly bear axial load, radial load is almost zero, so choose as a shaft of 45 steel materials, can bear completely the infliction of axial force, this section axis dont check. Bearing from the force and the axis in exactly the same, also is o
14、nly axial force, and in the whole of the bearing surface role. It is only in the rotation by only when smaller weeks to force, choose 305 types of deep groove ball bearing can fully meet the requirements. Chapter 9 is for the design of the frame structure, make sure the whole frame welding structure
15、. Full text is the last one of the design process of parameterized modeling UG of summarizing, for example, the method of general introduction of parameterized modeling the general process. The last chapter, and the specific examples of gear parameterized modeling. By using UG expression function, i
16、n which the input gear and related parameters of the equation, and then use involute spline curve equation of instruction, according to generate accurate gear, thus rendering involute gear. Key words: Bulk material receive send machine; conveyor grilled valley machine; UGNX; parametric design目 录引 言1
17、第一章 文献综述2第二章 输送带的设计与计算72.1基本参数的确定72.1.1 带宽的确定72.1.2 辊筒直径的确定72.1.3 带的选择72.1.4 输送带全长计算82.1.5 输送带平方米数的确定82.2输送机输送量和功率的计算82.2.1 输送量的计算82.2.2 胶带输送机功率的计算9第三章 转向滚筒的设计与计算123.1滚筒的设计123.1.1 滚筒挡板及密封装置123.2轴的设计及计算133.3张紧装置的设计14第四章 托辊的设计15第五章 驱动滚筒的设计与计算165.1滚筒的选择165.1.1 滚筒挡板及密封装置165.1.2 驱动滚筒轴的设计与计算165.1.3 轴承的选择与
18、计算225.1.4 键联接的强度校核235.2齿轮的设计计算245.2.1 选择材料245.2.2 初步确定主要参数245.2.3 弯曲疲劳强度的校核29第六章 V带的设计计算326.1基本参数的确定326.1.1 设计功率326.1.2 带型的选择326.1.3 传动比326.1.4 小带轮基准直径336.1.5 大带轮基准直径336.1.6 带速336.2 带长与中心距的确定336.2.1 初定中心距336.2.2 带的基准长度346.2.3 计算中心距346.3 包角,功率与力的确定346.3.1 小带轮包角的计算346.3.2 单根V带额定功率346.3.3 单根V带额定功率增量346
19、.3.4 V带根数的确定356.3.5 单根V带的初张紧力356.3.6 有效圆周力356.3.7 作用在轴上的力35第七章 驱动反杠的设计377.1 轴的校核377.1.1 按扭转强度条件计算377.1.2 按弯曲合成强度条件计算37第八章 转向轮与机架的设计398.1 转向轮的设计398.2 机架结构类型398.3 机架结构的选择398.4 桁架的设计408.4.1 桁架的结构40第九章 基于UG的参数化设计419.1三维软件UGNX参数化建模419.2三维参数化建模实例429.2.1 输入齿轮参数表达式429.2.2 创建齿廓渐开线439.2.3 创建齿轮牙齿449.2.4 创建齿轮的其
20、他结构45参考文献46致谢47附录48引 言随着我国加入世贸组织的不断深入,国家粮价将逐步市场化。如何应对国际现代农业的冲击,如何加速我国农业现代化,将是我国实现农业现代化首先考虑的问题。 散料收送机是粮食流通中不可缺少的设备。也是降低粮食在晾晒、入库、转移过程中费用的重要手段。既减少了劳力,又提高了工作效率,可谓一举两得。 随着我国农村经济的不断发展,党中央,国务院对如何解决好“三农”问题越来越重视。对农副产品的生产和加工问题也十分关心。温家宝总理曾批示“我国发展农副产品深加工潜力很大,关键是要根据市场需求,依靠科技进步,提高加工水平,产品质量和经济效益,走贸工农结合的产业化路子”。现在我国
22、运输机会发展的越来越快。第一章 文献综述散料机械是针对煤、粮食等散料的运输问题而设计制造的,旨在通过机械化设备代替人工,降低散料成本,增强其竞争能力。散料机械一般由单机或系统组成。散料机械系统通常是由远距离运输、传载、挖取堆积等设备构成。其中具有一定距离的运输机械主要由皮带运输机、气垫皮带运输机、螺旋运输机、气力运输机、刮板运输机、管式皮带运输机械组成。转载设备一般为转载漏斗和其他转载设备及转载房等构成。现就几种常用运输机的适用范围及结构特点做一简单介绍。 (一)皮带运输机又称皮带输送机:皮带运输机是种连续运输的机械,也是种通用机械,是由一条封闭的环形输送带作为牵引及承载构件,将其绕过并张紧于
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