1、开发区小学 五 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案2009年9月1日课题:Unit1 The first day at school本课初备课时共 4课时,本课第1课时个人复备栏李晓萍教学目标:1,能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读,初步表演对话。2,能正确地听、说、读、写day,all.any,a reading room.sure.floor.3, 能正确的听、说、读词汇first,a term,back.each other.glad.a building,a sports hall.table tennis,second.4,正确的听、说、读、写句型Is there a?Yes,there
2、is./No,there isnt. Are there any?Yes,there are?/No,there arentt.How many are there?There are5,能正确地运用对话中的日常交际用语和三会句型It is the first day of They are happy to each othere.Glad to see you.Im not sure.Its /Theyre on the floor.重点难点:1,能比较流畅的朗读对话,并能在掌握对话内容的基础上进一步表演对话。2,能正确的听、说、读、写There be句型的一般疑问句形式及其肯定和否定回答
3、。课前准备: 课件、挂图、录音机。教学过程:一、Revision:1,T:Good morning,boys and girls.S:T:Nice to see you . S:T:How are you?T:My name is Whats your name?2,practise in pairs:老师小结 OK.I see. Youre happy to see each other.(板书。领读,齐读)二、presentation: (一)1,T:This term Ill be your English teacher.Im very happy.Today all the stud
4、ents are back at school.Glad to see you. welcome back to school. 卡片:all glad back 板书: All the students are back at school.Glad to see you .领读齐读2,T:Today is the first of September. (板书:1September )Its the first day of the new term.This is my first class to teach you.卡片:day first 板书: It is the first d
5、ay of the new term. 领读,齐读(二)1,出示课件:出示一幢大楼的图片,引出a building, a sports hall, a reading room. a table tennis room 2,复习There be的陈述句形式和介绍句型Is there a? Are there any?及其肯定和否定回答。a. sing a song:in the classroom.b. 观看课件:给学生布置任务:用There is /There are的句型介绍所看到的内容,将班级分成四大组,比一比哪一组说的最多最好。将学生说到的内容板书:a library a music
6、room a computer room a TV room offices a playground classrooms a niticeboard blackboards desks chairs bookcase pictures tape recorders a sports hall a reading room a table tennis room.c. 在比赛进行到一半时,教师可采用自问自答的方式引出新句型Is there a?Are there any?及其肯定和否定回答。如:Is there a TV in the building然后自己回答:Yes,there is.
7、或No,there isnt.学生跟说,操练。板书:Is there a.in the building? Yes,there is. No.there isnt.d. 用单词 toilets同法教授Are ther any?Yes,there are. No.there arent.板书e. 用教室里的实物进行操练。3介绍短语on the floor first second third fourth fifth出示挂图:a. 教师指着1/F标志介绍:The table tennis room is on the first floor. Whats on the first floor,t
8、oo?S:There is a music room on the first floor.卡片:floor on the first floor.b. T:Are there any computer rooms on the first floor?学生看图回答:S:No,there arent.T:The computer rooms are on the second floor.板书:second on the second floorC: 同法介绍:third fourth fifth4,介绍句型How many are there?a. 继续看挂图:T: How many rea
9、ding rooms are there in the building? 并自己回答There are two.One is on the first floor.The other is on the third floor.b. 根据实际情况对句型进行操练c. 快速记忆游戏,看一分钟。学生抢答: There is a music room on the first floor.5, 听录音,跟读。分角色朗读,表演,评价。三、consolidation:让学生安排各类教室和活动室所在的楼层,以四人小组为单位,设计校园平面图,请二至三组同学上台表演。全班评出最合理的校园图。板书设计:day,
10、all.any,a reading room.sure.floor.first,a term,back.each other.glad.a building,a sports hall.table tennis,second.练习设计:1、听录音,朗读并表演对话。2、抄写四会掌握的单词和句子教后记:参加备课人员李晓萍 冯斌 顾素洁 王增琴 赵福兴开发区小学 五 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案2009年9月1日课题:Unit1 The first day at school本课初备课时共 4课时,本课第2课时个人复备栏李晓萍教学目标:1,进一步掌握句型Is/Are there? There is/
11、are How many are there?及其回答。2,能正确的听、说、读、写词汇 a garden, a reading room,floor.3,能正确的听,说、读词汇a toilet, a table tennis room, a sports hall.a swing, a slide, a see-saw.重点难点: 能正确地听、读、写句子Is there?及其回答Yes,there is.No.there isnt及其复数形式。课前准备:1,图片:a toilet a garden a table tennis room a sports hall a reading room
12、 a swing a slide a see-saw2,录音机,磁带教学过程:一: revision:1,T:It is the second/third day of the new term,boys and girls.How are you?2,T:Is there a noticeboard in our classroom?Are there any computers in our classroom.Is there a bookcase? How manyare there?3,用Is/Are therein our school?How many. are there? W
