1、Movie Translation Show!,The First Group Members:Wanpeng LIU(TL),Bo CHEN,Cheng LIU,Bing SUN,Hui SHEN,Xuejiao JIN,Yu ZHANG,Xiangxin LI.all(names are arranged)in random order,M-O-V-I-E,Movie is a sort of modern art developed by combining the photography and the slide show technology.Movie,acknowledged
2、as integrated art,can cover and contain dramatic literature,photography,painting,music,dance and other arts,but has own artistic features.The expressiveness on film as a form of art not only has various characteristics of other arts,but is an unique approach of artistic expression for utilizing high
3、ly artistic skills such as Montage.,Wanpeng LIU,TRANSLATION,Accuracy(strict terms,clearly articulated,logical,be sure to make the film understandable without ambiguous)Legality(required to legal terminology in professional level)Subingkam(eliminate language and cultural barriers),Wanpeng LIU,What Ev
4、eryone Should Know About the Movie Rating System in America?,Wanpeng LIU,Rating System of Movie,HIGHLIGHTS,Wanpeng LIU,The Film Title Translation:Bo CHENSlang Translation:Cheng LIUThe Use of Idiom:Bing SUNHumor Language Translation:Hui SHENRhetoric of business and legal:Xuejiao JINTranslation of Cos
5、tume Piece:Yu ZHANGClassic Dialogues of English movies:Xiangxin LI,The Film Title Translation:Bo CHEN,THE FILM TITLES TRANSLATION OF E-C AND C-E,Made by:Bo Chen,Bo CHEN,1.ENGLISH-CHINESE FILM TITLES TRANSLATION,Domestication Foreignization1.1 Strategy Of Domestication Adopted in E-C Film Titles Tran
6、slationFirst,when English film titles are translated into Chinese culture,translators should take the factor that Chinese people are linguistically in the habit of using four-character phrases and the poetic style with five or seven characters in a single line.,Bo CHEN,Speed 生死时速,Scent of a Women-闻香
7、识女人,Bo CHEN,Second,English movies are often named after names of people or places,but Chinese movie titles usually summarize the plot or utilize abstract words.Forrest Gump is named after the hero of this film.It is translated into 阿甘正传in Chinese,which not only generalizes the story but also sounds
8、quite natural in Chinese culture.This title is actually adapted form 阿Q正传,written by Lu Xun.,Bo CHEN,Third,Chinese audiences are willing to accept a film title which enables them to make a right judgment about the genre of the film at the first sight of it,while English audiences rarely show a prefe
9、rence for film titles which reveals their genres.For instance,Home Alone is a well-known comic movie in China and the translated title 小鬼当家contributes a lot to its popularity among the Chinese audience,Bo CHEN,1.2 Strategy of Foreignization Adopted in E-C Film Titles Translation,Foreignization means
10、 making the target-language reader travel abroad and see the cultural differences.This strategy can promote cultural exchanges and enrich the target culture.The Seven Year Itch is an American film,which was literally translated into 七年之痒in Chinese.,Bo CHEN,2.CHINESE-ENGLISH FILM TITLES TRANSLATION,G
11、enerally speaking,three basic techniques are adopted in translating Chinese film titles:transliteration(音译),literal translation(直译)and liberal translation(意译).2.1 Transliteration Transliteration is often used in the translation of proper names,the name of persons and places and historical events in
12、particular in the film titles.,Bo CHEN,For instance,Chinese films 周恩来、南京大屠杀were respectively translated into Zhou Enlai,and Nanjing Massacre.,Bo CHEN,2.2 Literal Translation(直译)By converting the grammatical constructions to their nearest equivalents,literal translation can preserve both the content
