4、源李拉亚(2016b),1960年代和1970年代关于菲利普斯曲线的讨论1970年代理性预期理论问世时间不一致性(Kydland 和 Prescott(1977)和Barro和Gordon(1983)关于相机决策和政策规则的讨论1986年才有政策透明的思想萌芽,1995年后欧美央行开始实行越来越透明的政策。常规货币政策的理论框架(Clarida,Gali and Gertle,1999)泰勒规则,1993年提出。新古典经济理论的通货膨胀目标制,1990年新西兰率先实行。新凯恩斯经济理论的弹性通货膨胀目标制(Svensson,1997),政策透明,Morris&Shin(2002)文章认为不是政
5、策越透明越好,过多的公共信息可能湮没了私人信息。Morris&Shin(2002)文章发表后,引起了争论,Svensson(2006)在American Economic Review 发表了评论文章,认为Morris&Shin(2002)文章的方法推导有问题,经改进后推导结果与原来结果不符,即应该是支持透明化而不是相反。换言之,除了一些特别情况下,公共信息越多越好。在公共信息和私人信息同样准确的情况下,缺少公共信息会降低社会福利。Morris&Shin(2006)在同期的American Economic Review发表文章做了回应,承认Svensson对方法推导的指责有道理,但仍坚持自己
6、观点是正确的,即太多的公共信息会降低社会福利。,预期管理理论问世,Woodford在日本央行讲学的PPT(1997)中最早使用了预期管理这个词(management of expectations)。在正式公开发表的文献中,Woodford(2001)在内容提要中使用了预期管理这个词。学术界认为预期管理思想成型于Woodford(2003)和Woodford(2005)。,预期管理的实质思想和特点,预期管理的实质思想是,政府要引导公众预期,或者说,央行要引导公众预期。特点:央行采用政策透明等劝说方式引导,公众是自愿方式被引导。通过影响公众预期来影响经济,要求公众顺从和配合央行政策,依据央行政策
8、理论基础之一是预期管理起源于针对日本1990年代流动性陷阱的研究2008年美国金融危机后,美联储QE、扭曲操作和前瞻性指导均试图影响公众预期,故预期管理是美联储非常规货币政策的理论基础之一。现在美联储、欧洲央行和英国央行等注重使用前瞻性指导。前瞻性指导是预期管理方法的新发展,是央行引导公众预期的新工具(Yellen(2013))。,前瞻性指导(,2013),前瞻性指引的定义尚未统一,一种简明且权威定义是央行明确公布未来货币政策走势(Woodford(2012)。There are three main ways in which these central banks have provide
9、d forward guidance.开放式引导():the Bank of Japan,the US Federal Open Market Committee(FOMC),and the European Central Bank时间依赖型引导():the Bank of Canada and the FOMC状态依赖型引导():the FOMCOn balance,the MPC(the Monetary Policy Committee)judges that state-contingent guidance is more suitable at the current junct
10、ure than either time-contingent or open-ended guidance.,开放式引导 特点是太活,容易误解,Open-ended guidance provides qualitative information about the expected future path of policy for example,stating that Bank Rate is expected not to rise above its current level for an extended period or until the outlook for gr
11、owth improves substantially.Providing such qualitative guidance would afford a high degree of flexibility in responding to unanticipated developments.But it would consequently provide very little additional information beyond what is provided in the MPCs existing communications.And there is a risk t
12、hat the vague language of the guidance could cause people to misinterpret it:what is meant by an extended period or by a substantial improvement in the growth outlook?,时间依赖型引导特点是太死板,可信性不高,Time-contingent guidance provides an indication of when monetary policy is likely to change for example,stating
13、that Bank Rate is expected not to rise above its current level until a certain date in the future.Since time-contingent guidance relates the path of monetary policy to particular dates it is relatively simple to interpret.But any change in underlying economic conditions would almost certainly lead t
14、o a change in the period of time for which interest rates should be held fixed.It is unlikely,therefore to be a completely credible policy strategy because it conveys no information about how the Committee might react to unanticipated developments in the economy.,As a result,time-contingent guidance
15、 is unlikely to be that helpful now.For example,people may understand that time-contingent guidance is conditional upon the economic outlook,and that the MPC might revise its guidance in response to unanticipated developments.But such guidance,on its own provides no information about which shocks ar
16、e most likely to result in a change in the timing of the first rise in Bank Rate,and by how much the date would be moved forwards or backwards.So it would not prevent people from overreacting to unanticipated developments,meaning that expectations about the path of Bank Rate could still move out of
17、line with the path anticipated by the MPC,and lead to unwarranted moves in other interest rates and in asset prices.In addition,time-contingent guidance would not help the MPC deal with the uncertainty it currently faces about the trade-off between inflation and output growth,as it would not build i
18、n any automatic feedback between the evolution of the economy and the outlook for policy.,Moreover,if people do not recognise that time-contingent guidance is conditional upon the economic outlook,then it could,in the longer term,damage trust in the MPC.That is because if the MPC did change its guid
19、ance then people may not understand or believe the reasons why the guidance had changed:they may believe that the MPC had simply reneged on its earlier policy,rather than reassessed it in the light of developments that had not been anticipated previously.,状态依赖型引导特点:政策变化与未来具体的经济指标值相关,State-contingent
20、 guidance provides an indication of the economic conditions that might lead to a change in monetary policy for example,stating that Bank Rate is expected not to rise above its current level until the unemployment rate reaches a certain level,or output growth exceeds a certain rate,provided that such
21、 an approach remains consistent with meeting the inflation target in the medium term.,By linking the path of monetary policy to economic conditions rather than to a date,state-contingent guidance can help people to understand how and why the Committee will respond to unanticipated developments,and t
22、o update their expectations about the future path of policy accordingly.That makes it more helpful in the current conjuncture,because it should help to prevent unwarranted movements in expectations about the path of Bank Rate.Moreover,it would create a direct feedback between the evolution of the ec
23、onomy and the expected path of policy:by choosing suitable variables,that should help to ensure that expectations move appropriately as the economy recovers and more is learnt about the evolution of supply and inflation expectations.,But state-contingent guidance also has drawbacks.For example,it ma
24、y be less easy for the public to interpret.That is because it relies on people being aware of the current value of the economic variables referred to in the guidance,and having a view about how those variables are likely to evolve.As such,state-contingent guidance may have less effect on households
25、and companies views about the outlook for policy,or the certainty with which they hold those views.,Linking the path of monetary policy to only a few indicators could also lead to expected rises in Bank Rate that were not warranted by broader economic conditions.That problem can be avoided by specif
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