1、WLAN无线技术与应用,WLAN无线应用与标准,议题,无线运营部署及案例分享,WLAN无线网络架构与关键技术,思科统一无线网络解决方案,WLAN 的增长预期,Huge expected growth of WLAN users based upon ease of use and ROI in IT infrastructure.,Graph courtesy of Radicati Group,Inc.,Wi-Fi Notebooks 超越 Desktops驱动WLAN的技术采用与市场增长,From 1999 it took Cisco 51 months to sell one milli
2、on access points.,From 2004 it took Cisco 14 months to sell one million access points.,For 2006,its projected to take Cisco only 10 months to sell one million access points.,95%of Todays Notebooks Ship Wi-Fi Enabled,Notebooks Surpass Desktops!,90%of Wi-Fi Chips Are Cisco Compatible,WLAN 部署场合,Interne
3、t,家庭ISP连接消费市场建筑物之间的连接Point to pointMulti-point“最后一公里”ISP连接Office connectivityRural internet accessWireless mesh city,WLAN业务应用数据、语音、视频、定位,On the Road,Business Applications,Mobile Healthcare,Inventory Management,Video Surveillance,Asset Tracking,Hot Spot,Point of Sale,Real-Time Data,Airport,Campus and
4、 Branch Office,Guest Access,Secure Mobility,Hotel,WLAN无线标准组织,FCC-Federal Communications Commission( the use of wireless devices in the USAIEEE-Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers( and maintains operational standardsETSI-European Telecommunication
5、s Standards Institute( to produce common standards in EuropeWi-Fi Alliance-(www.wi-)promotes and tests for WLAN interoperabilityWLANA-WLAN Association( and raise consumer awareness regarding WLANs,IEEE 802.11 已完成的标准,IEEE 802.11-The original 1 Mbit/s and 2 M
6、bit/s,2.4 GHz RF and IR standard(1999)IEEE 802.11a-54 Mbit/s,5 GHz standard(1999,shipping products in 2001)IEEE 802.11b-Enhancements to 802.11 to support 5.5 and 11 Mbit/s(1999)IEEE 802.11c-Bridge operation procedures;standard(2001)IEEE 802.11d-International(country-to-country)roaming extensions(200
7、1)IEEE 802.11e-Enhancements:QoS,(2005)IEEE 802.11F-Inter-Access Point Protocol(2003)Withdrawn February 2006 IEEE 802.11g-54 Mbit/s,2.4 GHz standard(backwards compatible with b)(2003)IEEE 802.11h-Spectrum Managed 802.11a(5 GHz)for European compatibility(2004)IEEE 802.11i-Enhanced security(2004)IEEE 8
8、02.11j-Extensions for Japan(2004),IEEE 目前发展的标准,IEEE 802.11k-Radio resource measurement enhancements IEEE 802.11m-Maintenance of the standard;odds and ends.IEEE 802.11n-Higher throughput improvements using MIMO IEEE 802.11p-WAVE-Wireless Access for the Vehicular Environment IEEE 802.11r-Fast roaming
9、Working IEEE 802.11s-ESS Mesh Networking IEEE 802.11T-Wireless Performance Prediction(WPP)(test methods and metrics recommendation)IEEE 802.11u-Interworking with non-802 networks(for example,cellular)IEEE 802.11v-Wireless network management IEEE 802.11w-Protected Management Frames IEEE 802.11y-3650-
10、3700 Operation in the U.S.Note:802.11 L,O,Q and X are reserved by IEEE and have not been defined.,无线局域网技术演进,时间,802.11b,802.11g,网状网/MESH,802.11a,速率,802.11n,全移动能力,大面积组网,游牧能力,小规模组网,目前已经全球成熟商用,1999年,WiFi标准-802.11a/b/g/n:采用无需许可的频段(ISM);通常在室内为30米左右,室外可以达到100米左右;通过功放可以满足更远的覆盖距离,主要是终端功率的限制;,802.11b采用扩频技术,速率
12、leLight可见光,Ultra-violet紫外线,X-RaysX射线,Audio,AM广播,短波广播,FM 广播,电视,红外无线局域网,902-928 MHz26 MHz,蜂窝电话(840MHz),NPCS(1.9GHz),2.4-2.4835 GHz83.5 MHz(IEEE 802.11),5 GHz(IEEE 802.11)HyperLANHyperLAN2,UltraHigh,SuperHigh,2400,2483.5,2500,802.11b,CH 12412,CH 62437,CH 112462,工作在 2.4 GHz ISM 频段速率为 1,2,5.5 和 11 Mbps采用
13、 Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum(DSSS)modulation调制技术最多可以有 14 个channels11 U.S channels;13 ETSI channnels,14 Japan channels只有3 不重叠的channels,802.11b典型的速率与距离,90 ft,802.11b station association data rates.If limit of range is 90 ft,best rates are within 22 ft.,Range,Data rate,802.11g,工作在2.4 GHz ISM 频段速率为