13、and the form of the original to a maximum.手机-Cell Phone 天下无贼-A World Without Thieves,Bo CHEN,2.3 Liberal Translation(意译)Owing to great differences between the Chinese and English cultures,literal translation always fails to fulfill the communicative functions.Given this,translators often adopt free
14、translation,which is also called liberal translation.Liberal translation is an alternative approach that is used mainly to convey the meaning and the spirit of the original title without sticking to the form mechanically.,Bo CHEN,大腕-Big Shots Funeral,初恋时,我们不懂爱情-Is It Love,Bo CHEN,Slang Translation:C
15、heng LIU,俚 语 翻 译Slang Translation,Name:Liu Cheng,Cheng LIU,俚语的定义,具有活力、感情色彩、滑稽或忌讳等性质的语言、单词或词组,是在特定场合下所发明和使用,有些则源于标准词汇的非常规使用法 著名的(韦氏英语词典在1828年将俚语定义为“低级的、粗俗的和没有意义的语言”;,Cheng LIU,俚语的分类,Cheng LIU,俚语中委婉语是最文雅的,它把最难以启齿或伤人感情的词语有意回避,而用比较温和的词语迂回表达出来。She is a real fox!她真有魅力(电影 friends)Your new car is really evi
16、l 你的新车真酷friendsShe is five months gone(她已有五个月的喜了,不能译成“她已经走了五个月。”),委 婉 语,Cheng LIU,to be a delicate condition(妇女怀孕,的确是处于“碰不起的状态”,可汉语不这么说。)Love means never having to say youre sorry!爱是永不言悔的!loving storyHey!wise up!放聪明点!007系列I remember my grandson asked me the other day,he said:”grandpa,were you a hero
17、 in the great war?”“No,”I replied,“But I served in a company of heroes.”有一天我的小孙子问我“爷爷,你是大战中的英雄吗?我回答:不但我与英雄们一同服役。Band of Brothers,Cheng LIU,赌 咒 语,赌咒中常使用天堂、地狱、上帝、鬼等词,也有诅咒别人死亡的方式,如下地狱等,但这些赌咒词往往不表示字面意思,要根据不同的文化和语言习惯进行意译。hell(原意为“地狱”、“阴间”)aOh,hell!Ive missed the last train真该死!我没赶上末班车。bNo need to worry,to
18、 hell with all this不必操心,让这一切都见鬼去吧。,Cheng LIU,bloody(原意为“血淋林的”)a.He is a bloody character他是个讨厌的家伙。b.Its a bloody shame!真是太丢脸!,Cheng LIU,粗 俗 语,粗俗语指侮辱性的粗俗词语。这些词用粗俗的字眼来表达烦恼、惊奇、侮辱、藐视、拒绝等,因此,翻译粗俗语时尤其要小 心。常用的粗俗词语有:fuck,bugger(鸡奸),crap(粪便),bastard(私生子)等。1.Dont talk crap!不要胡说八道!2.Who has fucked up the TV?谁他妈
19、的把电视机搞坏了?,Cheng LIU,Were the luckiest sons-of-bitches in the world.我们是真他妈的走运极了。Youre so full of shit,boss.头儿,你也太夸张了吧。,Cheng LIU,The Use of Idiom:Bing SUN,English movies,The use of idiom,Sunbing 2010205135,Bing SUN,很多习语来源于圣经,Carl:You want your own wife kidnapped?Jerry:Yeah.Carl:you,my point is,you pa
20、y the ransom,what,eighty thousand bucks?I mean,you gives us half the ransom,forty thousand,you keep half.Its like robbing Peter to pay Paul,it doesnt make any sense.Jerry:Okay,see,its,its not me paying the ransom.The thing is,my wife,shes wealthy,her dad,hes real well-off.Now,Im in a bit of trouble.
21、,Peter和Paul都是耶稣的使徒,16世纪时英国威士敏斯特(Westerminster)教区,尊奉彼得为保护神,而伦敦教区尊奉保罗为保护圣徒。1550年威士敏斯特教区并人伦敦教区原圣彼得教堂的许多财物被拨归圣保罗大教堂作修缮使用。这一做法当时人们用rob Peter to pay Paul一语来形容,后人们用该语来比喻“借债还债”“割肉补疮”。,冰血暴,Bing SUN,有些习语来源于社会历史中,Twist:You heard about Luther Coleman,didnt you?Duck“:Yeah.Some of the boys were passing the hat fo
22、r Alva and the kids.Ive never seen the guys so worked upTwist:dont worry about it,Duke.在早期帽子盛行的年代,街头卖艺者往往将帽子翻转用于盛放观众施舍的硬币财物。英文中pass the hat的字面意思就是在观众中传递帽子的目的是“募捐”或“凑钱物”,骗中骗.,Bing SUN,残留在习语当中的民族文化痕迹,Vinny:(to William)Nobody,I mean nobody,pulls the wool over the eyes of a Combini.Especially this one.G
23、ive me the chance.One chance.Let me question the first witness.If,after that point,you dont think that Im the best man for the job,fire me then and there.III leave quietly.No grudges.All I ask is for that one chance.I think you should give it to me.从17世纪到19世纪,男子戴假发在英国社会中十分流行。当时人们把头发或假发戏称为wool。扒手或抢劫者
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