公路钢波纹管涵洞受力与变形特性及应用研究(可编辑) .doc
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1、公路钢波纹管涵洞受力与变形特性及应用研究 分类号:TU4 10710-2009021005 博 士 学 位 论 文公路钢波纹管涵洞受力与变形特性 及应用研究乌延玲导师姓名职称 冯忠居教授 申请学位级别 博士 学科专业名称 岩土工程 论文提交日期 2012年 6 月 论文答辩日期 2012年 6 月 8 日 学位授予单位 长安大学2 Force Deformation Characteristic and Its Application of Corrugated Steel Pipe Culvert of Highway A Dissertation Submitted for the Deg
2、ree of DoctorCandidate:Wu YanlingSupervisor:Prof. Feng ZhongjuChangan University, Xian, China 摘 要针对钢波纹管涵洞在公路工程使用中设计理论与方法存在的问题,论文结合工程实际,采用理论分析、现场试验和室内模拟试验,研究了钢波纹管涵洞的受力与变形特性及其设计计算方法、施工技术与质量控制标准。主要成果如下: 1. 通过现场试验,研究了钢波纹管涵洞的受力与变形特性,分析了钢波纹管涵洞在不同填土高度和行车荷载作用下的受力与变形规律;探明了钢波纹管涵洞在不同填土高度作用下管顶及其正交位置为受力与变形最不利;提出
3、高填土情况下以涵洞顶部土压力控制设计。 2. 采用自主研发的与实际路基涵洞埋设条件相似的大型室内模拟试验平台,研究了管径、填土高度等因素变化时钢波纹管涵洞受力与变形特性;弄清了相同钢波纹管设计参数情况下直径小于 75cm 和大于 75cm 在填土荷载作用下受力与变形的本质区别;推断了不同管径随填土荷载增加最先发生破坏的可能性位置。 3. 基于数值仿真方法,分析了填土高度、管径、地基土模量及波纹参数变化时的受力与变形特性及其变化规律;地基土模量变化时涵顶竖向土压力变化大;管顶填土高度大于 5m 时可忽略车辆荷载。将数值计算结果分别与室内模拟试验和现场试验成果进行了对比分析,确定了埋设条件、地形条
4、件、填土土性和施工方法等因素对钢波纹管受力与变形特性的影响。 4. 采用弹性理论,考虑涵洞的埋设条件、波纹壁厚等因素,建立了钢波纹管涵洞在填土荷载作用下的变形计算公式,分析讨论了公式的工程应用,并与室内模拟试验、现场试验、数值计算等分析成果进行了对比分析,结果表明与数值计算成果吻合较好,该公式为钢波纹管涵洞设计提供了理论依据。 5. 提出了钢波纹管涵洞的设计计算方法以及可供实际工程参考的波纹设计技术参数,克服了现有钢波纹管涵洞单一尺寸用于任何工程条件存在的技术缺陷;建立了公路钢波纹管涵洞的施工质量控制标准并提出合理的施工工艺,为该i 技术的相关技术规范的制定与广泛应用奠定了基础。 论文研究成果
5、解决了目前公路建设中钢波纹管涵洞工程应用中的技术难点,具有重要的理论与工程实用价值,推广应用前景广阔。关键词: 公路工程;钢波纹管涵洞;现场试验; 模拟试验;数值仿真; 受力 与变形特性;波纹参数;设计技术ii AbstractIn view of the factors in design theory and method of corrugated steel pipe culvert that is now in service in highway engineering. This article that was combined with the engineering pra
6、ctice adopted theoretical analysis, field test and simulation test, studied force deformation characteristic of corrugated steel pipe culvert and its design calculation methods, construction technology, and quality control standardsThe main results were shown as the following: 1. Stress deformation
7、characteristic of the corrugated steel pipe culvert was studied through the field test, the law of stress and strain in the corrugated steel pipe culvert was analyzed under the action of different height of the filling soil and driving load; the pipe top and orthogonal position were the place where
8、stress and the deformation were in the most unfavorable condition in the corrugated steel pipe culvert; control design of earth pressure under high-filled in culvert crown was suggested2. A large indoor simulation experiment platform which was similar to the practical embankment bury conditions of c
9、ulvert was developed independently. This paper studied the stress and deformation characteristics of corrugated steel pipe culvert under different pipe diameters, filling height and other factors. This paper presented the essential difference of stress and deformation under the filling load between
10、the pipe diameter which was more than 75cm and less than 75cm when design parameters of the corrugated steel pipe culvert were in the same condition. And also, the probable location broken first with the increase of fill load under different pipe diameters was inferred3. Based on the numerical simul
11、ation method, this paper analysed the stress deformation characteristic and change law of corrugated steel pipe culvert when the fill height, pipe diameter, soil modulus and corrugation parameters changed. The earth pressure on the culvert crown changed greatly when the soil modulus varied. And also
