1、,IndustrialsKorea AutosKorea AutosUnfavourable FX outlook to weigh onearnings and momentumKorea Autos summary,abcGlobal Research Strong KRW leading to negative pricingand earnings downgrade Cutting 2013e OP of HMC,Kia andMobis by 7%,12%and 8%respectively,12.4%lower than consensus on average Remain N
2、 on HMC,OW on Kia andMobis(remove V),but lower TP to,TickerPrice(KRW)Mkt Cap(KRWbn)Mkt cap(USDm)RatingTP(KRW)Forecast div.yield(%)Potential return(%)2013 PE(x)2013 PB(x),HyundaiMotor Corp005380 KS210,50046,03843,540Neutral240,0001.,Kia Motors000270 KS53,40021,64620,472Overweight70,0001.72
3、,Hyundai Mobis012330 KS255,50024,87123,522Overweight320,0000.925.27.31.2,KRW240,000,KRW70,000 andKRW320,000New KRW assumption at USD1/KRW1,045:HSBCscurrency team have lowered their KRW forecast in 2013 toUSD1/KRW1,045,owing to:1)robust balance of paymentsinflows;2)higher tolerance of KRW ap
4、preciation by the newadministration;and 3)political focus shifting towards small,Potential return equals the percentage difference between the current share price and thetarget price,including the forecast dividend yieldNote:Pricing as at 16 Jan 2013,elsewhere(F&Vs,Peer Comps table)as at 15 Jan 2013
5、Source:Bloomberg,HSBC estimates17 January 2013Paul Choi*AnalystThe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited,Seoul Securities Branch,and mid-sized enterprises,putting less pressure on BoK tomaintain a weaker KRW.Our currency team also forecastfurther gradual appreciation to USD1/KRW1,010 in
6、2014.Sentiment vs.earnings:KRW appreciation negatively affectsprofitability of all auto companies with capacity constraints.Besides,the weak JPY continues to sap sector sentiment withpotential pricing competitiveness and a better earnings outlookon Japanese OEMs.Our sensitivity analysis implies that
7、 a 1%appreciation in the KRW against the greenback should lowerearnings of HMC and Kia by 1.6%,3.2%,respectively.,+822 3706 8758,Revising down earnings forecast:We now apply our new FXassumption of USD1/KRW1,045 and lower our 2013e earningsfor HMC,Kia and Mobis by 7%,12%and 8%respectively.Wealso adj
8、ust 2013 shipments forecast on HMC and Kia by+1.1%and-3.3%to 4.71m and 2.76m units,expecting volume growthat 6.9%and 1.5%in 2013.While we are not concerned aboutvolume,we continue to remain cautious on pricing risk ashighlighted in our report on HMC,Hyundai Motor(005380 KS):Downgrade to N:Pricing ri
9、sk mounting,Oct.24 2012.Lower TP on HMC,Kia and Mobis:We cut our target,View HSBC Global Research at:http:/*Employed by a non-US affiliate of HSBC Securities(USA)Inc,and is not registered/qualified pursuant to FINRA regulationsIssuer of report:The Hongkong and Shanghai BankingCorporation Limited,Seo
10、ul Securities BranchDisclaimer&DisclosuresThis report must be read with thedisclosures and the analyst certificationsin the Disclosure appendix,and with theDisclaimer,which forms part of it,prices for HMC,Kia and Mobis to KRW240,000,KRW70,000 and KRW320,000 respectively to reflectchanges in our assu
11、mptions.Despite its weakening productcycle and growing pricing risk,we remain Neutral on HMCgiven its low valuation.We prefer Kia(OW)in the Koreanauto space owing to its better product cycle and mix.We areOW on Mobis but remove V flag.,IndustrialsKorea Autos17 January 2013FX impact on earnings Earni
12、ngs downgrade on the Korean auto sector by the streetseems likely given the strong KRW We lower 2013e earnings by 7%and 12%for both HMC and Kiato reflect renewed forecasts on volume and USD1/KRW1,045 Our revised 2013e OP estimates are 12.4%(on average)lowerthan consensus:Remain N on HMC,OW on Kia an
