1、Gas TCMF,National Grid House,Warwick,24th January 2006,Agenda,1)Introductions2)Minutes of Previous Meeting3)Terms of Reference4)Objectives of Meeting5)Overview of Charging Arrangements6)Overview of Charge Calculation Models7)1 April 06 Charge Revisions8)Way Forward9)Any Other Business,Agenda,1)Intro
2、ductions2)Minutes of Previous Meeting3)Terms of Reference4)Objectives of Meeting5)Overview of Charging Arrangements6)Overview of Charge Calculation Models7)1 April 06 Charge Revisions8)Way Forward9)Any Other Business,Overview of Charging Arrangements-Contents,Regulatory&Commercial FrameworkLicence O
3、bligationsContractual Obligations Further ObjectivesPrice ControlTransportation Charging MethodologiesTypes of chargesPrinciples of charging methodologies:TO ExitTO EntryTO/SO Commodity,Regulatory and Commercial Framework-Overview,National Grid NTS GT Licence,IECR,Transmission Charging Statements,UN
4、C,IExCR,Incremental Step Prices,Defines who pays what and how,Incremental volumes,Statement of Gas Transmission Transportation Charges,Connection Charging Statement,LNG Storage Charging Statement,Statement of Transmission Transportation Charging Methodology,Metering Charging Statement,Licence Obliga
5、tions(1),In setting and developing its transportation charges,National Grid NTS complies with the following relevant obligations:Standard Special Condition A4 Notification of ChargesNational Grid NTS required to publish statement of chargesPlaces restrictions on timings of changes to charges(I.e.Apr
6、&Oct only)Requires 150 day notice period of changes“reasonable endeavours basis”One months notice of final prices Standard Special Condition A5 Changes to Charging MethodologyNational Grid NTS to keep charging methodology at all times under review,for the purpose of achieving the following relevant
7、objectives:To reflect costs incurred To take account of developments in the businessTo facilitate effective competition between shippers/suppliersWhere auctions apply,that the reserve price is set at a level to promote efficiency,avoid undue preference,and to promote competition.contd.,Licence Oblig
8、ations(2),but must also comply with further special conditions:Special Condition C15 Methodology for determining incremental entry capacity volumesincludes the setting of step pricesrequirement on National Grid NTS to review annuallyIncludes consultation process where revision to be madeSpecial Cond
9、ition C3 LNG Storage ServicesNational Grid NTS to ensure charges for LNG storage services are those contained in the licence for each formula yearContd,Licence Obligations(3),.and the following licence conditions for non-transportation charges:Standard Special Condition A43 Metering Chargescontains
10、requirements for the charging methodology and statement for metering and meter reading servicesStandard Condition 4b Connection Chargescontains requirement on National Grid NTS to maintain and publish connection charging statement,Contractual Obligations,Uniform Network CodeDefines each transportati
11、on charge type(as described in the charging statement)for contractual purposesDescribes how the final charges for invoicing purposes are generated(e.g transportation charge rate x chargeable quantity)Sets out who is responsible for paymentInvoicing process Includes requirement to provide two months
12、notice for implementation of revised prices,Setting Transportation Transmission Charges Further Objectives,When considering changes to charges,in addition to satisfying licence objectives,we endeavour to meet a number of our own objectives:Promote efficient use of the transportation systemGenerate s
13、table chargesBe easy to understand and implement,Price Controls,Maximum Allowable Revenue(MAR)that National Grid NTS is allowed to earn in each formula year(1 Apr 31 Mar)determined by TO and SO price controls and incentivesTransportation Charges are set to recover the Maximum Allowed Revenues(MAR)Pr
14、icing differentiates between whether the activity is TO or SO,Transportation Charging Methodologies,NTS Entry and Exit Charges,Capacity(p/peak day kWh/day)Commodity(p/kWh),GTLicence,*Quarterly Incremental Prices are set in accordance with IECR methodology*Only revenue from Ahead of Day auctions feed
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- IBM 燃气 控股 集团 FINALOverviewofChargingArrangements
