00136馬斯葛集團 报.ppt
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1、2,3,8,12,26,28,29,30,31,33,115,1,Mascotte Holdings Limited*,Contents目錄 Chairmans Statement主席報告Management Discussion and Analysis管理層討論及分析Profile of Directors and Senior Management董事及高層管理人員簡介Corporate Governance Report企業管治報告Directors Report董事會報告Independent Auditors Report獨立核數師報告Consolidated Statement
2、of Comprehensive Income綜合全面收入報表Consolidated Statement of Financial Position綜合財務狀況表Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity綜合權益變動表Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows綜合現金流量表Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements綜合財務報表附註Five Years Financial Summary五年財務概要Other Information其他資料Particulars of I
3、nvestment Properties投資物業詳情Corporate Information公司資料,Pages頁數17112113116,*,僅供識別,Annual Report 年報,2012,2,Chairmans StatementTHE YEAR IN REVIEWThe year under review has not been a smooth one for MascotteHoldings Limited and its subsidiaries(“the Group”).Loss attributableto shareholders had increased sub
4、stantially to HK$683.9 million,largelyas a result of the loss of HK$306.8 million in respect of our securitiestrading business due to the difficult conditions in financial marketscaused by factors such as the Euro debt crisis;and the finance costsincurred of HK$190.3 million in respect of the conver
5、tible bonds andconsideration bonds issued during the year in connection with theacquisition of the entire shareholding in Sun Materials Technology Co.,Ltd.(“Sun Materials”).On the other hand,the year marked an important milestone for theGroup as we ventured into the green energy industry through the
6、acquisition of Sun Materials,which is engaged in manufacturing solargrade polycrystalline silicon by deploying its self developed innovativetechnology and production process.It was originally anticipated at thetime of the acquisition that commercial production could commencewithin the current financ
7、ial year.However,the actual progress madetowards production has fallen short of earlier expectation.Subject tofunds being available to finance the future capital expenditure on atimely basis,it is expected the commercial production will commence inthe first half of 2013.PROSPECTSThe year ahead is un
8、doubtedly going to be extremely challenging.First,from an operational aspect we need to complete the constructionof the recycling facility and to proceed with commercial productionof solar grade polycrystalline silicon as soon as possible.Second,from the financial prospective we need to address the
9、Groups futurefunding needs diligently taking into account our working capital andcapital expenditure requirements as well as the maturity profile of theCompanys indebtedness.On a more positive note we are confident that after putting therecycling facility in place Sun Materials unique technology and
10、 processwill put it in a strong position from a cost-competitiveness point ofview.The price correction of late in the solar grade polycrystallinesilicon market is expected to make it difficult for certain higher costmanufacturers to compete and eventually drive them out of themarket.The Group is the
11、refore cautiously optimistic that with its highlycompetitive cost structure Sun Materials will stand to benefit from aglobal capacity adjustment in the market following the exit of highercost manufacturers in the near future.APPRECIATIONI would like to take this opportunity to thank our shareholders
12、,businesspartners,all of my fellow directors and staff for their on-going supportdedicated services and their valuable contribution during the year.For and on behalf of the BoardPeter Temple WhitelamChairman28 June 2012,主席報告回顧年度馬斯葛集團有限公司及其附屬公司(本集團)於回顧年度並不順利。股東 應 佔 虧 損 大 幅 增 加 至 683,900,000港元,主要由於歐債危