13、here is it?are they? 对学生所做的本校-专用教室的调查结果进行检查,完成下表。rooms classroom Reading room Music room Computer room Sports hall Table tennis roomHow many?Floor 在问答过程中,注意师生问与答的角色转换,最终落实到学生之间的问与答。同时通过幻灯片巩固三会词汇。 A toilet a teble tennis room a sports room a reading room.二、Presentation:1,复习与介绍生词a,出示一幅楼层示意图,把a table t
14、ennis room a sports hall a reading room的图片逐一贴上黑板,在图下写适当单词,复习这三个单词。B,出示一个游乐场的图,介绍生词a swing a slide a toilet(只指男厕所或女厕所) a see-saw a garden(卡片)c.跟读单词,齐读,开火车读二、sing a song 让学生静听歌曲Two jackets,然后让他们跟唱,教师适时板书歌词中出现的第一单元四会要求的句型结构。利用歌曲Two jackets的曲调,配以课前准备的幻灯片,逐一替换歌词,巩固本教时的词汇教学。如:How many toilets are there?Th
15、ere are four toilets in the school.Are there any toilets on the first floor?No,there arent any on the first floor.三、consolidation:1, 分组竞赛: 学生看、听教师课前作好的课件。小组比赛,用Is there /Are there?Theres/Therse are How manyare there?进行小组竞赛,比一比哪一组能说出最多对话。教师在竞赛后表扬积极参与的学生。,练习册听力板书设计:a garden, a reading room,floor.a toi
16、let, a table tennis room, a sports hall.a swing, a slide, a see-saw.练习设计:1、抄写本单元所学的词汇。2、创设情景,用本单元主要句子,自编小对话。教后记:参加备课人员李晓萍 冯 斌 顾素洁 王增琴 赵福兴开发区小学 五 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案2009年9月1日课题:Unit1 The first day at school本课初备课时共 4课时,本课第3课时个人复备栏李晓萍教学目标:1,复习本单元所学的词汇。2,进一步掌握句型Is there ain the?Yes,there is./No.there isnt 及其
17、复数形式。3,进一步掌握句型How many are there.?及其回答。4,能初步了解字母组合a 在单词中的读音。重点难点:1,能正确的听、说、读写句子: Is there a in the? Yes,there is./No,there isnt.及其复数形式。2,能正确的听、说、读、写句子How many are there.?及其回答。3,能正确的运用Is there a in the?Yes,there is./No.there isnt.及其复数形式和句子How many are there?及其回答,并能在具体情景中以口、笔头形式进行交流。新课 标 第 一网课前准备:a,一个
18、楼层示意图,上面写有学校的所有专用教室名称。b ,cd g的挂图c,一幅公园图d,板书准备:Unit 1 The first day at school教学过程:A. sing a song学生跟着录音机唱Two jackets, 然后让学生改歌词,再唱这首歌曲,旨在复习巩固第一、二教时的句型。B. Presentation:1, 出示课前准备好的楼层示意图,与学生讨论图上各设施的名称。1T:Lets look and say.Ss:OKT:Whats on the first floor?Ss Theres a reading room and a music room.2,引导学生根据本校
19、上午设施用上面的句型适当扩充进行一段对话,使学生能灵活运用所学语言。C. Ask and answer.1,教师指着楼层示意图,用 Is/Are there?提问图内设施。T:Is there a table tennis room in the school?S:Yes,there is.T:Are there any toulets in the school?S:Yes,there are.2,教师提问几位学生之后,让学生进行同桌问答。3,教师出示C ask and answerT:Is there a table tennis in the school?S:Yes,there is.
20、4.practise in pairs5,教师提供其他情景让学生继续操练。D. work in pairs:1,教师出示D,老师和学生对话。2,学生根据图意自编对话。3,magic eyes:a,游戏目的:进一步掌握句子How many are there?b教师将课前准备的公园图出示一分钟,让学生尽可能多的将图上每种物体的数量记住,然后回答。如教师问How many slides are there in the garden?学生抢答There are two. 对答者给予奖励。E;Listen and repeat1,教师出示本部分挂图,请学生说出图里有什么东西。T:Please loo
21、k at this picture.What can you see in the picture?S:I can see some cakes.T:Can you spell the wordcake?S:Yes,I can. C-a-k-e.3学生听录音后跟说四个单词及句子。在说的过程中让学生体会元音字母a在重读音节中发。4,学生扩充更好的体会:bookcase plane crayon tape stapler radio skating name。板书设计:Is there ain the?Yes,there is./No.there isntHow many are there.?练
22、习设计:1,默写本单元所学的单词和句子。2创设情景,用Is there a in the.? Yes,there is./No,there isnt.和How many are there?教后记:参加备课人员李晓萍 冯斌 顾素洁 王增琴 赵福兴开发区小学 五 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案2009年9月1日课题:Unit1 The first day at school本课初备课时共 4课时,本课第4课时个人复备栏李晓萍教学目标:1,通过复习,能熟练的掌握本单元所学的场所和有关游乐场中设施单词。2,能较熟练的在情景中本单元所学的句型和日常交际用语。重点难点:1,熟练的掌握场所类和有关游乐场中的
23、设施单词。2,能综合运用本单元所学过的单词、句型和日常交际用语。3,能初步改编或扩充本单元所学的对话课前准备:1,学生自带一张自己房子的图片,2,几张已学过的表示地点的图3,录音机和磁带教学过程:A:Free talk1, 请学生表演 Read and say部分的对话。3, 出示课前准备的地点图片,与学生进行对话,谈论天气和去游玩的计划,如:Its a sunny day,Shall we go and play?引导学生用Good idea或Yes OK等回答。教师在与学生的对话中有意引进了shall we go和good idea这两个句子,为Read and act 课文里Shall
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