14、6,9,12,18,24,36,48 和 54 Mbps采用 Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing(OFDM)modulation 调制技术向后兼容802.11b“b”客户端可以与“g”无线接入设备工作(11Mbps速率以下);“g”客户端也可以与“b”无线接入设备工作(11Mbps以下).与802.11b一样,为 3不重叠的channels,802.11g典型的速率与距离,54 Mbps,48 Mbps,36 Mbps,12 Mbps,90 ft,802.11g should have the same range as 802.11b but
15、 at higher rates.,Range,Data rate,802.11b/g频点规划,1,1,1,6,6,11,11,11,802.11a,工作在 5 GHz UNII 频段速率为 6,9,12,18,24,36,48 和 54 Mbps 采用 Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing(OFDM)modulation 调制技术可具有 4,8 or 12不重叠的channels。,54 Mbps,48 Mbps,36 Mbps,12 Mbps,802.11a典型的速率与距离,81 ft,Range,Data rate,802.11a/b/g
16、比较:-网络容量,802.11b/g&802.11a 比较,54 Mbps,48 Mbps,36 Mbps,12 Mbps,11/54 Mbps,5.5/48 Mbps,2/36 Mbps,1/12 Mbps,Cisco field studies have shown that an 802.11a AP will cover 90%of the area of 802.11b/g AP at the same power setting,802.11b/g range vs data rate,802.11a range vs data rate,802.11a/b/g 比较:-应用范围,
17、WLAN标准小结,802.11n 标准发展,IEEE 802.11n standard is still under developmentChanges to the standard are still being made(base features are mostly stable,optional features are in flux)Architectural and Security reviews are still underwayLetter Ballot passed in Mar 07(Draft 2.0)WFA certification of 802.11n
18、Draft 2.0 products planned for mid-2007Official ratification date is Sep 08,Draft 2.0 spec.moved to Letter Ballot,Letter Ballot passes,Jan2007,Mar,Jun,WFA begins draft 2.0 inter-op,Draft 2.0 products available in the market,Aug,Sep2008,IEEE802.11nstandardratified,Ratified 802.11n products available(
19、assumes no major changes in standard),Oct,Oct2010,2 years into a 4 year laptop refresh cycle(50%of users have 802.11n),802.11n的特点,Better overall end-user experience for high bandwidth data,voice and video applications5x higher throughputMore reliable and predictable coverageBackwards compatibility w
20、ith 802.11a/b/g clientsClients will co-exist for a long time,Primary 802.11n Components,Multiple Input Multiple Output(MIMO)Maximal Ratio Combining(MRC)Beam formingSpatial multiplexing,40 MHz ChannelsTwo adjacent 20 MHz channels are combined to create a single 40 MHz channel,Improved MAC EfficiencyP
21、acket aggregation multiple packets aggregated in a single transmissionBlock Acknowledgements,各类天线的无线特性,WLAN无线应用与标准,议题,无线运营部署及案例分享,WLAN无线网络架构与关键技术,思科统一无线网络解决方案,WLAN网络架构,Autonomous Architecture,胖AP架构Centralized WLAN Architecture,瘦AP架构,可细分三种架构(a)Local MAC(b)Split MAC(c)Remote MAC“Distributed Mesh Archi
22、tecture,分布式网状架构,802.11 WLAN Architecture I:Autonomous AP,STA 1,STA2,AP,STA 3,STA 4,AP,External Network,Autonomous(standalone)AP:“胖”、独立的AP独立工作,每个AP均包含绝大部分、甚至全部WLAN功能各AP独立RF管理,802.11 WLAN Architecture II:AP+AC(Access Controller),STA 1,STA2,AP,STA 3,STA 4,AP,External Network,AP,Access Controller(AC),“A
23、P+AC”共同完成 WLAN功能AC的优势:集中控制centralized controller(s)=便于管理大规模网络网络侧可见network wide visibility=便于网络功能协调挑战:没有AP-AC分离的标准=没有兼容性,关键问题:WALN功能如何在AP和AC之间进行分离?AP和AC之间的相互协议?,802.11 WLAN Architecture II:AP 和AC功能分离模式,Split MAC模式的功能划分,Controller,Access Points,Security PoliciesQoS PoliciesRF ManagementMobility Manage
24、ment,Remote RF interface,LWAPP,Switch/RoutedNetwork,Split MAC,Split the functionality between AP and controllerAP802.11 beacons,probe response,auth(if open)802.11 control packet ack&retransmission(latency)802.11e frame queuing&pkt prioritization(Access to RF)802.11i Encryption in AP(for now)Controll
25、er802.11 MAC Mgmt(re)association requests&action frames802.11 data encapsulate and sent to AP802.11e Resource Reservation control protocol carried to AP in 802.11 mgmt frames signaling done in the controller.802.11i Authentication&Key exchange,802.11 WLAN Architecture III:Wireless Mesh-无线网状网,Wireles
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