13、機等因素造成金融市場環境艱難,令我們之證券交易 業 務 錄 得 虧 損 306,800,000 港 元;以及年內就收購山陽科技股份有限公司(山 陽 科 技)之 全 部 股 權 而 發 行可換股債券及代價債券產生融資成本190,300,000 港元所致。另一方面,本年度乃本集團之重要里程碑,原因是本集團透過收購山陽科技(從事運用自行開發之創新技術及生產工序製造太陽能電池用多晶硅)進軍綠色能源業。本集團原本於進行收購時預計商業生產可於本財政年度展開。然而,實現生產之實際進度落後於早前之預期。受制於如可及時取得資金撥付未來資本開支,預期商業生產將於二零一三年上半年展開。前景未來一年無疑會極具挑戰。第
14、一,從營運角度來看,我們需要盡快完成回收設施之建設及進行太陽能電池用多晶 硅 之 商 業 生 產。第 二,從 財 政 角度來看,我們需要考慮營運資金及資本開支要求以及本公司債務之到期情況,積極應對本集團之未來資金需要。從正面來看,我們有信心設立回收設施後,山陽科技之獨特技術及工序將使其在成本競爭力方面佔有強大優勢。最近太陽能電池用多晶硅市場之價格調整預期會令若干成本較高之製造商難以競爭,最終從市場淘汰。因此,本集團保持審慎樂觀,認為利用其競爭力高之成本結構,山陽科技將經得起考驗,可在不久將來於成本較高之製造商退出後受惠於市場之全球產能調整。致謝本 人 謹 藉 此 機 會 對 各 股 東、業 務
15、 夥伴、全體董事同寅及員工之鼎力支持及竭誠努力,以及於本年度作出之寶貴貢獻,致以謝意。代表董事會主席Peter Temple Whitelam二零一二年六月二十八日,Mascotte Holdings Limited,馬 斯 葛 集 團 有 限公司,3,Management Discussion and AnalysisFINANCIAL RESULTS AND BUSINESS REVIEWAs anticipated in the Companys announcement issued on 12 April2012,the Group recorded a substantial in
16、crease in loss for the currentyear as compared to the last year.The loss attributable to shareholdersfor the year ended 31 March 2012 amounted to HK$621.3 million,as compared to a loss of HK$244.8 million last year.The substantialincrease in loss of approximately HK$376.5 million was largelybrought
17、about by(i)the increase of loss on change in fair valueof financial assets at fair value through profit or loss by HK$119.2million to HK$306.8 million derived from trading of securities duringthe year,which represented an increase of realised loss of HK$170.1million,from HK$96.0 million to HK$266.1
18、million and a decreaseof unrealised loss of HK$50.9 million,from HK$91.6 million toHK$40.7 million;and(ii)the increase in finance costs by approximatelyHK$191.7 million arising from the interest expenses on bank and otherborrowings,amortisation of interest expenses for convertible bonds andconsidera
19、tion bonds issued during the year,with the amount of HK$1.4million,HK$127.1 million and HK$63.2 million charged in consolidatedstatement of comprehensive income respectively.The basic and dilutedloss per share was HK$2.53,as compared to the basic and dilutedloss per share of HK$2.12 for the last yea
20、r.The basic and dilutedloss per share have been adjusted to reflect the impact of the shareconsolidation effected on 26 April 2012.During the year,the Grouphas purchased a commercial property which is located at Hong Kong.Furthermore,the Company completed the acquisition of 50.1%interestin Sun Mass
21、Energy Limited(“Sun Mass”)and its subsidiaries,LutionInternational Holdings Co.,Ltd.and Sun Materials in July 2011 andfurther acquired the remaining 49.9%interest in Sun Mass.Sun Massbecame wholly-owned subsidiary upon completion in January 2012.Nomaterial disposal of subsidiaries was noted during t
22、he year.Solar grade polycrystalline siliconDuring the year,the Company acquired 50.1%interest of Sun Massand completed on 15 July 2011,which then became a non-whollyowned subsidiary of the Company.On 4 January 2012,Sun Massbecame a wholly owned subsidiary after the Company further acquiredthe remain
23、ing 49.9%interest of Sun Mass.During the year,noturnover was generated from solar grade polycrystalline silicon segmentwith no commercial production commenced and the operating costrecorded as approximately HK$40.5 million.Further details of Sun Massare set out in the paragraph“Details of material a
24、cquisitions”.InvestmentsFactors such as the European debt crisis,slow global economic growthand credit tightening policy in the Peoples Republic of China(“PRC”)market have all contributed to uncertainties in the securities markets.Under such volatile conditions and the adverse change in financialmar
25、ket during the year,the market value of the Groups securitiesportfolio had declined and the net loss on change in fair value fromtrading of securities recorded as HK$306.8 million,63.5%higher thanHK$187.6 million as compared with last year.In addition,the dividendincome on held-for-trading investmen
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- 00136馬斯葛集團 00136 馬斯葛集團
