1、师生活动过程集体备课方案个人调整意见Unit 7 At the restaurantTeaching aims: Can read and write the words for this unit. Can understand and read the new sentences.Importance and difficulty: Can use the dialogs.Lesson 1Preparation Prepare student cards. You will also need: flashcards for this Unit. 1.Set the scene Ask t
2、he children if they have a favorite restaurant. Then ask them what dish they usually order. Try to elicit the words for chicken and vegetables in Chinese. Write the words on the board. Point to the word for chicken and say, “The English word for this food is chicken.” Write the English word next to
3、the word you have already written. Model the word for the children and have them repeat it after you. Repeat the procedure for vegetables. Now explain the meaning of the word food. Write the word on the board. Read the word aloud and have the children repeat it after you. Present the flashcards for
4、this Unit. Hold up the flashcard for restaurant. Model the word for the children and have them repeat it after you. Repeat the procedure for menu, fruit, fried rice, corn, noodles, and hot dog.2.Model the dialog Write the question What food do you like? on the board. Read the question aloud to the c
5、hildren, pointing to each word as you do so. Explain its meaning and have the children repeat the question after you. Now present the structures “I like (hot dogs).” and “I dont like (chicken).” Repeat the procedure used to model the question. Present the question “Do you like (fruit)?” and the answ
6、ers “Yes, I do./No, I dont.” Repeat the procedure used to present the other structures.3.Talk about the story Student Book pages 2 and 3 Have the children open their books at pages 2 and 3. Ask these questions about the pictures:Picture 1: “Who can you see in the pictures?” “Where are they going?”Pi
7、cture 2: “What are they reading?”Pictures 3/4/5: “What do you think Mocky, Ken, and Annare talking about?”Picture 6: “Does Mocky look happy?”Pictures 7/8: “Do you think Mocky likes the food on the menu?”Picture 9: “What is happening now?”4.Story Student Book pages 2 and 3 Say, “Now were going to hea
8、r what the characters said.” Play the tape without stopping. Have the children look at the pictures as they listen. Play the tape again, pausing after each new picture. Have the children repeat the words each time.5.Set homework Encourage the children to tell the story to their families.Lesson 2Prep
9、aration You will need: flashcards for this Unit. 1.Review Review the flashcards for this Unit.Hold up the flashcard for restaurant.Ask, “Whats this?” Elicit, “Its a restaurant. ” Repeat for menu and hot dog. Now hold up the flashcard for vegetables.Ask, “What are these?” Elicit, “They are vegetables
10、.” Hold up the flashcard for fruit and elicit the correct word from the children. 2.Words to learn Student Book page 4 Have the children open their books at page 4. Draw their attention to the pictures at the top of the page. Show your copy of the page.Point to each picture in turn and elicit the wo
11、rds the children already know (food, fruit, vegetables, chicken, noodles, French fries, restaurant, and menu). Now point to the picture of the hamburger. Model the word and have the children repeat it after you. Repeat the procedure for fried rice, hot dog, and corn. Play the tape and have the child
12、ren touch the matching pictures as they hear them mentioned on the tape. Replay the tape.Pause after each word. Have the children repeat the word each time.3.Listen to this Student Book page 4 Have the children look at the pictures at the bottom of page 4. Point to the picture of Ken. Ask, “Whos thi
13、s?” Elicit, “Its Ken.” Now point to the bowl of fruit in the same picture. Ask, “Whats this?” Elicit the word fruit. Repeat the procedure for the other pictures. Tell the children that they will hear each picture described on the tape. They must match each sentence to the correct picture. Play the t
14、ape, stopping after each sentence, and have the children point to the corresponding picture. Make sure they are all doing this correctly. Play the tape again, stopping after each sentence. Explain that this time you want the children to write the sentence number in the box next to the matching pictu
15、re. Check the answers in a class drill.4.Let s sing Student Book page 5 Have the children open their books at page 5. Show your copy of the page. Point to the train. Ask, “Whats this?” Elicit, “Its a train.” Repeat the procedure for hot dog and soup. Point to the French fries. Ask, “What are these?”
16、 Elicit, “Theyre French fries.” Now point to the song s title, The Food Train. Read the words aloud to the children. Read the words of the first verse to the children, pointing to each word as you read. Have the children repeat the words, touching them in their books as they do so. Play the song wit
17、hout stopping. Have the children clap along. Now play the tape again, stopping after each line. Have the children echo each phrase after hearing it on the tape. Play the song again from the beginning. Encourage the children to touch the words in their books as they sing along. Divide the children in
18、to three groups. Play the tape again. Have each group sing a different verse. Have the groups change verses so that all the children have a chance to sing each verse.5.Set homework Student Book page 5 Explain to the children that you want them to sing the new song to their families.Lesson 3Preparati
19、onYou will need:flashcards for this Unit.1.ReviewReview the flashcards for this Unit. Hold up the flashcard for restaurant. Ask, “Whats this? Elicit, “Its a restaurant.”Repeat for menu, hot dog, and fruit.Now hold up the flashcard for vegetables. Ask, “What are these?” Elicit, “They are vegetables.”
20、2Talk togetherStudent Book page 6Have the children open their books at page 6. Draw their attention to the top of the page. Show your copy of the page. Point to the first picture. Ask, “Who are they?” Elicit, “Ken and Ann.” Now ask what Ken and Ann are reading. Elicit the word menu.Point to Anns spe
21、ech bubble. Read the question aloud to the children. Repeat for Kens answer.Have the children repeat the question and answer in a class drill.Draw the childrens attention to the second picture. Point to each food item in turn and ask, “Whats this?” Elicit the correct words.Put the children into pair
22、s to practice the questions and answers. Encourage them to substitute the foods illustrated in the second picture for chicken. Tell them that they can answer truthfully for each kind of food (Yes, I do./No, I dont.)Student Book page 6Have the children open their books at page 6. Show your copy of th
23、e page. Point to the food in each picture and elicit its correct name.Explain to the children that they will hear a sentence on the tape, and they must match it to the correct picture.Play the tape. Have the children point to the matching picture.Play the tape again, stopping after each sentence. Th
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- 北师大 小学 英语 下册 教案
