1、TPSE 1825: Comparative Education Theory and Methodology Autumn 2009Purpose of the CourseThis course is intended as an introduction to the field of Comparative Education, including the various academic schools that have emerged and the literature linked to such international organizations as UNESCO a
2、nd the World Bank. We will also see a film entitled “Comparatively Speaking” which features presidents of the Comparative International Education Society of the USA, including three OISE professors.The course was developed in the mid-1980s, and first taught in 1986. It has been taught at OISE fairly
3、 regularly ever since. It is can be seen as a kind of intellectual history of the field, with the different schools or approaches presented in a roughly chronological way. The intention is to trace changing approaches to Comparative Education research over time, and link debates over methodology to
4、wider debates in the literature of the social sciences. Thus the additional readings are by no means comprehensive or detailed, but suggestive only. The roots of the course go back to the ideas and methodology of Professor Brian Holmes at the University of London Institute of Education, one of the l
5、eading figures in the development of the field. The course has been updated and changed a number of times, but the original framework and many of the core readings have been kept, in order to maintain this link to history. For later sessions that have been added in recent years, such as Session 8 on
6、 the postmodern challenge, and session 9 on globalization and comparative education, students are encouraged to explore bibliographies in books such as Crossley and Watson, Comparative and International Research in Education: Globalisation, context and difference (2003) or Arnove and Torres, Compara
7、tive Education: The Dialectic of the Global and the Local (2003).Students are encouraged to focus their attention on such fundamental questions as the purpose of Comparative Education, the views of social change that underlie different approaches to Comparative Education and the question of what sci
8、entific methodology entails and whether or not it should be a goal in Comparative Education research. By the end of the course students should have developed their own critical perspective on the literature through careful reading and sustained thought and discussion.Class Format:Class sessions will
9、 involve brief lectures, discussion of common readings and student presentations from the additional reading list, the list of anthologies or textbooks in the field and/or related readings that have been self selected. Some discussion of plans for term papers can also be accommodated.Evaluation:Two
10、short papers (400-600 words or 1-2 typed pages) should be prepared for class presentation and handed in during the term. One of them will be a reflective review of any one of the comparative education textbooks or anthologies listed below, or a related text with the instructors approval, with a focu
11、s on how they present the purpose and method of comparative education. This will be due by October 20. The other will be a summary critique of an article or book chosen from the additional reading list or elsewhere, on a topic that is related to the final research paper. These short papers/reviews w
12、ill make up 30% of the final mark. 70% will be based on a research paper of 3-4,000 words (15-20 typed pages). Students may choose their own topics in consultation with the instructor.Overview of Course Themes and TopicsIntroduction: The Origins and early development of Comparative education1. The H
13、istorical Approach2. The Positivist Approach3. Phenomenological, Ethnographic & Narrative Approaches4. The Problem Approach5. The Developmental Approach: Neo-Marxism, Dependency Theory and World Order thinking6. Ideal Types in Comparative Education7. Comparative Education and the Postmodern Challeng
14、e8. Comparative Education and Globalization9. International Organizations and Comparative Education10. A Dialectical Paradigmatic Stance and Mixed Methods in Comparative Education11. Data Collection and Classification in Comparative Education Major Influential BooksAltbach, P., Arnove, R., and Kelly
15、, G., (eds.), 5Emergent Issues in Education: Comparative Perspectives (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1992). See especially Part 1 Debates and Trends in Comparative Education by Gail Kelly.Altbach, P. and Kelly, G., 5Education and the Colonial Experience (N.B., U.S.A. and London: Transa
16、ction Books, 1984)Arnove, Robert F. and Torres, Carlos Alberto (eds.) 5Comparative Education: The Dialetic of the Global and the Local (Lanham, Boulder, New York and Oxford: Rowen & Littlefield Publishers Inc, 1999, second edition 2003).Bereday, George, 5Comparative Method in Education New York: Hol
17、t, Rinehart and Winston, 1964,Bray, Mark, (ed.), 5Comparative Education: Continuing Traditions, New Challenges and New Paradigms (Dordrecht, London, Boston: Kluwer Publishers, 2003)Bray, Mark, Adamson, Bob and Mason, Mark, 5Comparative Education Research: Approaches and Methods (Hong Kong: Comparati
18、ve Education Research Centre, University of Hong Kong, 2007.)Broadfoot, Patricia, Changing educational contexts, issues and identities : 40 years of comparative education (London: Routledge, 2007).Burns, R. and Welch, A. (eds.), 5Contemporary Perspectives in Comparative Education (New York: Garland
19、Press, 1992).Crossley, Michael and Watson, Keith, 5Comparative and International Research in Education: Globalisation, context and difference (London and New York: RoutledgeFalmer, 2003).Delors, Jacques et al, 5Learning: The Treasure Within (Paris: UNESCO Publishing, 1998). Fgerlind, Ingemar and Sah
20、a, Lawrence, 5 Education and National Development: A Comparative Perspective (Oxford: Pergamon 1989).Green, Andrew, 5Education, Globalization and the Nation State (New York: St Martins Press, 1997).Gu Mingyuan, Education in China and Abroad: Perspectives from a Lifetime in Comparative Education (Hon
21、g Kong: Comparative Education Research Centre, University of Hong Kong, 2001).Halls (ed.), W. D. Comparative Education: Contemporary Issues and Trends (London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 1990).Hans, Nicholas, 5Comparative Education (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1967).Holmes, Brian, Comparativ
22、e Education: Some Considerations of Method (London: George Allen and Unwin, 1981).King, Edmund, Other Schools and Ours (London: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1973, 5th Edition).Kandel, Isaac,5 The New Era in Education (Cambridge, Mass.: Houghton and Mifflin Inc., 1955),Masemann, Vandra Lea and Welch,
23、Anthony (eds.), 5Tradition, Modernity and Post-Modernity in Education (Amsterdam: Kluwer, 1997)Mundy, Karen, Bickmore, Kathy, Hayhoe, Ruth, Madden, Meggan and Madjidi, Katherine, Comparative and International Education: Issues for Teachers (Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press, New York: Teachers Colleg
24、e Press, 2008)Noah, H. and Eckstein, M., 5Towards a Science of Comparative Education London: MacMillan, 1969.Paulston, Rolland, 5Social Cartography: Mapping Ways of Seeing Social and Educational Change (New York and London: Garland Publishing Inc., 2000)Schriewer, J. and Holmes, B., 5Theories and Me
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- 比较 教育 理论 方法 课程 纲要
