1、,MacroChina EconomicsChina Inside OutDrought,wages,oil and inflationDONT PANIC28 February 2011Qu HongbinChief Economist,Greater ChinaThe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited,abcGlobal Research Drought,wages and oil all add up toinflationary pressure but theres noneed to panic record gra
2、in reserves,50m new ruralworkers and deep fiscal pockets cancushion the supply shockThe drought and oil price surge couldnt have come at aworse time as inflation was already rising rapidly in China.Drought is affecting 26%of the countrys winter wheat cropareas,threatening wheat production for one of
3、 the worldstop food consumers.That said,the severity of the drought ismuch less than the one in 2000,which caused a 12.5%decline in whole-year wheat output.Even if wheat outputdrops meaningfully this year,the record high reserves of200m tons(nearly 40%of annual consumption)should helpcushion the sup
4、ply shock and avert food price spikes.We think concerns on wage inflation are overplayed as theacceleration in wage growth is mainly cyclical rather thanstructural.Despite the hike in minimum wages,a policy-ledslowdown in economic growth should stop wages fromrising too fast in coming quarters.With
5、the urbanisation ratiostanding at just 47%,China has far from exhausted its poolof surplus rural labour.The inflow of an anticipated 50mnew rural workers means urban wages should only grow inline with productivity growth in the next five years.The recent surge in oil prices will certainly complicate
6、Chinas fight against inflation,given its 56%import,+852 2822 2025Sun JunweiEconomist,.hk,dependence ratio.An outright pass-through of the oil pricesurge(using the average WTI futures price for the rest of2011 as a benchmark)would add about 0.5 percentage pointsto CPI.Yet Beijing is likely to use fis
7、cal subsidies tomitigate the impact,especially for farming and publictransport.The impact on growth is even smaller given thatChinas economic growth is still mainly powered by coal,View HSBC Global Research at:http:/,(over 70%),not oil.Our projections of 3.9%whole-year CPI,Issuer of report:,The Hong
8、kong and Shanghai Banking,and nearly 9%GDP growth for 2011 remain intact.,Corporation LimitedDisclaimer&DisclosuresThis report must be read with thedisclosures and the analyst certificationsin the Disclosure appendix,and with theDisclaimer,which forms part of it,3.6,MacroChina Economics28 February 2
9、011Drought,wages,oil andinflation Drought threats wheat crop but record-high state reserves of grainand fiscal subsidies can cushion supply shock Wage inflation is overplayed because wage growth will be cappedby policy tightening this year and over 50m rural-urban labourmigration in next five years
10、Even if the oil price surge lasts(average WTI futures for 2011indicate USD110/bbl),it would add just 0.5ppt to headline CPI,abc,Chinas headline CPI surprised the market to the,Chart 1.Reweighting has marginal impact on headline CPI,downside,at 4.9%y-o-y in January comparedwith market expectations of
11、 5.4%.The re-weighting of Chinas CPI basket(see table 1),which is subject to one large adjustment everyfive years and smaller tweaks every year,is thenot the main factor as the difference between the,5.554.543.532.521.5,(%yr),2.42.4,3.3 3.52.9 3.1 3.03.5 3.62.8 3.1 2.9 3.3,4.34.4,5.1 4.9424
12、.55.1 4.9184.6,CPI figures before and after the re-weighting is,10.5,1.5,marginal(see chart 1).,Jan-10,Apr-10,Jul-10,Oct-10,Jan-11,Source:NBS,CEIC,2010 w eights,2011 w eights,Table 1.China CPI weighting(%),Based on the new set of weightings,Januarys,Old,New,Change(ppts),CPI rose by 4.942%y-o-y,versu
13、s 4.918%y-o-y,FoodTobacco and wineApparelHealth and medicalHousehold applianceand equipmentsEntertainment andeducationTransportation andcommunicationsHousingTotal,,,-2.2-0.51-0.49-0.36-0.36-0.25-0.054.220,based on the previous set of weighti
14、ngs.In month-on month terms,Januarys CPI was up 1.021%m-o-m according to the new weightings,versus1.070%based on the previous weightings.The key reason for this surprise is a slower thanexpected growth rate of food prices,which easedfrom an average of over 3%m-o-m before the,Source:CEIC,HSBC estimat
15、es2,Henan,Shandong,Hebei,Anhui,Jiangsu,Shaanxi,Gansu,Shanxi,others,0.0,MacroChina Economics28 February 2011Chart 2.2011 drought areasSource:National Climate Centre,HSBCChinese New Year to 2.8%in January.As a result,food prices only rose 10.8%y-o-y in January,similar to the average of the previous tw
16、o months(10.7%),which is in sharp contrast to thenoticeable surge in food prices ahead of Chinese,Chart 3.2009 drought areasSource:National Climate Centre,HSBCBy 24 February,there were 5.8m hectares ofdrought-hit farm land,representing around 26%oftotal wheat-producing farm land.Chart 4.Wheat produc
17、tion as%of national total,abc,New Year in previous years.This occurred even,30.0,26.5,when weather conditions were worse thanprevious years,suggesting Beijings recent,25.020.0,17.8,18.6,cooling measures,such as fiscal subsidies forfarming,making vegetable transportation toll-freeand selling state re
18、serves of grain and meat,have,,10.7 10.2,8.7,3.3,2.3,1.8,been filtering through.Drought threatening wheat,harvestsThat said,a serious drought is threatening wheatcrops in northern China,causing new concerns onfood price inflation.The UNs Food andAgriculture Organisation(FAO)recently issue
19、d aspecial alert that the severe winter drought in theNorth China plain may put wheat production atrisk,fuelling a rally in international wheat prices.Indeed,this year the drought-hit areas are themain wheat-producing provinces,includingShandong,Henan,Shanxi,Jiangsu,Anhui,Hebei,Shaanxi and Gansu,whi
20、ch account for nearly80%of wheat production(chart 2).,Source:CEIC,HSBCbut no need to panicHowever,there is no need to panic.First of all,thisyears drought is not the worst ever in China.Currently,5.8m hectares of farm land are affected,or 6%of total farm land,less than the historicalaverage of 12m h
21、ectares over the past few decadesand well below the 40m hectares hit in 2000.To put this in the context,lets compare this yearwith the two big previous droughts in 2009 and2000(see table 2).In 2009,severe drought hit 15provinces,primarily in north China,affecting18.4m hectares of farm land,including
22、 11.7mhectares of crops.The drought in eight wheat-,3,MacroChina Economics28 February 2011producing provinces in 2009 was more serious,Chart 5.Chinas wheat production since 1949,abc,than this year 8.7m hectares were affected,2.6mhectares severely;the numbers so far for 2011 are5.8m and 1m hectares,r
23、espectively.Despite thesevere drought in 2009,China still managed toachieve a 2.5%increase in production.This years drought is much less severe than 2000,which was the worst since the establishment of,140120100806040200,(Mn tons),(%yr)40200-20-40,the PRC in 1949,affecting only around 25%of,1949 1956
24、 1963 1970 1977 1984 1991 1998 2005,the size of the area hit in 2000 when wheat outputdropped 12.5%y-o-y.If history provides someguide,the drought this year could lead to around a,Wheat production(Lhs)Source:CEIC,HSBC,Grow th y-o-y(Rhs),3%loss in production.But given progress inproduction methods in
25、 the past decade and theState Councils decisive policy measures,theimpact on production may turn out to be a lot less.Second,there are ample wheat stocks thanks toseven consecutive years of good harvests,thelongest period of continuous good harvests in,The grain reserve represents around 40%of thean
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