1、联合利华商业道德准则Unilever Code of Business Principle联合利华(中国)Unilever China,Feb 2007,什么是联合利华商业道德准则What is Unilever CoBP,联合国:宪章 U.N.:charter,国家:宪法 Country:constitution,体育运动:规则 Sports:rule,联合利华:商业道德准则 Unilever:CoBP,消费者 Consumer,政府 Government,媒体Media,法律 Law,施压群体Force of groups,投资者Shareholders,竞争者 Competitor,商业
2、伙伴 Business partners,3,环境中的道德准则(内部和外部)CoBP in environments(internal&external),商业道德准则 CoBP,公司的责任取决于个人的行为。尊重员工的合法利益;遵守法律法规;公开而诚实的商业交易;避免个人利益和公司利益冲突。,信任基础 Foundation of trust,信任基础 Foundation of trust,行为标准Standard of Conduct,遵守法律Obeying the law,商业道德Business Integrity,利益冲突Conflicts of Interests,Companys
3、performance relies on individuals behavior Respecting human rights Obeying the law Openness and honesty in trade Avoid conflict of interest between individual and company,信任基础Foundation of trust,行为标准(准则)Standard of Conduct(Code),联合利华在运作自己的业务时信守的标准是:Unilever conduct all the business with the principl
4、es:诚实 Honesty 正直 Integrity 公开 Openness 尊重 Respect,尊重员工人权和利益,同时也尊重其他与我们有关系的各方的合法利益。Respect employees human rights and other related partners legitimate interests.,我们遵从联合国公约和国际协定;We observe all U.N.sanctions and international law我们尊重人权,恪守行为准则;We respect human rights and enter territories where operati
5、ons conducted in accordance with CoBP我们着眼于长远利益,努力为员工谋取最大利益。Maintaining the highest standards of behaviors,providing best contributions to our employees,行为标准(案例)Standard of Conduct(Case),所有联合利华中国的员工都应该共同分享与遵守这些行为标准All Unilever employees should share and follow the standard of conduct,提供虚假的财务报表 Provid
6、e false financial reports 采取不正当竞争的手段获取利益 Benefit from unfair competition伪造销售数据,包括渠道压货行为 Fabricate sales data,incl.stock load in channel 不尊重员工,辱骂下属等 Disrespect employees,abuse subordinators,行为标准,信任基础Foundation of trust,遵守法律(准则)Obeying the Law(Code),公司必须遵循当地的法律与法规 Unilever should obey the local laws a
7、nd regulations所有联合利华的员工在日常活动中必须遵循相关法律法规 Unilevers employees should obey the local laws and regulations员工在日常工作中对涉及的法律和法规存在任何疑虑与问题,一定要向公司的法务部门寻求咨询与帮助 If in doubt over the correct interpretation,employee should seek professional advice from legal Group before acting.公司法务部有责任提供专业的法务咨询 Legal Group is res
8、ponsible for answering all the questions relevant to laws and regulation,信任基础Foundation of trust,遵守法律(案例)Obeying the Law(Case),从工厂偷盗产品并通过非法渠道进行销售 Steal products from factory and illegally sell them 逃税漏税 Tax evasion产品促销活动或新产品命名、包装侵犯其他公司知识产权 Infringe upon others intellectual property rights when we ca
9、rry out promotion plan,name new products or design new packing style,遵守法律,信任基础Foundation of trust,商业道德,商业道德(准则)Business Integrity(Code)-I,联合利华决不直接或间接收受或给予任何贿赂 Prohibition against directly or indirectly giving or receiving bribes or other improper advantages for business or financial gain.联合利华的员工不准提出
10、,收受或给予任何被认为是贿赂的礼物或款项 Employee should not ask,accept or offer any thing that could be regarded as bribes.如有任何相关事件发生,马上向自己的直属经理汇报 If such kind of thing happens,please report to your line manager at the first time联合利华的会计记录和支持文件必须准确的描述与反映各项交易的性质 Unilever financial records must accurately reflect real na
11、ture of each transactions.,信任基础Foundation of trust,积极配合外部审计的工作 Not take any action to mislead external auditors.遵循当地税务局的规定按时纳税 Pay taxes on time,comply with all statutory obligations本着公开公正的原则制订公司内部转移价格 Set up internal transfer price base on principle of openness and fairness严禁剽窃竞争对手的商业创意 Forbid to c
12、opy the business creativity of our competitors,商业道德(准则)Business Integrity(Code)-II,信任基础Foundation of trust,商业道德,在货品入关的过程中行贿 Bribes CIQ when receiving imported goods.为了得到某项批文,送给相关官员5000员人民币 In order to obtain approval,offer government officials RMB5,000.收取供应商钱款或贵重礼品,在供应商选择过程中采用不公平竞争Receive suppliers
13、money or high-value gifts then help him to win in a unfair competition.与客户相互勾结侵占公司利益 Collude with customer to occupy companys interests.在报销促销费用时使用不合规或虚假的发票 Provide fake invoice when claiming promotion fee,商业道德(案例)Business Integrity(Case),信任基础Foundation of trust,利益冲突,利益冲突(准则)Conflicts of Interest(Cod
