1、,我国首批对外开放的14个沿海城市之一,One of the first 14 coastal cities opening to the outside world,The percentage of the second and third industries is increased by 8.1 percent within 5 years The heavy industry is increased by 10 percent within 5 years,近五年间 Within 5 years,The fiscal revenue and the general budgeta
2、ry revenue of local governments have respectively grown by 2.44 times and 2.3 times within five years,2007年,全市单位万元GDP能耗0.77吨标准煤In 2007,the energy consumption per 10 thousand GDP is 0.77 ton of coal equivalent,The ground water area,the drinking water source and water quality have 100%met the qualific
3、ation in consecutive years,which ranked the first place in the country,国家环保模范城市National Environmental Protection Model City国家卫生城市Nationally Advanced Clean City国家园林城市National Garden City 保护臭氧层示范市AOL Protection Model City 全国水环境治理优秀范例城市 National Water Environment Improvement Model City,世界第一斜拉桥 苏通长江大桥正式
4、通车 The world biggest cable stayed bridgeSutong Yangtze River Bridge is open to the traffic,一系列世界级重大工程相继动工Some key projects have started their construction,长三角北翼唯一的1020万吨级的深水海港 洋口港Yangkou Port,the only deep-water seaport of 100 thousand to 200 thousand tonnages on north Yangtze River Delta,一横、两纵、一环高速
5、公路网 One east-west expressway two north-south expressways one circumferential highway,沪通铁路Hutong Railway,南通机场Nantong Airport,长江第二大港 The second largest port along the Yangtze River,中国十大港口之一 One of the ten top ports in China,与全世界70多个国家和地区的300多个港口通航Nantong has opened lines to over 300 ports of more than
6、 70 countries and districts,拥有万吨级码头38座,其中5万吨级码头25座38 docks of 10 thousand tonnages,25 docks of 50 thousand tonnages,南通港 Nantong Port,拥有可供开发万吨级和5万吨级以上码头的长江深水岸线12公里,可建10万吨级以上深水海港的黄海岸线40公里。,12-kilometer-long deep water line of the Yangtze River is suitable to build docks of 10 thousand tonnages to 50 t
7、housand tonnagesThe 40-kilometer-long sea line is qualified for deep-water docks of 100 thousand tonnages,黄海岸线203公里203-kilometer-long Yellow Sea line,长江岸线166公里166-kilometer-long Yangtze River line,中国土地后备资源最丰富的地区之一 One of areas with the richest spare land resources,劳动力资源丰富 产业工人素质高,Rich labor force of
8、 high quality,南通有较好的机械工业基础Sound basis of machinery industry,成立了船舶工业办公室为船舶及配套产业发展制订了相关的扶持政策The leading team of shipbuilding industry Preferential policies in terms of shipbuilding and supporting industr,上世纪50年代起,世界造船产业开始从向东亚地区转移In 1950s,world shipbuilding industry began to transfer from Europe to Eas
9、t Asia.In mid-1990s,Chinas shipbuilding output started to rank third in the world,环渤海湾地区Large-scale shipbuilding bases in areas surrounding Bo Sea,以上海、南通为主的长江口地区The estuary region of the Yangtze River,珠江口地区The estuary region of Zhujiang River,目标 Target,生产能力 Production Capacity 1000万载重吨10 Million DWT
10、,销售规模 Sales Volume1000亿元RMB 100 Billion,世界级“船谷”World-level“Ship Valley”,国内最先进的造船企业之一中远川崎 Nantong COSCO KHI Ship Engineering,最先进的修船企业之一中远船务 Nantong COSCO Shipyard,中国最具国际竞争力企业之一南通中集 CIMC Nantong,世界最大的港口机械生产商振华港机 Nantong Zhenhua Port Machinery,中国发展潜力最大的民营造船企业之一熔盛重工 Rongsheng Heavy Industries,共有造修船企业100
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