00978東力實業控股 报.ppt
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2、NCE REPORTINDEPENDENT AUDITORS REPORTAUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTSConsolidated:Income statementStatement of comprehensive incomeStatement of financial positionStatement of changes in equityStatement of cash flowsCompany:Statement of financial positionNotes to the financial statementsFIVE-YEAR FINANCI
3、AL SUMMARYPROPERTY HELD BY THE GROUP,公司資料主席報告董事及高級管理人員履歷管理層討論及分析董事會報告企業管治報告獨立核數師報告經審核財務報表綜合:收益表全面收益表財務狀況表權益變動表現金流量表公司:財務狀況表財務報表附註五年財務資料概要本集團持有之物業,2,CORPORATE INFORMATION公司資料,DIRECTORSExecutive Directors,董事執行董事,Mr.HUANG PeikunDr.SO Shu FaiMr.LIU ZhuogenMr.YU Zhiliang,(Chairman),黃培坤先生(主席)蘇樹輝博士劉卓根先生余志良
4、先生,Non-executive DirectorMs.LIU NingIndependent Non-executive DirectorsDr.WONG Wing Kuen,AlbertMs.CHEN YanpingDr.SHI XinpingAUDIT COMMITTEE,非執行董事劉寧女士獨立非執行董事王永權博士陳燕萍女士史新平博士審核委員會,Dr.WONG Wing Kuen,AlbertMs.LIU NingDr.SHI Xinping,(Chairman),王永權博士(主席)劉寧女士史新平博士,NOMINATION COMMITTEE,提名委員會,Mr.HUANG Peikun,
5、(Chairman),黃培坤先生(主席),Ms.CHEN YanpingDr.SHI XinpingREMUNERATION COMMITTEEMs.CHEN Yanping(Chairman)Mr.HUANG PeikunDr.WONG Wing Kuen,AlbertCOMPANY SECRETARYMs.CHAN Wing YanAUDITORANDA CPA LimitedREGISTERED OFFICEP.O.Box 309 GT,Ugland HouseSouth Church StreetGeorge Town,Grand CaymanCayman Islands,Britis
6、h West IndiesHEAD OFFICE ANDPRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS13/FGuangdong Investment Tower148 Connaught Road CentralHong KongTONIC INDUSTRIES HOLDINGS LIMITED Annual Report 2012,陳燕萍女士史新平博士薪酬委員會陳燕萍女士(主席)黃培坤先生王永權博士公司秘書陳 茵女士核數師安達會計師事務所有限公司註冊辦事處P.O.Box 309 GT,Ugland HouseSouth Church StreetGeorge Town,Grand
7、CaymanCayman Islands,British West Indies總辦事處及主要營業地點香港干諾道中148號粵海投資大廈13樓,3,CORPORATE INFORMATION公司資料,PRINCIPAL BANKERSChina CITIC Bank Corporation LimitedBank of Communications Co.,Ltd.Hong Kong BranchStandard Chartered Bank(Hong Kong)LimitedSHARE REGISTRARS ANDTRANSFER OFFICEIn Hong KongTricor Tengis
8、 Limited26/F,Tesbury Centre28 Queens Road EastHong KongIn Cayman IslandsButterfield Fund Services(Cayman)LimitedButterfield House,68 Fort StreetPO Box 705,George TownGrand Cayman,Cayman IslandsBritish West IndiesWEBSITE CODE978,主要來往銀行中信銀行股份有限公司交通銀行股份有限公司,香港分行渣打銀行(香港)有限公司股份登記過戶處於香港卓佳登捷時有限公司香港皇后大道東28號
9、金鐘匯中心26樓於開曼群島Butterfield Fund Services(Cayman)LimitedButterfield House,68 Fort StreetPO Box 705,George TownGrand Cayman,Cayman IslandsBritish West Indies網址,二零一二年年報,東力實業控股有限公司,支。,4,CHAIRMANS STATEMENT主席報告,On behalf of the Board of Directors of Tonic IndustriesHoldings Limited(the“Group”),I am pleased
10、 to presentto you the Groups annual report and financial statementsfor the financial year ended 31 March 2012(the“Year”).CONDITIONS IN THE YEARFrom 1 April 2011 to 31 March 2012,the Grouprecorded turnover of approximately HK$178,214,000and loss attributable to the equity holders of theCompany of app
11、roximately HK$62,620,000,as comparedto the turnover of HK$77,394,000 and the profit ofHK$388,444,000 for the same period last year.The global economy during last year was challenging.The roll-out of the Groups operations experienced toughmarket conditions.Against the difficulties,both themanagement
12、and staff have worked hard to accomplishmissions of several tasks and do everything possible tostrive for breakthroughs including but not limited to costcut,adjust the operation model and more importantly,strengthen the cooperation with strategic partnersto work out plans for diversification.The Gro
