The Lexical Differences between American English and British English 美国英语与英国英语在词汇上的差异.doc
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1、 美国英语与英国英语在词汇上的差异The Lexical Differences between American English and British EnglishContentsAbstractIKey wordsI摘要关键词Introduction1.The History of British and American English2A.The History of British English2 1. The Period of Old English2 2. The Period of Middle English3 3. The Period of Modern Engl
2、ish3B. The Development of American English on the Basis of British English4.Reasons for the Development of American English5A. Being in Different Regions5B. Borrowing Words from Other Countries6C. Revolting Politics and Ideology in North America8.The Different Meaning in American English9A. Creation
3、 of American Lexicon9B. Different Meanings between American and British English10 C. Same Objects Expressed in Different Vocabularies10D. The Simplification in American English Lexicology11 E. Other Forms of American English Different from British English12. The Developing Tendency of American Engli
4、sh and British English13A. The Influence of American English13B. The Leading Position of American English13Conclusion16Acknowledgements17Bibliography18AbstractWith the development of the two countriesAmerica and the U.K., the differences in some fields are clear and are also reflected in their langu
5、ages. Even though there are many similarities in both variants, there are many differences in lexicology because of different regions, social backgrounds, the ways of peoples thinking, etc. This paper discusses the differences in lexicology between British English and American English and their tend
6、ency through the historical development of the two variants.Key WordsAmerican English; British English; the lexical difference摘要美国是一个移民国家,美国英语主要是十七世纪英国英语在美国的进一步发展。美国英语和英国英语虽然有很多相同之处,但是由于历史文化和社会背景及人们的思维方式导致了很多的不同。随着社会的发展,美国英语与英国英语的差别越来越显著。本文通过回顾分析英国英语和美国英语的历史演变和发展过程,论述了美国英语和英国英语在词汇方面存在的主要差异,通过了解两种英语在
7、词汇方面存在的差异,使英语学习者比较容易地掌握某一种英语以及正确地表达英语包含的丰富的知识。本文同时还指出了美国英语以其独有的特点和语言艺术魅力越来越受到人们的关注,从而探讨英语的发展趋势。关键词美国英语;英国英语;词汇差异IntroductionAmong the thousands of different languages in the world there is only one that can claim to be a more or less universal languageEnglish. It is estimated that there are over 300
8、 million native speakers, of whom some 200 million live in the United States and some 50 million in the United Kingdom. In addition to native speakers there are about 500 to 700 million people using English, which makes the total number of speakers nearly one-forth of the worlds population. Today, A
9、merican English is particularly influential; there are many other varieties of English around the world, including, for example, Australian English, New Zealand English, Canadian English, South African English, Indian English and Caribbean English. Among the different variants of English the two bes
10、t known are American English and British English. There do exist differences between the two, just as many differences in the varieties within themselves. To be consistent in the use of English, and more importantly, to be understood, the nonnative speaker needs to know which words have distinct mea
11、nings and pronunciations depending on whether they are used by an Englishman or an American. This is necessary not only for sake of communication, but also to avoid embarrassment. This paper will focus on how American English came to be different from British English in lexicology. Historical Backgr
12、ound of British and American EnglishA. The History of British EnglishThe history of the English language can be dated from the arrival of three Germanic tribes to the Britain during the 5th Century AD. Angles, Saxons and Jutes crossed the North Sea from what is the present day Denmark and northern G
13、ermany to Britain. The inhabitants of Britain previously spoke a Celtic language. However, it was quickly displaced by the language brought with the invaders. Most of the Celtic speakers were pushed into Wales, Cornwall and Scotland. One group migrated to the Brittany Coast of France where their des
14、cendants still speak the Celtic Language of Breton today. The Angles were named from Engle, their land of origin. After experiencing constant development, immigrates language had changed into the current English. Up to now, it has more than one thousand five hundred years, which some scholars divide
15、d into several stages in order to illustrate the history of English. However, they did not divide it in the same way. “Here quotes the way of American professor Kennedy who divided historical process of period into such three stages” (Guo Boyu 5).1. The Period of Old English The period from 450 to 1
16、100 is known as the Old English. The earliest period begins with the immigration of certain Germanic tribes from the continent to Britain in the fifth century A. D., though no records of their language survive from before the seventh century, and it continues to the end of the eleventh century or ma
17、ybe a bit later. As having been seen that English language did not simply spring into existence; it was brought from the Continent by Germanic tribes who had no form of writing and hence left no records. Philologists know that they must have spoken a dialect of a language that can be called West Ger
18、manic. By that time Latin, Old Norse (the language of the Viking invaders), and especially the Anglo-Norman French of the dominant class after the Norman Conquest in 1066 had begun to have a substantial impact on the lexicon. The following brief sample of Old English prose illustrates several of the
19、 significant ways in which English has transformed. A few of these words will be recognized as identical in spelling with their modern equivalents - he, of, him, for, and, on etc., and some of words are familiar to modern words, which can be easily guessed, such as wre to were, ws to was, of which o
20、nly these who have made special study of Old English can understand what their meanings are.2. The Period of Middle EnglishThe period of Middle English extends roughly from the twelfth to the fifteenth century. This period was marked by important and significant changes in the English language, espe
21、cially in the vocabulary. The Norman Conquest was the cause of these changes. The change of this period had a great effect on vocabulary. In this period many Old English words were lost, but thousands of words borrowed from French and Latin appeared in the English vocabulary. Because the Normans who
22、 conquered the Britain were government administrators or lords, meat was their most main dishes. Such words as beef, mutton, veal, and calf, etc. came into English vocabulary. That is to say, the influence of French upon the English lexicon continued throughout this period. “English had also strong
23、influence from Latin (mostly through the church and scholars) and the Norman invasion of England brought about significant changes in the language” (Guo Boyu 6).3. The Period of Modern EnglishModern English period extends from fifteenth century to the present day. Modern English developed by the eff
24、orts of literary and political writings. From 1500 to 1700 is the early modern English. During this time, the chief influence of this time was great humanistic movement of the Renaissance. Since the 16th Century, because of the contact that the British had with many peoples from around the world, an
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- The Lexical Differences between American English and British 美国英语与英国英语在词汇上的差异 美国 英语 英国 词汇 差异