12、, the vehicle load could be ignored when the fill height was more than 5m. After a iii comparative analysis of the numerical results with the indoor model test and field test results, the effects of bury conditions, terrain conditions, soil properties, construction methods and other factors on the e
13、ngineering characteristics of corrugated steel pipe culvert were obtained4. The buried condition and corrugated wall thickness of the culverts was considered by using elastic theory, the deformated calculation formula of corrugated steel pipe culvert which under the filling load was established, the
14、 formula of the engineering application was analysed, and the analytical results of model test, field test, numerical calculation were compared, the results show that the numerical calculation were in good agreement with the model test and field test, the design theory of corrugated steel pipe culve
15、rt was provided by this formula5. The design calculation methods of the corrugated steel pipe culvert and its design technical parameters which could be used as reference in actual were offeredThe technical defects which were caused by single size of the existing corrugated steel pipe culverts were
16、overcome. The control standards of the construction quality of the highway subgrade corrugated steel pipe culvert were established, and the proper construction technology was put forward, and it laid a foundation for the related compilation of the technical specification and the wide use of this tec
17、hnologyThe research results solve the technical difficulties in engineering application of the corrugated steel pipe culvert, which have an important theory and project practical value and have brighted application prospect Key words: Highway engineering; Corrugated steel pipe culvert; Field test; M
18、odel test; Numerical simulation; Force deformation characteristic; Corrugated parameters; Design techniqueiv 目 录 第一章 概述. 1 1.1 研究的目的及意义. 1 1.2 国内外研究现状与评述2 1.2.1 国内研究现状2 1.2.2 国外研究现状9 1.2.3 国内应用状况 14 1.3 主要研究内容. 15 第二章 钢波纹管涵洞材料工程特性及其功能 17 2.1 概述17 2.2 钢波纹管材料组成及其性能. 17 2.2.1 钢波纹管材料组成. 17 2.2.2 钢波纹管材料性
19、能. 18 2.3 钢波纹管材料强度指标及其特性19 2.3.1 钢波纹管材料强度指标19 2.3.2 钢波纹管材料强度特性20 2.4 钢波纹管材料变形指标及其特性21 2.4.1 钢波纹管材料变形指标21 2.4.2 钢波纹管材料变形特性21 2.5 小结22 第三章 公路钢波纹管涵洞受力特性现场试验研究. 23 3.1 概述23 3.2 试验内容 25 3.3 试验方案 25 3.3.1 试验断面的选择25 3.3.2 试验测试元件布设. 25 3.4 测试元件的就位与防护 26 3.5 试验工况与步骤 27 3.5.1 试验工况27 v 3.5.2 活载状态下的试验工况29 3.5.3
20、 测试步骤30 3.6 试验成果与分析 30 3.6.1 A-A断面测试成果与分析. 33 3.6.2 B-B断面测试成果与分析42 3.6.3 活载作用下应力应变规律分析51 3.6.4 涵洞的变形特性分析 69 3.7 小结70 第四章 公路钢波纹管涵洞室内模拟试验71 4.1 试验目的 71 4.2 试验准备及内容 71 4.2.1 试验准备71 4.2.2 试验内容73 4.3 试验成果分析. 77 4.3.1 钢波纹管涵洞内部轴向受力与变形特性分析77 4.3.2 钢波纹管涵洞内部环向受力与变形特性分析83 4.3.3 钢波纹管涵洞外部轴向受力与变形特性分析90 4.3.4 钢波纹管
21、涵洞外部环向受力与变形特性分析96 4.3.5 钢波纹管涵洞土压力变化分析 102 4.3.6 钢波纹管涵洞水平向及竖直向相对变形规律分析. 105 4.3.7 不同管径钢波纹管涵洞测试成果对比分析. 106 4.4 模拟试验成果评价 115 4.5 小结 116 第五章 公路钢波纹管涵洞受力与变形特性数值模拟计算与分析117 5.1 仿真分析的目的和意义. 117 5.2 计算模型与单元划分117 5.2.1 几何模型及单元划分. 117 5.2.2 本构模型确定. 119 5.3 计算方案与参数选取123vi 5.3.1 研究内容与计算方案. 123 5.3.2 计算参数选取. 124 5
22、.4 计算成果与分析. 124 5.4.1 填土高度对钢波纹管涵洞受力与变形特性的影响分析124 5.4.2 钢波纹管管径对其受力与变形特性的影响分析127 5.4.3 地基土模量对钢波纹管涵洞受力与变形特性的影响分析. 130 5.4.4 车辆荷载对钢波纹管受力与变形特性的影响分析. 131 5.4.5 波长对钢波纹管涵洞受力与变形特性的影响分析. 137 5.4.6 波高对钢波纹管涵洞变形与受力特性的影响分析. 139 5.4.7 壁厚对钢波纹管涵洞变形与受力特性的影响分析. 141 5.5 钢波纹管涵、钢圆管涵与钢筋混凝土管涵受力与变形特性对比143 5.6 与室内模拟试验成果对比分析.
23、 146 5.7 与现场试验成果对比分析 152 5.8 工程设计与施工建议158 5.9 小结 159 第六章 公路钢波纹管涵洞变形的理论计算方法 研究. 161 6.1 概述 161 6.2 计算模型及理论推导161 6.3 计算公式及其讨论 165 6.4 与室内试验、现场试验、数值计算的对比分析 166 6.5 小结 168 第七章 钢波纹管涵洞作用荷载计算方法研究. 169 7.1 概述 169 7.2 国内外规范的荷载计算方法分析与对比. 169 7.2.1 加拿大公路桥梁设计规范169 7.2.2 美国 AASHTO 公路桥梁设计规范 172 7.2.3 公路桥涵设计通用规范JT
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