英语词汇学charpter6-2 The study of word meaning ppt.ppt
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1、The study of word meaning,What is meaning?,What is meaning?,Lecture outline,Types of word meaningGrammatical and lexical meaningLeechs seven types of meaningSemantic fieldMeaning relations of wordsSynonymyAntonymyMeronymyHyponymyPolysemy Homonymy,6.2 Main Types of Word Meaning,6.2.1 Grammatical mean
2、ing word-class inflectional paradigm(词形变化)6.2.2 Lexical meaningLexical meaning is dominant in content words,whereas grammatical meaning is dominant in function words.,6.2 Main Types of Word Meaning,6.2.1 Grammatical meaning Function words(orgrammatical words)arewordsthat have littlelexicalmeaningor
3、ambiguousmeaning,but instead serve to expressgrammaticalrelationships with other words within asentence,or specify the attitude or mood of the speaker.word-class the part of speech of the word.Inflectional paradigm词形变化The set of grammatical forms of a wordThe forms for noun,verb and adj?The grammati
4、cal meaning is the same in identical set of individual forms of different wordsThe lexical meaning of a word is the same throughout the paradigm,6.2 Main Types of Word Meaning,6.2.2 Lexical meaningAlso known as thedictionarydefinition,is themeaningof the term in common usage.Lexical meaning is diffe
5、rent from grammatical meaning in two respects:a.Lexical meaning of a word is the same in all the forms of one and the same word while the grammatical meaning varies from one word-form to another;b.Every word has a different lexical meaning,whereas the grammatical meaning is the same in identical set
6、s of individual forms of different words.,Example,Thewedding of Prince William,Duke of Cambridge,and Catherine Middletontook place on Friday,29 April 2011 atWestminster Abbeyin London.Prince William,second in the line of succession toQueen Elizabeth II,first metCatherine Middletonin 2001,whilst both
7、 were studying at theUniversity of St Andrews.,News outlets widely estimatedthat the wedding was watched by a global television audience of upwards of two billion people.24.5 million watched the event in the UK.,Leechs Seven Types of(lexical)Meaning,Geoffrey Leech(1974,1981)proposes in Semantics:The
8、 Study of Meaning seven types of meaning:Conceptual meaningConnotative meaningSocial meaningAffective meaningReflected meaningCollocative meaningThematic meaning,AssociativeMeaning,An example?,What is the meaning of“mother”?Mother/mom/ma/母亲、妈妈、娘、额娘、母后、慈母,(1)Conceptual meaning,Also called denotative(
9、外延)or cognitive meaning.Refers to logical,cognitive or denotative content.Concerned with the relationship between a word and the thing it denotes,or refers to.e.g.chair:a piece of furniture for one person to sit on,having a back and,usually,four legs.man:+Human,+Male,+Adult,(2)Connotative meaning(内涵
10、意义),The communicative value an expression has by virtue of what it refers to,over and above its purely conceptual content.A multitude of additional,non-criterial properties,including not only physical characteristics but also psychological and social properties,as well as typical features.,Involving
11、 the real world experience one associates with an expression when one uses or hears it.Unstable:they vary considerably according to culture,historical period,and the experience of the individual.Any characteristic of the referent,identified subjectively or objectively,may contribute to the connotati
12、ve meaning of the expression which denotes it.,For example:lamb means“docile,gentle and obedient”What does“mother”mean?And“stepmother”?,Stepmother,Fierce,ruthless,cruel,cold,vicious,rough,violent devil,evil,ugly,Motherly,kind,tender,mild,considerate,perfect,nice,brave.Talkative,sensitive,beautiful,(
13、3)Social meaning,What a piece of language conveys about the social circumstances of its use.Dialect:the language of a geographical region or of a social class.Time:the language of the 18th c.,etc.Province/Area:language of law,of science,of advertising,etc.Status:polite,colloquial,slang,etc.Modality:
14、language of memoranda,lectures,jokes,etc.For example:,domicile:very formal,officialresidence:formalabode:poetichome:generalsteed:poetichorse:generalnag:slanggee-gee:baby language,(4)Affective meaning,Reflecting the personal feelings of the speaker,including his attitude to the listener,or his attitu
15、de to something he is talking about.Youre a vicious tyrant and a villainous reprobate,and I hate you for it!Im terribly sorry to interrupt,but I wonder if you would be so kind as to lower your voices a little.Will you belt up.Mary is an angel.,Colorful meaning,Commendatory tough-mindedresolute,firms
16、hrewdchildlikeman of unusual talentportly,stout,solid,plumpslender,slim,Derogatory ruthlessobstinatesly,craftychildishfreakfleshy,fat,tubbylean,skinny,lanky,weedy,scraggy,(5)Reflected meaning,Arises in cases of multiple conceptual meaning,when one sense of a word forms part of our response to anothe
17、r sense.Taboo terms:water closet wash room;theGay-homosexuality,(6)Collocative meaning,The associations a word acquires on account of the meanings of words which tend to occur in its environment.pretty:girl,boy,woman,flower,garden,colour,village,etc.handsome:boy,man,car,vessel,overcoat,airliner,type
18、writer,etc.man and wife,bread and butter,a piece of cake,(7)Thematic meaning,What is communicated by the way in which a speaker or writer organizes the message,in terms of ordering,focus,and emphasis.Theme/Rheme(given/new information)Mrs Bessie Smith donated the first prize.The first prize was donat
19、ed by Mrs Bessie Smith.(These two sentences express the same conceptual meaning,but they have different communicative values)They stopped at the end of the corridor.At the end of the corridor,they stopped.,Semantic field and Semantic relations,Semantic field(语义场):the vocabulary of a given language i
20、s not simply a listing of independent items,but is organized into areas,or fields,within which words interrelate and define each other in various ways.,e.g.red,green,blue,white,gray,orange,rose,olive,purple,lemon,etc-semantic field of colors;father,mother,son,daughter,brother,sister,uncle,aunt,cousi
21、n etc.-semantic field of kinship;sorrow,grief,anguish,woe,regret,etc.-field of distressing emotions,doctors,physician,surgeon,dentist,oculist,anesthetist,nurses-the semantic field the medical profession.,Sense Relations,SynonymyAntonymyHyponymy Meronymy Homonymy,ComplementaryGradableConverseDirectio
22、nal,Cow/bull,sow/boar,ewe/ram,mare/stallion etc.form a pattern indicating a meaning related to sex.,Pairs of words can be formed into certain patterns to indicate sense relations.,Duck/ducking,pig/piglet,dog/puppy,lion/cub,etc.form another pattern indicating a relationship between adult and young.,N
23、arrow/wide,male/female,buy/sell,etc.show a different pattern related to opposition.,In fact,when we are talking of sense relations,we are talking of synonymy,antonymy,hyponymy,polysemy,homonymy,etc.,5.2.2 Synonymy:sameness of meaning,In what ways the following pairs are called synonyms?buy/purchaset
24、hrifty/economical/stingyautumn/fallflat/apartmenttube/underground,Are synonyms entirely identical in meaning?Synonyms may differ in the following aspects:1.Difference in originSome English synonyms may belong to words of different linguistic origin,e.g.,Some synonyms belong to different geographic v
25、arieties:,2.Differences in the shades of meaningAmaze-astound-to fill with great surprise But:differ in the degree of incredibility:Amaze:difficulty of belief;astound:extreme difficulty of belief e.g.anger,rage,fury,indignation,wrath;refuse,decline,reject,3.Differences in socio-expressive meaning,Ac
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- 英语词汇学charpter6-2 The study of word meaning ppt 英语 词汇学 charpter6
