1、SMARTPH NESMART,MARKETING,18,28,32,2,4,TABLE OF CONTENTS,Overview,Smartphone Living,Smartphone MarketingSmartphone FuturesConclusions,OVERVIEW,In an increasingly mobile world,the Smartphone has become a lifestyle-changing device.,The Smartphone is the rst device to provide instant access to the inte
2、rnet andonline information resources wherever consumers go.Time-starved consumerssay that Smartphones improve their quality of life by allowing them to multitaskon-the-move.,For marketers,this creates a new opportunity to maintain contact with consumersthroughout the day and inuence purchase decisio
3、ns in ways never before possible.Universal McCann and AOL partnered with Questus,a leading interactive marketingand research rm,to conduct an extensive multi-phase research project examininghow Smartphones are inuencing American lifestyles and media consumption.Thisresearch report analyzes the inter
4、section between consumer media usage,lifestyleand purchase preferences.,SMARTPHONE,LIVING,5,63MM,19MM,THE STUDY:LIVING MARKETING FUTURES,270MM,US mobile subscribers,access mobile web,access mobile webon weekly basis,WHOM DID WE SPEAK WITH?,Approximately 1800 participants were selected for this study
5、 based upon their frequent use ofSmartphone devices,with nearly all participants indicating they access the mobile web at leastseveral times per week.The study also included a sample of“lead users,”who were asked to keepdaily usage diaries.,is not,12,6,hype.,1 OF EVERY 7MINUTES OF MEDIACONSUMPTIONTO
6、DAY IS THROUGH AMOBILEDEVICE,14%,MobileIts a socialtransformation.ITS MORE THAN MOBILEThe Smartphone is considered a great convenience for many Americans,enabling them toaccess internet content,applications and services anywhere and anytime and to have a constantlink with their social circles.Its mo
7、re than a medium of transmission;its the preeminent tool forboth social communication and daily life management.,OF SMARTPHONE USERSREPORT SATISFACTIONUSING THE INTERNETON THEIR MOBILEDEVICES,7,The Smartphone is the biggest technology shift since broadband,representing a trulylifestyle-changing inno
8、vation.Consumers enjoy their Smartphones and how they improvetheir quality of life.,8,MOBILE IS PERCEIVED ASCUTTING-EDGE MEDIA&ASSOCIATED WITH BEINGACTIVE,TIMELY&CURRENT,Cutting EdgeInnovative,Mobile,BoringNewspaperOld-fashioned,Cool,Active,Computer Browser,Timely,Trustworthy,Credible,Current,Import
9、ant,Exciting for me,VitalFunPowerful,InformativeRelevant RadioInfluentialMagazine,Passive,TVEntertainingRelaxingHOW THEY FEELWhen study respondents were asked to associate certain attributes with various channels,mobile washighly distinctive with a virtual monopoly of leading edge media concepts.,9,
10、65%,USERS ARE CONSTANTLYCHECKING IN WITHMOBILE MEDIA.WHEN WILL THEY INTERACTWITH YOUR BRAND?,95%Other downtime,82%At work,81%While shopping,80%At home,Commuting to workCONSTANT CONTACTSmartphones have enabled Americans to consume media throughout their daily routines,with 82%usingmobile devices at w
11、ork and 81%using mobile devices while shopping.The mobile web has also become aritual with commuters,who use the mobile web as part of their workday commute.This creates an unprecedented opportunity for marketers to transition with consumers as they move fromactivity to activity throughout the day.,
12、o,ns,ecti,&,ing,tw,ial,c,/,ti,vie,o,w,al,ati,5,s,w,3,s,I,Consumers rely as atheir mobile devices get from one place towith their well as a,tofamily and shopping,BRIEF HITS OFCONNECTION&UTILITY ARE CURRENTLYTHE MOST POPULAR FORMS OFCONSUMPTION,Ma,ps,Dir,55%,73%,Re,s,tau,ra,nts,So/MN,NeLison,orkngsNe,
13、Res&,vieInfo,5%44%4%,Bu,ine,ss,nfo,33%,Tra,ve,l,Inf,o,%use mobile to accesscorresponding media,Smartphones serveon consumers compass to share experiences another,as friends,guiderestaurants,colleagues.purchases,news and entertainment.At the same time,they provide animportant social outlet.Over three
14、 out of every four Smartphone users are sharing photos,articles and videos acrosstheir social networks.,10,%,send%,send%,MOBILE OFFERSANOTHER OUTLETTO CONNECT&SHARE74use mobile socialnetworking sitesand apps,50%prefer sending textmessages to calling,85 photos taken ontheir Smartphones(Average:16/mo.
