1、中国食用菌产业发展趋势,张维瑞,Development Trend of Chinas Edible Fungi Industry,亚太地区食用菌培训中心,一,食用菌产业的地位与意义 Position and Signification of Edible Fungi Industry,中国食用菌产业的发展趋势Development Trend of Chinas Edible Fungi Industry,四,三,二,一、中国食用菌的种类I.Species of Chinas Edible Fungi,真菌有25万种,现已认知的蕈菌种类数量:14,000种The species of fun
2、gi are 250 thousand,and recognized ones are 14 thousand.最早的食用菌化石有3亿年的历史The fossil of the oldest edible fungi show it was 300 million years ago.史前人类将采集的野生菌作为食物Prehistoric human collected wild edible fungi as food.,采集虫草Collecting plantworm-entomophyte(Cordyceps sinensis),估计中国大约有15002000种食用菌品种,现已知981种食
3、用菌。到2008年,98种已被人工驯化。It is estimated that China has about 1500-2000 species of edible fungi,among of which 981 species have been recognized.Up to 2008,98 species were domesticated.98种中的60种已商业化栽培,工厂化栽培的有:杏鲍菇、真姬菇、蘑菇、金针菇、草菇、秀珍菇、毛木耳等Sixty of the 98 species were industrialized in cultivation,such as Pleur
4、otus eryngii,Hypsizygus marmoreus,Agricus bisporus,Flammulina velutiper,Volvariella volvacea,Pleurotus geesteranus,Auricularia polytricha.福建省栽培的有20多种:香菇、草菇、蘑菇、耳类、金针菇、姬松茸、大球盖菇、猴头菇、滑菇、灰树花、金福菇、茶薪菇、真姬菇、杏鲍菇、白灵菇、阿魏蘑、榆黄蘑、凤尾菇等In Fujian,cultivated species are 20:Lentinus edodes(香菇)、Volvariella volvacea(草菇)、A
5、gricus bisporus(蘑菇)、Auricularia(耳类)、Flammulina velutiper(金针菇)、Agaricus Blazei(姬松茸)、Stropharia rugoso(大球盖菇)、Hericium erinaceus(猴头菇)、Pholiota nameko(滑菇)、Griflola frondosa(灰树花)、Tricholoma Lobynsis(金福菇)、Agrocybe aegerita(茶薪菇)、Hypsizygus marmoreus(真姬菇)、Pleurotus eryngii(杏鲍菇)、Pleurotus nebrodensis(白灵菇)、Pl
6、euratus ferulae(阿魏蘑)、Pleurotus citrinipileatus(榆黄蘑)、Pleurotus sajor-caju(凤尾菇),中国已知的食用菌品种、已驯化的品种和商业化栽培的品种数量(19502008)Quantity of Cultivation Species in China,二、食用菌的生产与消费II.Production and Consumption of Edible Fungi,(一)世界食用菌生产 1.Production of Edible Mushroom in World,20世纪,30年代1930s,生产国家10余个Ten more co
7、untries to yield总产量5.5万t(主要是双孢蘑菇)Total yield 55 thousand tons(mostly Agaricus bisporus),70年代1970s,前:主产地是欧洲及北美Before:main origin place was Europe and North America,后:主产地由欧美变为亚洲After:main origin place was Asia changed from Erope and North America,目前在国际上食用菌的生产分布极广,多数的国家均有生产,但品种与产量差异极大。在西方国家,双孢蘑菇占主导地位。美
8、国、欧盟等国产量较大。在亚洲地区生产各种食用菌,主要是中国、日本和韩国。在亚洲地区受欢迎的食用菌品种(如香菇、金针菇等)正在进入欧美市场。Recently,production of edible fungi was done all around world.Many countries produced edible fungi;however species are different from each other,so are yielding.In western countries,Agaricus bisporus plays major role.Europe and USA
9、 have large yield.Asian countries produce various edible fungi,mainly China,Japan and Southern Korea.The species(such as Lentinus edodes and Flammilina velutipes)mostly popular in Asia are appearing in European Market and USA Market.,世界食用菌的生产World Production of Edible Fungi,我国食用菌产量近9年平均每年增产126万t增长率达
10、到19%In past 9 year,Chinas yield of edible fungi kept yearly increase that is 1.26 million tons every year of 19%increase rate.,(二)中国食用菌的生产2.Production of Edible Fungi,2008年,year,yield,6.637 m.t.,10.367 m.t.,14.74 m.t.,18 m.t.,菌类 国际产区 中国主产区 福建产区香菇 中国、日本、南韩、台湾 福建、浙江、河南、江西 闽东、闽西蘑菇 美国、中国、西欧、其它 福建、浙江、山东等
11、 闽东、闽南草菇 中国、越南、印尼 广东、福建、湖南、江西 龙海银耳 中国 福建、四川 古田、屏南姬松茸 中国、日本、巴西 福建、广东、浙江 闽东、闽南侧耳 中国、日本 山东、河南、东北 不成规模 杏鲍菇 日本、中国 福建、广东、山东 分布较广茶薪菇 中国 江西、福建 分布较广金针菇 中国、日本 广东、福建 闽南滑菇 日本、中国 辽宁、吉林 屏南猴头菇 中国 福建、浙江 闽东,主要食用菌主产地 major cultivation areas,(三)食用菌的消费3.Consumption of Edible Fungi,食用菌的消费分二大部分:一是亚洲各国,即东洋系民族,黄种人,包括所有华人、日
12、本人和朝鲜人。所有食用菌都食,主要食用有色菇类如:香菇、草菇、毛木耳、银耳、金针菇、侧耳类等 二是欧美各国,即白人。主要食用白色菇如蘑菇,而认为有色菇不卫生,而极少食用。但近年来,有少量食用有色菇类Two parts of Consumptions of Edible FungiOne is Asian Countries,especially east Asian(Mongolian race),including Chinese,Japanese and Korean.They eat all species of edible fungi,mainly colored species,s
13、uch as Lentinus edodes,Volvariella volvacea,Auricularia Polytricha,Flammilina velutipes,Pleurotus.The other is European and American,mainly Caucasian race.They mostly eat white mushroom,such as Agaricus bisporus,and think that colored edible fungi are not hygienic,so they seldom eat them.However,in
