教育部公佈國民中小學基本英語1200 字詞.doc
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1、教育部公佈國民中小學基本英語1200 字詞畫底線者為國民中小學最基本之1200個字詞依字母排序 A a(an), a few, a little, a lot, a.m., able, about, above, abroad, absent, accept, accident, across, act, action, active, activity, actor, actress, actually, add, address, admire, adult, advertisement, advice, advise, affect, afraid, after, afternoon,
2、again, against, age, ago, agree, ahead, aim, air, air conditioner, airlines, airplane (plane), airport, alarm, album, alike, alive, all, allow, almost, alone, along, aloud, alphabet, already, also, altogether, always, ambulance, America, American, among, amount, ancient, and, angel, anger, angry, an
3、kle, animal, another, answer, ant, any, anyone (anybody), anything, anywhere, apartment, apologize, appear, apple, appreciate, April, area, argue, arm, armchair, army, around, arrange, arrive, art, artist, as, ask, asleep, assistant, assume, at, attack, attention, August, aunt, autumn (fall), availa
4、ble, avoid, away B baby, baby sitter, back, backpack, backward, bad, badminton, bag, bake, bakery, balcony, ball, balloon, banana, band, bank, barbecue, barber, bark, base, baseball, basement, basic, basket, basketball, bat, bath, bathe, bathroom, be (am, is, are, was, were, been), beach, bean, bear
5、, beard, beat, beautiful, beauty, because, become, bed, bedroom, bee, beef, beer, before, begin, beginner, beginning, behave, behind, believe, bell, belong, below, belt, bench, beside, besides, between, beyond, bicycle (bike), big, bill, biology, bird, birthday, bite, bitter, black, blackboard, blam
6、e, blank, blanket, bless, blind, block, blood, blouse, blow, blue, board, boat, body, boil, bomb, bone, book, bookcase, bookstore, bored, boring, born, borrow, boss, both, bother, bottle, bottom, bow, bowl, bowling, box, boy, branch, brave, bread, break, breakfast, brick, bridge, bright, bring, broa
7、d, broadcast, brother, brown, brunch, brush, bucket, buffet, bug, build, building, bun, bundle, burger, burn, burst, bus, business, businessman, busy, but, butter, butterfly, button, buy, by C cabbage, cable, cafeteria, cage, cake, calendar, call, calm, camera, camp, campus, can (could), cancel, can
8、cer, candle, candy, cap, captain, car, card, care, careful, careless, carpet, carrot, carry, cartoon, case, cash, cassette, castle, cat, catch, cause, ceiling, celebrate, cellphone, cent, center, centimeter, central, century, cereal, certain, chair, chalk, chance, change, channel, character, charge,
9、 chart, chase, cheap, cheat, check, cheer, cheese, chemistry, chess, chicken, child, childhood, childish, childlike, chin, China, Chinese, chocolate, choice, choose, chopsticks, Christmas, chubby, church, circle, city, clap, class, classical, classmate, classroom, clean, clear, clerk, clever, climat
10、e, climb, clock, close, closet, clothes, cloud, cloudy, club, coach, coast, coat, cockroach, coffee, coin, cola, cold, collect, college, color, colorful, comb, come, comfortable, comic, command, comment, common, company, compare, complain, complete, computer, concern, confident, confuse, congratulat
11、ion, consider, considerate, contact lens, continue, contract, control, convenience store, convenient, conversation, cook, cookie, cool, copy, corn, corner, correct, cost, cotton, couch, cough, count, country, couple, courage, course, court, cousin, cover, cow, cowboy, crab, crayon, crazy, cream, cre
12、ate, credit card, crime, cross, crowd, crowded, cruel, cry, culture, cup, cure, curious, current, curtain, curve, custom, customer, cut, cute D daily, damage, dance, danger, dangerous, dark, date, daughter, dawn, day, dead, deaf, deal, dear, death, debate, December, decide, decision, decorate, decre
