1、引 言本设计为内蒙古达拉特旗某钢框架教学楼楼建筑结构设计。此建筑为四层教学楼楼,结构体系为钢框架体系。钢框架体系是指沿房屋的纵向和横向均采用框架作为承重和抵抗侧力的主要构件所构成的结构体系,且一般可分为无支撑框架和有支撑框架两种形式,本结构为无支撑框架体系,仅由钢柱和钢梁组成,抗震设防烈度8度,设计基本加速度0.3g,框架的纵、横梁与柱的连接采用刚性连接。框架结构体系的优点是能够提供较大的内部使用空间,建筑平面布置灵活,能适应多种类型的使用功能,结构简单,构件易于标准化和定型化,施工速度快,对层数不错的高层结构而言,该体系是一种比较经济合理、运用广泛的结构体系,而且常用于层数不超过 30 层的
2、高层建筑。钢结构是主要的建筑结构类型之一,是现代建筑工程中较普通的结构形式之一。钢结构与普通钢筋混凝土结构相比,其匀质、高强、施工速度快、抗震性好和回收率高等优越性,在荷载相同的条件下,钢构件的质量轻。从被破坏方面看,钢结构是在事先有较大变形预兆,属于延性破坏结构,能够预先发现危险,从而避免。 但钢结构也有一定的缺陷,比如钢结构容易被腐蚀,所以要在钢结构框架做一定的防腐措施,例如在钢柱和钢梁上涂防腐涂料可提高钢结构的抗腐蚀能力。钢结构最大的特点是耐热但不耐火,如果发生火灾则钢结构承载力急剧下降从而引起事故,所以在学校这种人群密集型建筑一定要考虑防火要求。 毕业设计是大学四年来对所学土木工程知识
3、的一次系统、全面的考察和总结,是大学重要的总结性教育。通过做毕业设计,使我对钢结构的学习和研究更为的深入,深化了我对土木工程专业知识的认知和理解。在做毕设的过程中通过查阅各种文献资料、规范案例,不仅拓展了我的知识面,也培养了我独立思考、查阅资料的能力。关键词:钢结构 框架 刚性 结构Abstract The design of Inner Mongolia Dalate flag on a steel frame building structural design of teaching building. This building is four teaching buildings,
4、structure system for steel frame system. Steel frame system refers to the housing along vertical and horizontal adopt frame as a bearing and resist the lateral force is the main component of structure, and can generally be divided into no supporting frame and a supporting frame two forms, the struct
5、ure is no supporting frame system, only by the steel column and steel girders, seismic fortification intensity8 degrees,0.3g design basic acceleration, the longitudinal frame, beam and column connection with rigid connection.Frame structure system has the advantage of being able to provide more inte
6、rior space, building layout is flexible, can adapt to various types of functions, simple structure, easy standardization and formalization of component, fast construction speed, good in layers structure is concerned, this system is a more economical and reasonable, the use of a wide range of structu
7、ral system, and commonly used in the number of not more than 30story high-rise building. Steel structure of the main types of building structures, is the modern construction than the ordinary form of the structure. Steel structure and a reinforced concrete structure, its uniformity, high strength, h
8、igh construction speed, good shock resistance and high recovery rate of superiority, the load under the same conditions, the quality of the light steel member. From the destroyed aspect, steel structure is in advance to have a larger deformation premonition, which belongs to the ductile fracture str
9、ucture, can anticipate danger, thereby avoiding. But steel structure has some shortcomings, such as the steel structure is easily corroded, so the steel structure frame and do some anticorrosion measures, for example on the steel column and steel beam coated with anticorrosive coating can improve th
