01919周大福 报.ppt
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1、Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Limited,周大福珠寶集團有限公司,Stock Code 股份代號:1929,Annual Report 2012 年報,CorporateProfile企業簡介,Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Limited is a leading jeweller in Mainland China,HongKong and Macau.Its principal products are mass luxury and high-end luxury jewelleryproducts including ge
2、m-set jewellery,gold products,platinum/karat gold products andwatches.The Company was listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange in 2011.The Groups iconic brand“Chow Tai Fook”and long-standing history of over 80 yearsof operations represent key competitive advantages of its business.The Chow Tai
3、 Fookbrand is recognised for its trustworthiness and authenticity,and its products are knownfor their design,quality and value.Chow Tai Fook has an extensive retail network,with over 1,600 points of sale inGreater China,Singapore and Malaysia.The Group has a vertically integrated businessmodel that
4、gives it effective and tight control over its processes from raw materialprocurement to design,production,marketing and sales through its extensive retailnetwork.周大福珠寶集團有限公司是中國內地及港澳地區的領先珠寶商,並於2011年在聯交所主板上市。本集團專注於主流珠寶及名貴珠寶產品,包括珠寶鑲嵌首飾、黃金產品、鉑金K金產品以及鐘錶。本集團標誌性品牌周大福及80多年輝煌經營歷史乃其業務的關鍵競爭優勢,周大福是信譽及正貨的象徵,其產品則
5、以設計、品質及價值聞名。周大福擁有龐大的零售網絡,其於大中華區、新加坡與馬來西亞的零售點合共逾1,600個。集團建立出一套高效的垂直整合經營的業務模式。此模式能使集團對整體業務作出有效和謹慎的監控,範圍涉及原材料採購、設計、生產、市場推廣以及通過龐大的零售網絡進行銷售。,02,06,12,27,33,38,48,56,69,71,Contents目錄Financial Highlights財務摘要 Chairmans Statement主席報告書 Management Discussion&Analysis管理層討論與分析 Major Events and Awards重要活動及獎項 Pros
6、pects and Strategies前景及策略 Profile of Directors and Senior Management董事及高級管理人員簡介 Corporate Governance Report企業管治報告 Report of the Directors董事會報告 Independent Auditors Report獨立核數師報告 Financial Statements財務報表,Financial Summary財務概要 Corporate Information公司資料 Glossary詞彙,143144146,(1),Financial Highlights財務摘要
7、,Revenue營業額HK$million百萬港元22,933.6,35,042.5,56,571.1,Profit attributable toowners of the Company本公司擁有人應佔溢利HK$million百萬港元6,340.63,537.6,Earnings per share每股盈利HK cent港仙39.5,68.5,18,410.9,1,896.7,2,138.6,21.2,23.9,2009,2010,2011,2012,2009,2010,2011,2012,2009,2010,2011,2012,$56,571.1m 百萬港元,$6,340.6m 百萬港元
8、,68.5 cents 港仙,The following table summarises the results of the Group for FY2009 to FY2012.下表概述本集團 2009 財政年度至 2012 財政年度的業績。,For the year ended 31 March 截至3月31日止年度Revenue 營業額Gross profit 毛利Profit for the year 年度溢利,2012HK$million 百萬港元56,571.116,447.96,570.9,2011HK$million 百萬港元35,042.59,927.63,672.5,2
9、010HK$million 百萬港元22,933.66,555.02,206.8,2009HK$million 百萬港元18,410.95,326.01,914.4,Profit attributable to:以下人士應佔溢利:,Owners of the Company 本公司擁有人Non-controlling interests 非控股權益Earnings per share(HK cent)每股盈利(港仙)Dividend per share(HK cent)每股派息(港仙)As at 31 March 截至3月31日Current assets 流動資產Current liabil
10、ities 流動負債Net current assets 流動資產淨額Net assets 資產淨額Total assets 資產總額Key ratios for the year ended 31 March截至3月31日止年度主要比率Gross margin 毛利率,6,340.6230.368.510.02012HK$million 百萬港元45,258.314,218.031,040.329,573.047,414.32012(%)29.1,3,537.6134.939.5n/a 不適用2011HK$million 百萬港元27,503.217,213.210,290.011,672.
11、929,048.72011(%)28.3,2,138.668.223.9n/a 不適用2010HK$million 百萬港元15,961.68,510.97,450.78,335.417,010.32010(%)28.6,1,896.717.721.2n/a 不適用2009HK$million 百萬港元13,504.37,783.85,720.56,441.914,409.52009(%)28.9,Operating margin 經營利潤率,(1),14.9,13.3,11.8,12.4,Net margin 淨利潤率Net gearing(2)淨資本負債比率(2),11.616.2,10.
