1、结 核 病 Tuberculosis(TB),In 1882 Koch demonstrated that Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the causative agent of TB in human.TB can involve any and every organs,but primary pulmonary tuberculosis is most common form of TB.More and more active cases of TB is reported because HIV infection and drug-resistan
2、t TB.WHO declared the global emergency of TB in 1993,unfortunately,the incidence of TB in China is high.,1.Generality,结核病的历史,尽管是一种古老的疾病,仍是重要的公众健康的问题;在发展中国家结核病仍在蔓延:-贫困,-快速的城市化进程,-人类免疫缺限病毒感染伴有免疫功能低下,-新的药物耐药。,历史-三个发现,Koch,1882,BCG研制成功,1908,,SM的发现-1944,1950年-PSA、INH、RFP相继问世,可喜三个里程碑已是已是比较遥远的历史,结核感染后发展趋势,
3、12 M,年龄小和或免疫低下儿童原发感染后不久就展成活动性结核病,2.Etiology This agent is a member of the family Mycobacteriaceae,the chief characteristic of which is acid fastness.Dried tubercle bacilli kept in the dark may survive and remain virulent for many months,but they can be killed by exposure to direct sunlight at 120min
4、.,Mycobacteria grow slowly,isolation from clinical specimens on solid synthetic media usually takes 3-6weeks,and durg senceptibility testing requires an additional 4 weeks.Mycobacteria can be detected in 1-3 weeks in selective liquid medium using radiolabeled nutrients(BACTEC system),and durg sencep
5、tibility can be determined in an additional 3-5 days.,3.Epidemiology,TB infection occurs after the inhalation of infective droplet nuclei containing M.TB.TB case rates began to rise in USA in 1985.Environmental factors such as socioeconomic status,overcrowding,poor nutrition,inadequate health care p
6、lay the major role in incidence.Genetics may play a small role,Transmision,Transmision of M.TB is person to person.Transmision rarely occurs by direct contact with infected discharge or contaminated fomite.Chance of transmision increases when patient has acid-fast smear of sputum,extensive upper lob
7、e infiltrate or cavity,severe and forceful cough.,Most children are infected with M.tuberculosis in their home by someone close to them in US.Childhood TB also occur in elementary school and high school,nursery school,day care center,and so on.There is a slight predominance of TB among females in ch
8、ildhoodTB is most common in children 5 years of age,4发病机制,结核菌,胞内菌,细胞免疫,杀灭细菌,局部病灶,播散,体液免疫,抗体,变态反应,PPD阳性,5诊断,1力求早期诊断,以改善严重型小儿结核的预后2小儿的特殊性,病原学确诊困难3小儿结核的诊断多以临床诊断为主,强调综合分析综合判断,结核病,临床诊断,病原诊断,病史,结核中毒症状,接种和接触史,PPD皮试,ESR,结核抗体,X线胸片,纤支镜检查,淋巴结活检,染色或培养找结核菌,找结核菌抗原,?,美国结核病控制指南建议计分方法,临床特征 计分(分)咳嗽4周 1肺炎治疗3周无改善 1发热2周
9、或不能用其他原因解释 1麻疹后2个月尚未恢复 23岁以下近3个月体质量不增 13岁以上小儿体质量不增或下降 2营养不良治疗无效 1严重营养不良住院治疗无效 2与抗酸染色阳性者共同居住 2母亲或生活密切接触者抗酸染色阳性 4接种过卡介苗(BCG)-1,02分,可能性很小;34分,可疑:TST、胸部X片;5分或以上,可能性很大,临床治疗,Tuberculin skin test:PPD test,Host-related factors:very youth age;malnutrition;immunosuppression by disease or drugs;viral infection
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