13、d Mobis,abc,KRW appreciation=negativeearningsWe believe that FX has played a key role forHMC in achieving its pricing in KRW terms asthe current product cycle was based on the plandevised in 2006-07 when the KRW was at aroundUSD1/KRW900-950.Although we agree that thecurrency rate is not the single b
14、iggest contributorto the improved profitability in the past 2-3 years,this could be a swing factor for share priceperformance.HSBCs macro team forecasts thatKRW will appreciate by 7.2%y-o-y toUSD1/KRW1,045 in 2013 and will furtherappreciate to USD1/KRW1,010 by year-end 2014.USD and EUR trend vs.KRW,
15、The HSBC currency team forecast the KRW toappreciate by 3.0%to EUR1/KRW1,405 in 2013,which could potentially be a setback to HMCspricing strategy in the overseas markets.As we highlighted before,we are not concernedabout sales volume this year,but we now expect afurther negative impact on net pricin
16、g in 2013,mainly owing to:1)a strong KRW;and 2)anaging product cycle,especially with HMC.Therefore,the stronger KRW outlook has beenreflected in our new estimates on earnings acrossthe auto stocks,which are now 12.4%(onaverage)lower than the market consensus.HMC share price vs.KRW/JPY trend,130120,(
17、100=2009.01.01),(KRW)300,000250,000,(KRW)1615,110100908070602009,2010,2011,2012,2013,200,000150,000100,00050,000Jan-10,Jul-10 Jan-11 Jul-11HMC share price(RHS),Jan-12 Jul-12KRW/JPY(LHS),14131211,2,Source:Bloomberg,USD,EUR,Source:Bloomberg,IndustrialsKorea Autos17 January 2013KRW forecast against maj
18、or currencies,abc,1Q12,2Q12,3Q12,4Q12,1Q13e,2Q13e,3Q13e,4Q13e,1Q14e,2Q14e,3Q14e,4Q14e,KRW/USDKRW/EURKRW/JPYKRW/INRKRW/CZKKRW/CNYKRW/HUF,1133.101512.6513.6722.2760.92179.945.11,1145.401442.5514.3520.5956.22180.265.00,1111.381436.9714.2621.0257.21176.885.05,1064.401405.0612.3619.4355.94170.884.80,1060
20、57.71165.035.24,Source:HSBC estimates,Bullish momentum in KRW topersist post electionAccording to the HSBC FX team,a highertolerance of KRW appreciation is likely to be seenunder President Park Geun-hyes term.Previously,a strong KRW was more likely to be resisted bythe Bank of Korea to maintain the
21、exportcompetitiveness of Korean conglomerates.However,as the political focus will likely shifttowards smaller companies and importers,thereshould be less political pressure on the BoK tomaintain a weaker KRW.The currencys strengthis ensured by robust balance of payments inflows.That said,we expect t
22、he current policy efforts tolimit excess volatility of the KRW.Macro-prudential measures should remain a key part ofthe KRW story.Over time,such measures haveensured financial stability and led to lower levelsof foreign currency debt.This,in turn,shouldcontinue to support the KRWs gradualappreciatio
23、n,along with other factors such as acyclical recovery of the economy and theimproving outlook for the global economy.Welook for USD/KRW to grind lower to 1,030 byend of 2013.,EUR,RMB,INR,etc.If KRW strengthens againstthe currencies of the major markets,to which theKorean auto names are highly expose
24、d,this couldhave a negative operational impact on them as thestronger KRW should lead to a reduction in allearnings generated overseas.Besides,anappreciating KRW should also place them in amore difficult position to extend pricing strategiesin both domestic and overseas markets,whileforeign brands c
25、an be more flexible with adjustingtheir prices,providing a chance to expand theirprofitability and market share.Automakers with a larger domestic productionbase than overseas usually have higher revenuesensitivity to FX as they have a greater portion ofexport volume,earnings from which would betrans
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