12、565.2,9.634.5,10.446.7,02,(1),(2),(1),(2),03,Revenue by geography FY20122012財政年度按地區劃分的營業額,Revenue by product FY20122012財政年度按產品劃分的營業額,Revenue by operation model FY20122012財政年度按營運模式劃分的營業額,43%,57%,14%,6%,27%,16%,53%,84%,Mainland China 中國內地HK,Macau and other Asian markets 香港、澳門及其他亞洲市場,Gem-set jewellery
13、珠寶鑲嵌首飾Gold products 黃金產品Platinum/karat gold products 鉑金,K金產品,Retail 零售Wholesale 批發,Watches 鐘錶Note:The percentages calculated could include minor rounding differences.附註:百分比計算結果或略有進位差異。,Key operating data as at 31 March於3月31日之主要經營數據Jewellery POS 珠寶零售點Mainland China 中國內地HK,Macau and other Asian market
14、s香港、澳門及其他亞洲市場Watch POS 鐘錶零售點Total POS 零售點總計,20121,5411,44893861,627(%),20111,2871,20681711,358(%),20101,1151,03481641,179(%),200996589570965(%),Same Store Sales Growth 同店銷售增長,Mainland China 中國內地Hong Kong,Macau and Taiwan香港、澳門及台灣Overall 整體,32.048.440.3,35.232.433.8,,n/a 不適用n/a 不適用n/a 不適用,
15、Earnings before net interest and taxation,divided by revenueAggregate of bank borrowings,gold loans,net amounts due to related companies,net of pledged bank deposits and bank balances and cash,and then dividedby total equity息稅前盈利除以營業額銀行貸款、黃金借貸、應付關聯公司款項淨額之總額(扣除已抵押銀行存款及銀行結餘及現金)並除以權益總額Chow Tai Fook Ann
16、ual Report 2012 周大福2012年年報,Chairmans Statement,主席報告書,04,05,Chairmans Statement,主席報告書,ChairmansStatement,主席報告書,Chow Tai Fook Annual Report 2012 周大福2012年年報,Chairmans Statement,主席報告書,“Chow Tai Fook jewellery representsthe best that money can buy.”,周大福珠寶是貨真價實的象徵。,06,07,“We excel at providing Chinese cus
17、tomers exactly what they arelooking for.”我們能為華人顧客提供稱心的產品。,Dear shareholders,Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Limited is a leading jewellery company withthe origins tracing back to 1929.After over 80 years in business as a privatecompany,Chow Tai Fook was successfully listed on the Main Board of theStoc
18、k Exchange on 15 December 2011,in what was one of the largest IPOs inHong Kong and globally last year.Chow Tai Fook became the largest listedpure play jeweller in the world by market capitalisation,and since listing wehave actually gained market share in Mainland China,Hong Kong andMacau,where we we
19、re already market leaders.Chow Tai Fook is a homegrown iconic Chinese luxury brand that is widelyknown and sought after,not to mention highly trusted,giving consumersfull confidence that our products are of the highest quality and authenticity.Chow Tai Fook jewellery represents the best that money c
20、an buy.Ourmotto of“sincerity eternity”has guided us all these years and means evenmore today as we strive for transparency,best-in-class corporategovernance,and long-term sustainable growth that will serve us well for ournext 80 years and beyond.Our listing was the logical next step forward forthe C
21、ompany.With our strong professional management,a committedboard setting strategic direction,and ample funds raised from globalinvestors who share our confidence in the untapped potential of the Chinesejewellery market,we are well poised to deliver on these goals.I am pleased to report a total revenu
22、e of HK$56,571.1 million for FY2012,which represents a robust growth of 61.4%over the same period last year.Profit attributable to shareholders of the Company increased by 79.2%toHK$6,340.6 million with an earnings per share of HK68.5 cents.The Boardrecommends the payment of a final dividend of HK10
23、.0 cents per share toreward our shareholders.We regard the main drivers for our sustainable growth to be POS expansionand Same Store Sales Growth,or in other words,acquiring new customersand encouraging repeat purchases.At the end of March 2012,the number of our POS totalled 1,627,an increaseof 19.8
24、%or 269 POS over the total number of jewellery and watch POS ayear earlier.Of the 1,627 POS,1,532 or 94.2%are located in Mainland China.Our overall Same Store Sales Growth was 40.3%in FY2012 compared to33.8%in FY2011.Growth in market share has also been a key to our success.According to the Frost&Su
25、llivan Report,our market share grew from 12.6%in 2010 to 14.4%in 2011 in Mainland China and from 20.1%to 21.4%in HongKong and Macau in that same period.,各位股東:周大福珠寶集團有限公司是一間始創於 1929 年的領先珠寶商。作為一家私人企業,周大福擁有逾 80 年歷史,並於 2011 年 12 月 15 日成功在聯交所主板上市,成為去年香港和全球最大規模的首次公開發售股份項目之一。周大福是全球市值最大的純珠寶業的上市公司。我們於中國內地和港澳
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