14、e),避免参与可能会与自己所在公司的利益存在冲突的活动 Avoid conflict of interest between personal activities and Unilever不可滥用职权谋取私利 Avoid conflict of interest as a result of a position.保守公司商业秘密 Confidential information must not be disclosed for personal gains.不可传播跟产品订价有关的非公开信息 Must not pass out unpublished price-sensitive in
15、formation 尊重保守竞争对手的商业秘密 Protect competitors confidential information对于员工个人信息,联合利华将在法律允许下使用 Use personal data only in conformity with applicable laws and regulations.及时汇报潜在的违规行为 Should report any potential breach of code in time,信任基础Foundation of trust,利益冲突,1.到另一家公司担任董事会成员以前向公司申报,并在得到公司的允许后才就任 Can no
16、t be a board member of another company before getting permission from Unilever 2.拥有一家运输公司为联合利华提供运输服务 Own a transportation company who has business with Uniever 3.选择一家由联合利华员工直接或间接拥有的促销活动代理商 Choose to use one promotion agency,which directly or indirectly owned by a Unilever employee.4.拥有竞争对手的股权或充当竞争对手
17、的员工,顾问或业务伙伴 Own competitors stocks or be competitors employee,consultant or business partner 5.向公司隐瞒伴侣或亲戚在为竞争对手,客户或供应商工作的信息 Employee hide the information that his/her spouse or relatives works for our competitors,customers or suppliers.,利益冲突(案例)Conflicts of Interest(Case),信任基础Foundation of trust,互惠互
18、利的商业关系,环境,环境(准则)Environment(Code),联合利华致力于改善我们的生存环境,并大力推广可持续发展 Unilever is committed to reduce the environmental impact of our activities.确保我们的产品是环保的,安全的 Ensure the safety of our products 时时处处保持环保意识 Exercise this concern for the environment where we operate 致力于研发环保产品,尤其关注研发环保包装材料,环保的处置废物,尽可能减少浪费,节约能源
19、,回收利用仍可使用的材料或产品Develop innovative products which could reduce environment impact 我们每一位员工都须具有强烈的环保意识,在日常工作中尽可能的为改善环境做贡献!All of us as employees should be aware of Unilevers environmental policy,and try our best to improve environment in our work!,互惠互利的商业关系Reciprocal commercial relationship,环境,为控制生产造成的
20、污染而购置新的生产机器 Purchase new production equipment to reduce pollution 合理的处理生产废弃物,防止对环境造成不良影响 Proper deal with wastage material,环境(案例)Environment(Case),互惠互利的商业关系Reciprocal commercial relationship,社区活动,参与社会活动(准则)Community Involvement(Code),积极参与社会活动是联合利华的优良传统 Strong tradition of actively engaging with the
21、societies in which we operate联合利华热衷于公益事业 Active involvement in addressing local social,economic and environmental issues.公司激励员工积极参与社会活动,与此同时,使我们的品牌深入人心 Unilever encourage employees to play their part in society while Unilevers brands can become better known.,互惠互利的商业关系Reciprocal commercial relationsh
22、ip,社区活动,为贫穷地区的孩子捐赠希望小学 Build up Hope School in poor area.协助英商会收集衣物、文具和书本捐赠给贫困地区学生 Help U.K.Chamber of Commerce collect clothes,stationary and books and give them to students in poor village.支柱员工到黄山希望小学支教 Encourage employees to be volunteers to teach in HuangShan hope elementary school.,参与社会活动(案例)Com
23、munity Involvement(Case),互惠互利的商业关系Reciprocal commercial relationship,商业伙伴,商业伙伴(准则)Business Partners(Code),联合利华 Unilever:我们确保各投资方均遵循商业道理准则 We ensure that the business principles are applied fully只有愿意遵循我们商业道德准则的企业才有机会成为我们的投资方 We will not invest in other entities unless the application of our CoBP can
24、be honored by that entity商业伙伴 Other business partners:联合利华希望自己商业伙伴的行为遵守联合利华的商业道德准则 Unilever expects its business partners follow Unilever CoBP 联合利华有权力选择遵守我们商业道德准则的商业伙伴 Unilever will seek partners whose conduct and business principles are in accordance with our own.,互惠互利的商业关系Reciprocal commercial rel
25、ationship,商业伙伴,要求联合利华的第三方保证外包生产产品的配方保密 Request the co-packers of Unilever keep confidential of our formulation 要求联合利华的供应商遵守相关法律法规,不偷税漏税 Request Unilevers supplier comply with related law and regulation,pay tax on time.要求供应商和客户签署联合利华的商业准则 Request Unilevers suppliers and customers to sign the acknowle
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