10、e corrosion resistance of steel structure. Steel structure is characterized by the largest heat but not fire, in case of fire, steel structure bearing capacity decreased dramatically due to accidents, so the school the crowded building must consider the requirement of fire. Graduation design is a un
11、iversity for four years to study civil engineering knowledge system, a comprehensive inspection and summary, university education is important summary. By graduating from design to do, make me on the steel structure of the study and research of more in-depth, deepened my for civil engineering specia
12、lty knowledge and understanding. In the complete set of process through access to a variety of literature data, code case, not only to expand my knowledge, but also cultivate our independent thinking, the ability to access the information.Key words: steel structure, frame, rigid, structure第一章 结构设计方案
13、概述要求:达拉特旗某钢框架教学楼建筑结构设计,已知工程概况如下:本建筑为达拉特旗某钢框架教学楼,位于九内蒙古达拉特旗。共四层,全部为教学用房,总建筑面积:5000,底层层高4.85m,其余层均为4.2m。满足防火要求设两个双跑楼梯。墙体采用陶粒空心砌块,室内地面采用大理石地面。屋面为不上人屋面,采用改性沥青防水,苯板保温。结构形式为钢框架支撑体系。设计基准期50年,雪荷载0.40。抗震设防烈度为8度,设计基本加速度为0.3,地震分组为1组。地质条件:拟建场地地形平坦,地下稳定水位距地坪-9.0m以下,冰冻深度-1.60m,土质分布具体情况见表1.1,类场地。建筑地层一览表 表1.1 序号岩土分
14、类土层深度(m)厚度范围(m)地基土承载力(kPa)桩端阻力(kPa)桩周摩擦力(kPa)1杂填土0.20.50.52粉土0.53.02.5160103粉砂3.04.01.0150254砾砂4.0-7.04.02202400305粉细砂7.0-11.24.2180350060注:地下稳定水位距地表-9m,表中给定土层深度由自然地坪算起。1.1设计依据 毕业设计任务书总图制图标准GB/T 50103-2010建筑制图标准GB/T 50104-2001民用建筑设计通则JGJ 37-87(试行)办公建筑设计规范JGJ 67-89高层民用建筑设计防火规范GB 5004595(2001年修订版)建筑设计
15、防火规范GBJ16-87(2001版)1.2设计说明1.2.1屋面(不上人屋面) 4mm防水层:APP改性沥青防水卷材;25mm厚1:8水泥膨胀珍珠岩找坡层(2%)20mm厚1:3水泥砂浆(砂浆中掺聚丙烯)找平层35mm厚挤塑聚丙乙烯泡沫板保温层隔离层聚酯纤维布一层10mm厚卵石保护层结构层压型钢板钢筋混凝土结构V型轻钢龙骨吊顶1.2.2楼面:20mm大理石面层;20mm1:3干硬性水泥沙浆找平层;110mm厚压型钢板混凝土组合结构层; 轻钢龙骨吊顶。1.2.3门窗本工程采用实木门和塑钢玻璃窗。1.2.4墙体外墙做法为:300mm厚陶粒空心砌块; 60mm厚轻质GRC保温板; 12mm厚1:3
16、水泥砂浆找平层 8mm厚1:2水泥砂浆面层 25mm厚贴瓷砖墙面(包括水泥砂浆打底)。 内墙做法为:200mm厚陶粒空心砌块; 18mm厚水泥砂浆找平; 2mm厚麻刀石灰面层。女儿墙做法为:300mm厚陶粒空心砌块; 6mm厚1:3水泥砂浆找平层; 9mm厚1:1:6水泥石膏砂浆; 7mm厚水泥砂浆抹平卫生间采用轻型隔墙。1.3结构形式及布置采用钢结构框架体系结构。框架梁、柱均采用热轧H型钢。楼板采用压型钢板钢筋混凝土组合楼盖体系,其中压型钢板只作为永久性模版使用,承受施工荷载和混凝土的重量;楼梯为现浇混凝土板式楼梯;基础采用柱下独立混凝土基础,结构布置如图 1.2.1 和图1.2.2。底层计
17、算高度为4.2m+0.450m+0.2=4.85m,其中0.2m为初估室外地坪至柱脚底板的距离。1.4 材料选用所有构件及零件均采用Q235B;组合楼板混凝土强度等级C30,基础混凝土强度等级C30,钢筋为HRB335级及HRB400级。1.5主要参数及结构计算方法该建筑抗震设防类别为丙类,地震作用及抗震措施均按设防烈度考虑。具体计算方法如下:采用底部剪力法计算水平地震作用;采用修正反弯点法(D值法)计算水平地震作用下的框架内力;采用弯矩二次分配法,计算竖向荷载作用下框架内力。图1.2.1图1.2.2第二章 结构布置及截面初选采用钢框架结构。链接方式采用焊缝,螺栓连接。框架梁、柱均采用焊接工字
18、形截面。楼板采用压型钢板钢筋混凝土组合结构;楼梯板和平台板采用钢筋混凝土楼板;基础采用柱下独立基础。2.1 计算单元确定计算单元如图 2.1.1如图梁截面框架主梁高7800/127800/15650mm520mm;次梁高5400/155400/20360mm270mm;2.3结构构件截面初选2.3.1柱截面按中柱初估: 初步取500mm500mm. 2.3.2压型钢板:YX70200600(V200),板厚1mm,有效截面惯性矩100.64cm4/m,有效截面抵抗矩27.37cm3/m,一个波距宽度内截面面积 =321.42,自重0.135。如图 2.1.2压型钢板详图柱、梁
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- 内蒙古达拉特旗某钢框架教学楼楼建筑结构设计 毕业设计计算书 内蒙古 达拉特旗 框架 教学楼 建筑结构 设计 毕业设计 计算