13、up hassuccessfully introduced new investors and managementteam at the end of the Year.COMPLETION OF RESTRUCTURINGFollowing the voluntary winding-up of Total Ally underthe Group commencing from 19 April 2012,the Groupwas able to dispose the manufacturing operation of thehigh-cost set top boxes and re
14、lated products,whichmarket demand was gradually shrunk.This provides usthe opportunity to build a more cost-effective businessstructure by subcontracting manufacturing operationto subcontractors that will reduce our unnecessaryoverheads.7 May 2012 marked a milestone in the Groupsdevelopment.China Me
15、rchants Property DevelopmentCo.Ltd.(“CMPD”),the leading property developer inMainland China,has become the controlling shareholderof the Group,providing a strong backup for the Group toexplore new ventures.The Group instantly begins a newphase towards rapid growth.TONIC INDUSTRIES HOLDINGS LIMITED A
16、nnual Report 2012,本人謹代表東力實業控股有限公司(以下簡稱本集團)董事會,欣然提呈本集團截止二零一二年三月三十一日止財政年度(以下簡稱本年度)之年報及財務報表。本年度狀況二零一一年四月一日至二零一二年三月三十一日,本集團錄得營業額約港幣178,214,000元及本公司權益持有人應佔虧損約為港幣62,620,000元,去年同期則分別為港幣77,394,000元及利潤港幣388,444,000元。過去的一年,全球經濟發展困難重重。本集團的業務開展也經受了市場形勢的嚴峻挑戰。面對困難,管理層及全體員工盡全力完成多項工作,千方百計力爭突破。主要包括但不限於壓縮開支、調整業務模式,更重
17、要的是加強與戰略合作夥伴共究多元的合作機會。本集團於本年度末,順利引入新的投資者及管理團隊。完成重組計劃隨著本集團旗下Total Ally公司於二零一二年四月十九日起自願清盤,原成本高昂、市場需求逐步萎縮的機頂盒及相關產品製造業務被剝離出集團,從而有機會建立更具成本效益的業務架構,藉分包製造業務予分包商以降低不必要的日常開二零一二年五月七日,可謂是本集團發展過程中里程碑式的一天。中國境內知名房地產發展商招商局地產控股股份有限公司(招商局地產控股)入主本集團,成為集團探索新業務的堅強後盾。本集團也隨之將開啟快速成長的新篇章。,5,CHAIRMANS STATEMENT主席報告,BUSINESS
18、STRATEGYThe Group will strive to operate and expand the existingbusinesses,optimize the consolidation of internalresources as well as further adjust the business strategiesto cater for changes in market demand so as to enhancethe overall operating efficiency of the company.TheGroup will also explore
19、 into other business.As ispermitted by law,it will be fully leverage the competitiveedge of the dual platforms and multi-channel of theGroup in the domestic and international markets tosecure a higher return as well as business with moregrowing potential.FINAL DIVIDENDThe Board does not recommend pa
20、yment of a finaldividend in respect of the year ended 31 March 2012(2011:Nil).APPRECIATIONOn behalf of the Board,I wish to thank our customers,business partners and staff for their trust and supportduring last year and would appreciate your continuedsupport for the Groups development in the future.A
21、s the Chairman of the Board,I would also like toexpress our sincere gratitude to our shareholders for theirunfailing support and in approving the major changesof the Group.I believe and have confidence that we willcreate better return for the shareholders in the future.Huang PeikunChairman29 June 20
23、未來為股東創造更好的回報。主席黃培坤二零一二年六月二十九日,二零一二年年報,東力實業控股有限公司,*,6,DIRECTORS AND SENIOR MANAGEMENT PROFILE董事及高級管理人員履歷,EXECUTIVE DIRECTORSMr.Huang Peikun,(Chairman),aged 50,joined theCompany as an executive Director on 2 June 2012 andwas elected Chairman of the Company on 29 June 2012.Mr.Huang has been serving as
24、the chief financial officerand the director of CMPD since July 2005.Mr.Huang is achief financial officer of Shenzhen China Merchants RealEstate Co.,Ltd.(深圳招商房地產有限公司)and CMPD.Heis also a director of Eureka Investment Company Limited.(“Eureka”).Prior to joining CMPD,Mr.Huang workedas a manager of the
25、finance department and a chiefaccountant at Shenzhen China Merchants Petrol ChemicalCo.,Ltd.(深圳招商石化有限公司),a chief accountant atShenzhen China Merchants Real Estate Co.,Ltd.*(深圳招商房地產有限公司)and a chief financial officer and adeputy general manager at China Merchants Landmark(Shenzhen)Co.,Ltd.(深圳市招商創業有限公司
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- 00978東力實業控股 00978 東力實業 控股
