1、上海新世傲股份有限公司SHANGHAI SINNSA CO.,LTD.2007.12.12 Dec.12,2007,中国2010年上海世博会WORLD EXPO 2010,SHANGHAI,CHINA特许经营计划An Introduction on Franchise Business Plan,演讲人:朱政平 董事长、总裁Speaker:Johnson ZHU President&Chairman,目录Contents,2010年上海世博会简介 Brief Introduction to World Expo 2010 Shanghai China特许经营计划宗旨 Purpose and P
2、lan of Franchise Business新世傲与世博会的关系 Relationship between SINNSA and EXPO世博项目商机 Business Opportunities of EXPO,目录Contents,特许经营计划简介 Introduction of Franchise Business Plan 一.特许产品的生产及销售 Production and sales of the licensed products 二.特许权费及最低保证金 Franchise fees&minimum margin 三.特许产品规划 Layout of the licen
3、sed products 四.特许产品征集类别 Catalogue of the licensed products 五.特许生产商资质要求 Qualifications of the licensed product manufacturers特许生产商应征流程 Procedure of the application of Licensed Manufacturer,2010年上海世博会简介Brief Introduction to World Expo 2010 Shanghai China,2010上海世博会简介 Brief Introduction to World Expo 201
4、0 Shanghai China,城市是人类文明的结晶。美国现代哲学家路易斯芒福德说过:“城市是一种特殊的构造,这种构造致密而紧凑,专门用来流传人类文明的成果”。The city is a crystallisation of human civilisation.Just as the American social philosopher Lewis Mumford put it,the city is a special structure which,fine and compact,has been designed to preserve the fruits of human c
5、ivilisation.,2010上海世博会简介 Brief Introduction to World Expo 2010 Shanghai China,1800年,全球仅有2%的人口居住在城市,到了1950年,这个数字迅速攀升到了29%,而到了2000年,世界上大约有一半的人口迁入了城市。根据联合国的预测,到2010年,全世界的城市人口将占总人口的55%。In 1800,only 2 percent of the global population lived in cities,but by 1950,the figure had risen to 29 percent,and by 2
6、000,almost half the world population had moved into cities.The United Nations estimates the urban population will account for 55 percent of the total human population by 2010.,2010上海世博会简介 Brief Introduction to World Expo 2010 Shanghai China,联合国人居组织1996年发布的伊斯坦布尔宣言强调:“我们的城市必须成为人类能够过上有尊严的、健康、安全、幸福和充满希望
7、的美满生活的地方”。而城市面临的种种挑战的发端,不论是拥挤、污染、犯罪还是冲突,根源都在于城市化进程中人与自然、人与人、精神与物质之间各种关系的失谐,长期的失谐,必然导致城市生活质量的倒退乃至文明的倒退。As the Istanbul Declaration on Human Settlements,issued at the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements(Habitat II)reaffirms,Our cities must be places where human beings lead fulfilling lives
8、in dignity,good health,safety,happiness and hope.All the problems facing the city,including congestion,pollution,crime and conflict,are believed to have originated from the discords between man and nature,between man and man,and between spiritual and material aspects of life.It is also maintained th
9、at such discord,if left unattended,will inevitably lead to the decline of the quality of city life and even the degeneration of human civilisation.,2010上海世博会简介 Brief Introduction to World Expo 2010 Shanghai China,为此,2010年上海世博会将以“和谐城市”的理念来回应对“城市,让生活更美好”的诉求。It is in the face of such discord that Expo
10、2010 Shanghai China proposes the concept of a City of Harmony responding to the appeal for Better City,Better Life.,2010上海世博会简介 Brief Introduction to World Expo 2010 Shanghai China,上海世博会五大副主题 Five Sub-titles of EXPO Shanghai 城市多元文化的融合 Harmonious co-exixtence of diverse cultures 城市经济的繁荣 Harmonious ec
11、onomic development 城市科技的创新 Harmonious living in the age of science&technology 城市社区的重塑 Harmonious functioning of communities 城市和乡村的互动 Harmonious interactions between urban&rural areas,特许经营计划宗旨 Purpose and Plan of Franchise Business,特许经营计划宗旨 Purpose and Plan of Franchise Business,传播2010上海世博会“城市,让生活更美好
12、”的主题和理念;To spread the theme and idea of EXPO 2010 Shanghai:Better City,Better Life;,中国2010上海世博会World Expo 2010,Shanghai,China,上海世博会,中国的世博会,充分展示中国经济建设的伟大成就,欢迎全国的优秀企业积极参与;In order to demonstrate the magnificent achievements of Chinas economic construction through EXPO Shanghai China,all excellent ente
