4 腔静脉滤器的植入及适应症评价钱晓军.ppt
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1、腔静脉滤器的植入及适应症评价,钱晓军 朝阳医院2014-4-18,PE&PTE,Acute VS ChronicWhat we can do,A device that sits in the inferior vena cava(IVC)intended to capture circulating clots that could otherwise travel to the lungs causing pulmonary embolism(PE).,Acute PTE management,急救措施抗凝治疗、溶栓治疗导管碎栓、抽吸、肺动脉血栓剥脱滤器,高危人群,1 重大手术后。(搭桥)
2、2 下肢和盆创伤或手术后。(骨折、)3 深静脉栓塞史或深静脉炎。(原发、置管)4 下肢静脉回流障碍(如严重静脉曲张)。5 长期卧床不起。6 妊娠和产后。7 其它:60岁、肥胖、血液高凝状态,肿瘤、口服避孕药物等。,滤器植入的规范解读,(1)临床上没有看到很多PE,PE并不常见;(2)过去没有用腔静脉滤器,DVT也得到了很好治疗;(3)腔静脉滤器长期留置在体内合适吗?(4)若单纯地为了预防而应用腔静脉滤器,那么与付出的费用相比值得吗?临床上确实需要腔静脉滤器吗?,静脉血栓栓塞症(venous thromboembolism,VTE)肢体DVT发生后约有45%的患者可以发生PE3 Stages o
3、f VTE:Calf DVT Proximal DVT PEPE是可以预防的主动预防,预防DVT的发生被动预防,腔静脉内有效拦截来自DVT脱落栓子,滤器植入的规范解读,滤器植入适应症,心血管病学进展 2012 年 3 月第 33 卷第 2 期 Adv Cardiovasc Dis,March 2012,Vol 33,No 2,中华内科杂志2010 年1 月第 49 卷第 1 期 Clin J Intern Med,January 2010,Vol49,No 1,滤器植入绝对适应症,(1)抗凝治疗禁忌,但已确诊的VTE患者;(2)抗凝治疗出现并发症的VTE患者;(3)抗凝治疗无效的VTE患者;(
4、4)尽管采用了足量的抗凝治疗仍发生PE的患者。,Absolute Indications(Proven VTE)Recurrent VTE(acute or chronic)despite adequate anticoagulationContraindication to anticoagulationComplication of anticoagulationInability to achieve/maintain therapeutic anticoagulation,Kaufman et al.,Guidelines for the Use of Retrievable and
5、Convertible Vena Cava Filters:Report from the SIR Multidisciplinary Consensus Conference.JVIR 2006:449-459.,Indications for Inferior Vena Cava Filters,Relative Indications(Proven VTE)Iliocaval DVTLarge,free-floating proximal DVTDifficulty establishing therapeutic anticoagulationMassive PE treated wi
6、th thrombolysis/thrombectomyChronic PE treated with thromboendarterectomyThrombolysis for iliocaval DVTVTE with limited cardiopulmonary reserveRecurrent PE with filter in placePoor compliance with anticoagulant medicationsHigh risk of complication of anticoagulation(e.g.ataxia,frequent falls),Indica
7、tions for Inferior Vena Cava Filters,Kaufman et al.,Guidelines for the Use of Retrievable and Convertible Vena Cava Filters:Report from the SIR Multidisciplinary Consensus Conference.JVIR 2006:449-459.,Prophylactic Indications(No VTE,primary prophylaxis not feasible)Trauma patient with high risk of
8、VTESurgical procedure in patient at high risk of VTEMedical condition with high risk of VTEContraindications to Filter PlacementNo access route to the vena cavaNo location available in vena cava for placement of filter,Indications for Inferior Vena Cava Filters,Kaufman et al.,Guidelines for the Use
9、of Retrievable and Convertible Vena Cava Filters:Report from the SIR Multidisciplinary Consensus Conference.JVIR 2006:449-459.,腔静脉滤器类型,1全面体格检查,如为下肢深静脉血栓形成,需检查并记录双下肢皮温,足踝、小腿、膝及大腿周径。2凝血功能测定,包括凝血酶原时间(PT)、纤维蛋白原(FIB)、活化部分凝血活酶时间(APTT)、凝血酶时间(TT)。作肝、肾功能生化检测。3腹部平片及CT。4碘过敏试验。5穿刺部位备皮。6向患者和家属介绍滤器置入术的指征、操作过程、并发症
10、及其处理,签手术知情同意书。7术前30分钟肌注安定10mg。,腔静脉滤器释放步骤,腔静脉滤器释放步骤,经股静脉穿刺行下腔静脉造影确定肾静脉的位置,作好标记沿导丝送入输送鞘管达肾静脉下方将含滤器的输送器插入鞘管内释放滤器位于肾静脉开口下方撤除输送装置后行下腔静脉造影,观察腔 静脉通常情况,Vena Cava Filter Procedure OverviewLocations of Filter Placement,Infrarenal:the textbook case(90%)Filter placed in IVC just below the lowest renal veinSome
11、physicians prefer to place filter element within the renal vein ostium for filter“wash-out”Suprarenal(not indicated)Filter is placed in IVC above the renalsPlaced if IVC thrombus or in women of child-bearing ageMust assess anatomySVC Filter Placement(not indicated)Controversial:upper extremity vein
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- 腔静脉滤器的植入及适应症评价钱晓军 静脉 滤器 植入 适应症 评价 钱晓军
