英语本科毕业论文(设计)An Analysis of American Communication Styles.doc
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1、Liaoning Normal University(2010届)本科生毕业论文(设计)题 目: An Analysis of American Communication Styles学 院: 外国语学院专 业: 英语班级序号: 08本科学 号:学生姓名: 指导教师: 2010年5月Table of ContentsAbstract(in Chinese).iAbstract(in English).ii1 Introduction.11.1 Need and Significance of the Study .11.2 Outline of the Thesis .2 Literatur
2、e Review.22.1 Understanding Communication.52.2Understanding Context.2.3The Relationship between Communication and Culture.83 .4 Causes of the Style of American Communication.124.1 Culture and Religion.124.2 Social and historical causes.145 Conclusion. Bibliography . Acknowledgements. 美式交际风格摘要:随着高科技和
4、人类学家霍尔在他 1976年出版的超越文化一书中提出,从语境角度,交流可以分为两种,即高语境交流和低语境交流。前者指主要依靠语境交流的模式,后者指主要依靠语言交流的模式。这两种模式存在于所有文化之中,但在社会长期发展过程中,不同文化会对不同的交流模式有所侧重和偏好。因此,就相应地形成了高低语境文化。高低语境文化的概念也是由霍尔在 1976年超越文化一书中提出的。 对论文作了结论并指出了其不足之处。关键词:高语境;低语境;交流模式; The analysis of American Communication StylesAbstract:Since the beginning of 21st
5、century, high and information technologies have shown theirmagic power in shrinking the world. People on the earth, no matter where they live, whatlanguages they speak and what their skin colors are, are now having more and moreopportunities to communicate with each other, doing business, making fri
6、ends and solvingproblems. But the reduction of physical distance cannot make sure that the distance between thesouls is getting closer. Most of the time, people of different cultural backgrounds, thoughspeaking the same language, cannot exchange ideas smoothly and happily for the lack ofnecessary kn
7、owledge in intercultural communication.One of the biggest differences between China and the western world lies in the culturaldifferences in the use of context in communication. According to E. T. Hall in his book BeyondCulture (1976), communication can be divided into two kinds from the angle of co
8、ntext. Thecommunication with the main reliance on context is called high-context communication, whilethe communication relying mostly on language is called low-context communication. The twokinds of communication exist in all cultures, but there does lie a preference of a communicationstyle in the l
9、ongtime social development. Therefore, accordingly, there have developed two kindsof cultures in terms of context differences. They are high-context and low-context cultures,which is also put forward by Hall in his book Beyond Cultures in 1976.Key words: communication styles; low-context; direct 1.
10、Introduction 1.1 Need and Significance of the StudySince the beginning of 21st century, high and information technologies have shown theirmagic power in shrinking the world. People on the earth, no matter where they live, whatlanguages they speak and what their skin colors are, are now having more a
11、nd moreopportunities to communicate with each other, doing business, making friends and solvingproblems, etc.China, with its thriving economy and glorious history of over five thousand years, hasdrawn increasingly more attention from the western world. And, a growing number of Chinesepeople have the
12、 opportunities to go and see what it is like outside China, by studying or workingabroad.But the reduction of physical distance cannot make sure that the distance between the soulsis getting closer. Most of the time, people of different cultural backgrounds, even though usingthe same language, canno
13、t exchange ideas smoothly and happily for the lack of necessaryknowledge in intercultural communication.One of the biggest differences between China and the western world lies in the culturaldifferences in the use of context in communication. According to E. T. Hall (1976),communication can be divid
14、ed into two kinds from the angle of context. They are low-contextcommunication that occurs mostly through language and high-context communication thatoccurs in ways other than language. Davis (1999:56) adds that “Chinese people tend to behigh-context communicators as compared to people from western
15、cultures.” Lets take a look atthe following dialogue given by Davis (Ibid: 104):Ji Bing, a Chinese student, is living with Jeff, an authentic American boy, in his second yearat a small liberal arts college in the U.S. One night Jeff was working on a project that requiredsome artwork. Ji Bing was at
16、his desk studying for a test. Jeffs scissors were just too dull to dothe job, so he asked Ji Bing,Jeff: Sorry to bother you while youre studying, but could I use your scissors for a while?Ji Bing: SureJeff: Thanks, thanks a lot2(Five minutes later)Jeff: Sorry to bother you again, but these crayons m
17、ake this look like kindergarten. You knowthose colored pencils you have? Would it be OK if I use them for my project?Ji Bing: Help yourself.(After another five minutes)Jeff: I must be driving you crazy, but have you got any glue or tape? Promise Ill buy youanother roll.Ji Bing: Use it as much as you
18、 want. I dont need it.Jeff: Appreciate it.(Ji Bing went back to reading. As Jeff was finishing his project he noticed Ji Bing was watchinghim. Then he heard Ji Bing popped out a surprising question in a plaintive tone.)Ji Bing: Are you angry at me?Jeff: Of course not. What makes you think that?In th
19、e U.S., people exchange meanings mainly through language channel, paying lessattention to context. Even in the situation of asking a favor, Americans would not expect a friendto recognize and respond to their wishes without stating them. So, you can see that Jeff felt sorryfor disturbance, but he ha
20、d to state his meaning clearly every time when he wanted to borrowsomething from Ji Bing. This is not the same case in China. Chinese people are more sensitive tothe surroundings. Most of the time, ones behavior, instead of language, indicates his intent, andothers would understand him through the c
21、ontext he has created. In Ji Bings eyes, his reading abook indicates that he didnt want to be disturbed. If Jeff wanted to borrow something from him,after he spoke out his mind for the first time, he could take what he needed later without askingJi Bing again and Ji Bing could understand him through
22、 his behaviors. But, Jeff disturbed Ji Bingrepeatedly, regardless of what he is doing, which is uncustomary to Ji Bing. No wonder Ji Bingconsidered it as a sign of anger.Such problems as mentioned above which take place mainly due to the cultural difference inthe use of context are arising increasin
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