13、ase, deep, deer, degree, delicious, deliver, dentist, department, department store, depend, describe, desert, design, desire, desk, dessert, detect, develop, dial, diamond, diary, dictionary, die, diet, difference, different, difficult, difficulty, dig, diligent, diplomat, dining room, dinner, dinos
14、aur, direct, direction, dirty, disappear, discover, discuss, discussion, dish, dishonest, distance, distant, divide, dizzy, do (does, did, done), doctor (Dr.), dodge ball, dog, doll, dollar, dolphin, donkey, door, dot, double, doubt, doughnut, down, downstairs, downtown, dozen, dragon, drama, draw,
15、drawer, dream, dress, dresser, drink, drive, driver, drop, drugstore, drum, dry, dryer, duck, dumb, dumpling, during, duty E each, eagle, ear, early, earn, earrings, earth, ease, east, Easter, easy, eat, edge, education, effort, egg, eight, eighteen, eighty, either, elder, elect, elementary school,
16、elephant, eleven, electric, else, e-mail, embarrass, emotion, emphasize, employ, empty, end, enemy, energetic, energy, engine, engineer, English, enjoy, enough, enter, entrance, envelope, environment, envy, equal, eraser, error, especially, eve, even, evening, event, ever, every, everyone (everybody
17、), everything, everywhere, evil, exam, example, excellent, except, excite, excited, exciting, excuse, exercise, exist, exit, expect, expensive, experience, explain, express, extra, eye F face, fact, factory, fail, fair, fall, false, family, famous, fan, fancy, fantastic, far, farm, farmer, fashionab
18、le, fast, fat, father (dad, daddy), faucet, fault, favorite, fear, February, fee, feed, feel, feeling, female, fence, festival, fever, few, fifteen, fifty, fight, fill, film, final, finally, find, fine, finger, finish, fire, first, fish, fisherman, fit, five, fix, flag, flashlight, flat tire, flight
19、, floor, flour, flower, flu, flute, fly, focus, fog, foggy, follow, food, fool, foolish, foot, football, for, foreign, foreigner, forest, forget, forgive, fork, form, formal, former, forty, forward, four, fourteen, fox, frank, free, freedom, freezer, freezing, French fries, fresh, Friday, friend, fr
20、iendly, friendship, frighten, frisbee, frog, from, front, fruit, fry, full, fun, funny, furniture, future G gain, game, garage, garden, garbage, gas, gate, gather, general, generous, genius, gentle, gentleman, geography, gesture, get, ghost, giant, gift, girl, give, glad, glass, glasses, glove, glue
21、, go, goal, goat, God, gold, golden, golf, good, good-bye (goodbye, bye), goodness, goose, government, grade, gram, granddaughter, grandfather (grandpa), grandmother (grandma), grandson, grape, grass, gray, great, greedy, green, greet, ground, group, grow, guard, guava, guess, guest, guide, guitar,
22、gun, guy, gym H habit, hair, hair dresser, haircut, half, hall, Halloween, ham, hamburger, hammer, hand, handkerchief, handle, handsome, hang, hanger, happen, happy, hard, hardly, hard-working, hat, hate, have (has, had), he (him, his, himself), head, headache, health, healthy, hear, heart, heat, he
23、ater, heavy, height, helicopter, hello, help, helpful, hen, here, hero, hey, hi, hide, high, highway, hike, hill, hip, hippo, hire, history, hit, hobby, hold, hole, holiday, home, homesick, homework, honest, honesty, honey, hop, hope, horrible, horse, hospital, host, hot, hot dog, hotel, hour, house
24、, housewife, housework, how, however, hug, human, humble, humid, humor, humorous, hundred, hunger, hungry, hunt, hunter, hurry, hurt, husband I I (me, my, mine, myself), ice, ice cream, idea, if, ignore, ill, imagine, impolite, importance, important, impossible, improve, in, inch, include, income, i
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