14、recent years,they eat a little of the colored ones.,三、食用菌产业的地位与意义 III.Position and Signification of Edible Fungi Industry,中国食用菌产业在“三农”发展过程发挥了一定的作用,受到领导高度重视。Chinas Edible Fungi Industry plays a certain role in the development of farmer,agriculture and rural area,and is attached great importance to by
15、 governments.,食用菌产业在农业发展中的地位与作用The Role of Edible Fungi Industry in the Development of Agriculture,食用菌产业 Edible Fungi Industry,大家都知道人类现在、将来继续会面临的三个危机:食物的短缺、疾病的预防、环境的污染。在这些方面食用菌都可以作出它应有的贡献。As you know,at present and in future,human will confront three crises:the shortage of food,prevention of disease
16、 and pollution of environment.Edible fungi industry can make its contribution to solving the crises.,Good to health,Export,Improved food structure,Adjust Agricultural Structure,Fully Recycle of Agricultural Waste,Propel industrialization,Increase income of farmer,三、食用菌产业的地位与意义,秸秆乱堆及焚烧破坏环境Piling or b
17、urning straw and stalk spoil environment,畜禽粪便乱堆破坏环境Domestic animals manure heap spoils environment,食用菌栽培有效利用农业废弃物Cultivation of edible fungi can make great use of agricultural waste,食用菌在农业生态链中的作用The role that edible fungi plays in eco-chain,Animal Production Chain,食用菌生产可以利用沙石地、坡地、荒地、盐碱地、林地、房前屋后等各类耕地
18、,还可以修旧利废,利用矿山废弃巷道、废山洞、废弃厂房等栽培。在我国耕地紧张,食物安全形势严峻的国情下,充分利用非耕地生产食用菌,增加食物供给,潜力和意义巨大。Production of edible fungi can be done on sandy or stony land,sloping field,wasteland,alkaline land,woods land,the area around house and the various arable fields.Also,it can be done in the deserted place,such as deserted
19、 lanes in mine area,cave and useless factory houses.Under the circumstance that Chinas arable land is in strained use and that food safety is severe,it is very significant and potential that non-arable land is made full use of to increase food supply.我国每年生产秸秆皮壳、树枝、树皮、木屑、畜禽粪便等农林牧废弃物30亿t左右,如果利用5%,及1.5
20、亿t,可生产至少1000万t干食用菌,相当于1600万t牛肉,按照我国饲养水平,生产1600万t牛肉的生产需要饲料粮1.221.28亿t,需要饲料粮耕地0.1620.171亿hm2。就是说生产1000万t干食用菌,等于增加耕地0.1620.171亿hm2。China has agriculture waste of 30 tons yearly,such as straw,stalk,branch,sawdust and manure.If its 5%is used,namely 150 million tons,it at least produces dry edible fungi o
21、f 10 million tons,equal to beef of 16 million tons.By Chinas breeding technology,producing the beef needs forage of 122 128 million tons.The forage production needs arable field of 16.2-17.1 million square hectares.Thats say,producing dry edible fungi of10 million tons saves 16.2-17.1 million square
22、 hectares.,当前我国发展食用菌生产有着显著的经济效益,生产各种食用菌的投入产出比均在1比1以上。Recently,Chinas edible fungi boasts great economic benefit.The ROI(return on investment)is 1 to 1,or higher.,主要栽培食用菌生产的经济效益比较(单位:万元/亩)Compared economic benefit of main cultivated edible fungus production(ten thousand yuan/mu,15mu=1 ha.),国内曾做过一份调查显
23、示,食用菌每亩净产值约2.85万元,是大棚西红柿亩净产值7500元的3.8倍,是棉花亩净产值970元的29.4倍,是玉米纯收益530元的53.8倍,是优质小麦425元的67.1倍。An investigation in China indicates that edible fungi has net output value of 28.5 thousand yuan in one mu(mu is Chinese area unit,1 hectare is 15 mu).The output value is 3.8 times of green house tomato of 7500
24、 yuan in same area;it is 29.4 times of cotton of 970 yuan;it is 53.8 times of maize of 530 yuan;it is 67.1 times of wheat of 425 yuan.,食用菌28500元 Edible fungi 28500yuan,大棚西红柿7500元Green House Tomato 7500yuan,Wheat 425yuan,食用菌与粮食及蔬菜每亩净产值对比Contrast among edible fungi,crop and vegetable,Cotton 970yuan,食用
25、菌的生产,需用一定数量的劳力,解决了职工和职工家属的就业问题。减轻了因劳力过剩而产生的对社会的压力。同时,不需要大量修建厂房、增加器材、设备。生产资料的成本低廉,占用资金少,减少了对社会的经济压力。另外,食用菌生产是一个生物过程,不会产生废水、废气等,引起社会公害。Production of edible fungi requires a quantity of labors,increasing job and employment.Thus surplus labors are employed to reduce unemployment.Meanwhile,the production
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- 精品 中国 食用菌 产业 发展趋势