13、rprises across China are expected to join us;,中国2010上海世博会World Expo 2010,Shanghai,China,特许经营计划宗旨 Purpose and Plan of Franchise Business,特许经营计划宗旨 Purpose on Franchise Business Project,构建公开、公平、规范的竞争原则,建立运行规范、竞争有序、产品优质、服务可靠的特许产品经营管理体系,保证2010上海世博会的成功举办;To ensure the success of World Expo 2010 Shanghai b
14、y the open,fair and normative competition,and by establishing a licensed product operation system of normative implement,orderly competition,high quality product and creditable service;,中国2010上海世博会World Expo 2010,Shanghai,China,特许经营计划宗旨 Purpose and Plan of Franchise Business,筹集资金,为上海世博会的平衡收支起到其应有的作用
15、。Raise capital Act to balance the state revenue and expenditure of EXPO 2010,中国2010上海世博会World Expo 2010,Shanghai,China,新世傲与世博会的关系 Relationship between SINNSA and EXPO,新世傲与世博会的关系Relationship between SINNSA and EXPO,上海新世傲股份有限公司是2010上海世博会特许产品生产高级赞助商;Shanghai Sinnsa Co.,Ltd.is one of the senior sponsors
16、 of licensed product manufacturing of World Expo 2010 Shanghai China;,新世傲与世博会的关系Relationship between SINNSA and EXPO,上海世博局授权新世傲作为分许可人在规定的期限内分授权和管理特许产品生产商开发和生产特许产品;SINNSA,as the sub-licenser authorized by Shanghai EXPO Bureau,shall sub-distribute and manage the licensed product in regulated period;,新
17、世傲与世博会的关系Relationship between SINNSA and EXPO,新世傲负责上海世博会特许产品生产分许可工作,主要行使授权、审批、管理职能。负责授权企业生产特许产品,对企业资质、产品方案进行初审,对特许产品开发生产过程进行管理,收取特许权费及相关费用。SINNSA is in charge of sub-distribution of manufacturing of EXPO-licensed products,mainly performs functions of authorization,approval and management,It is respo
18、nsible for the first trial of enterprise qualification and product project,supervises the process of development and manufacturing of licensed products and charges the franchise fees.,新世傲与世博会的关系Relationship between SINNSA and EXPO,上海世博会Expo,Shanghai,特许生产商Licensed manufacturers,审批Trial&Approval,上海新世傲
19、SINNSA,授权Authorization,管理Management,世博项目商机 Business Opportunities of EXPO,六大商机 Six Business Opportunities,1.7000万人次国内外参观游客,60亿元市场规模;Domestic and oversea tourists:70,000,000 persons,market scale:RMB 6,000,000,000;2.活动周期长,热点频发;Long activity cycle,六大商机 Six Business Opportunities,4.世博园内9千平米特许产品零售点;9,000
20、 m2 of retail stores of the licensed products in the EXPO garden;5.VIK及VIP;VIK&VIP;6.海外销售。Overseas sales.,一.7000万参观游客、60亿元市场规模 Tourists:70,000,000 persons,market scale:RMB 6,000,000,000s,单位:万人Unit:10,000 persons,分析:王怡然 上海大学国际工商与管理学院旅游学院教授Analyst:WANG YiranProfessor of College of Business and Managem
21、ent,and Tourisum,Shanghi University,一.7000万参观游客、60亿元市场规模 Tourist:70,000,000 persons,market scale:RMB 6,000,000,000,2010上海世博会期间游客消费预测Forecast of consumption volume during EXPO 2010,Total:200亿元/20 billion yuan,分析:齐晓斋 上海市商业经济研究中心Analyst:QI Xiaozhai,Shanghai Commercial Economic Research Center,一.7000万参观
22、游客、60亿元市场规模 Tourist:70,000,000 persons,market scale:RMB 6,000,000,000 yuan,如特许产品消费占游客购物消费的30%特许产品市场将达到60亿元的规模 If the consumption of licensed product accounts for 30%of the total consumption,the market scale of licensed product will reach 6 billion yuan.,二.活动周期长、热点频发 Long activity cycle&various hotsp
23、ots,上海世博会将于2010 年5 月1 日开幕,10 月31 日闭幕,历时整整6 个月、184 天,其中包含了“十一”假期和24对双休日,这将为参观、旅游者提供充足的时间,也极大的增加了特许产品的销售机会;EXPO 2010 will begin on May 1,2010 and close on October 31,2010,lasting 6 months and 184 days,including the National Day holiday and 24 weekends,this will provide visitors with enough time for sh
24、opping and will increase sales opportunities of licensed products to a great extent;,二.活动周期长、热点频发Long activity cycle&various hotspots,世博会风格各异的场馆、精彩纷呈的活动、丰富多样的信息将使其成为一个全新的亮点,吸引更多的海内外的参观、旅游者;世博热将高潮不断;EXPO,with its stadiums and facilities in different styles,impressive activities and various informatio
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