15、)71 articles andvideos to others(Average:13/mo.),11,Consumers rely heavily on their mobile devices to share experiences with their friends,family and colleagues.The majority of all surveyed Smartphone users share photos,articles and videos with theirsocial contacts using their mobile devices.Smartph
16、ones also enable consumers to stay off the phone,with half of all userspreferring text messages to telephone conversations.,SHARING CONTENTIS KEY TO THEATTRACTION.when the kids come,I shared contentwith my friendover lunch,as wewere checkingthe market.,home,my husband willlaugh at us because wellbe
17、huddled together on thecouch,each with his or herrespective iPhone,sharingapps,YouTubes,music,etc.,It bridges a social gap.I view drug informationon my mobile in themorning and discussit with my partner andclinical professor atnursing school.,12,12,%,been driven,follow brands,from,media mesh,MOBILE
18、IS NOT A STANDALONE MEDIA SOURCE.,77use TV andmobile concurrently56%have been drivento mobile viaother media“MEDIA MESHING”IS A POWERFULCOMPONENT OF THEEXPERIENCE,55%across multiplemedia42%have mobile toother media37%complimentarywithcontent,13,BOUNDARYLESS MEDIASmartphones work powerfully with othe
19、r media.For example,mobile drives consumers to othermedia,which also drive consumers back to mobile generating a circuit of juxtaposed mediation.This effect is enhanced when users simultaneously consume multiple media in order to optimizeproductivity or enrich the content experience.,14,MEDIA MESHIN
20、GFILLS THE TIME WAITING FORSLOW-LOADING CONTENTWHILE FULFILLINGINSATIABLE USER HUNGERFOR CONTENT,I cant getenough sportsinformation.Yesterday,Iwas looking at on my phone,readingthe sports section andwatching pro footballon TV at thesame time.I have a slowconnection on thephone,so I watchTV while pag
21、esdownload.,I will flip througha magazine whilesurfing on myphone,using it topass the time whilethe pages load.,12,Consumers rely on their mobile devices to share experiences with their friends,family and colleagues.Over three out of every four Smartphone users are sharing photos,articles and videos
22、 acrosstheir social networks.,iPHONE USERS HAVEHEAVIER CONSUMPTIONHABITSMobile Social Networking,55%iPhone37%Others%use once or more per day,M-Commerce36%iPhone19%Others%have made apurchase via mobile,Concurrent TV Usage50%iPhone34%Others%use once or more per day,15,WHOS USING THE MOBILE WEB?Mobile
23、trends are led by two groups:younger users and iPhone owners.High usage among iPhone owners may be due to the fact that these consumers are often earlyadopters and that the iPhone interface is among the most sophisticated in terms of offering a richand rewarding user experience.,AGE,YOUNGER DEMO HAS
24、HEAVIER CONSUMPTIONHABITS,Mobile Social Networking,M-Commerce,Concurrent TV Usage,13-1718-2425-3435-4445-64,29%14%,45%,58%,67%,26%30%24%21%15%,28%20%,55%46%42%,%use once or more per day,%have made apurchase via mobile,%use once or more per day,Not surprisingly,users aged 13 to 24 those raised on the
25、 web and mobile communications areamong those with the heaviest consumption habits,using their Smartphones for social interactionand often in front of the television.,16,SMARTPHONE,MARKETING,BRANDS HAVE A COMPELLINGOPPORTUNITY TO ENGAGEWITH USERS IN THEMOBILE ARENA27%Using mobileweb&apps,6%Listening
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