1、Global WarmingThere is one of the most sensitive global climate issues for years, which is global warming. In general, we know that the origin of global warming is the emission of carbon dioxide. It was verified that the relationship between carbon dioxide and temperature: when there is more carbon
2、dioxide the temperature gets warmer. This topic should be discussed under current situation to advocate people concerning with this severe environmental issue. Meanwhile, people should consider how to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide and take some actions to stop global warming. What is global
3、warming? What caused global warming? What are the negative effects caused by global warming? What can we do to save the earth? Are there any positive effects? In the next paragraphs, I will explain these questions in details.What is global warming? Global warming is the increase in the average tempe
4、rature of Earths near-surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century and its projected continuation (Brown 22). According to the 2007 Fourth Assessment Report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, global surface temperature increased 0.740.18C (1.330.32F) during the 20th century (Kepp
5、ler). In nearly 100 years, the average global temperature goes through four fluctuations: cold, warm, cold again, and warm again. After 1980s, the temperature was ascending obviously.What caused global warming? It is caused by several factors. First, population explosion is one of the main factors o
6、f global warming; it also threatens the balance between man and nature. Second, atmospheric pollution is being on the rise, and it has already become an international major problem. It is also the basic problem of global warming. Third, marine ecology and environment took a turn for the worse. That
7、may lead to the damage of fresh water resouces. Forth, erosion, salinization, and desertification of land make the ecological environment deteriorated, and flood and sand storm may happen more frequently. Fifth, the forest resources are sharply decreased by natural changes and human actions. Sixth,
8、acid rain can destroy the forests, acidate lakes, and endanger animals. Seventh, water pollution destroyed the balance between the demand and supply of fresh water. Last, toxic chemical wastes have threats on the ecological environment on the earth surface. (Brown 46).What are the negative effects c
9、aused by global warming? This serious environmental problem generates amount of destructive effects to the entire planet: ice melting, climate change, animals and plants extinction, and threat of human society. Primarily, as the temperature increases, ice melting is regard as the most intractable is
10、sue. Melting of ice raises the sea level. Jonathan Overpeck, an earth scientist at the University of Arizona in Tucson thinks sea level rise will occur at rates of up to a meter or three feet per one hundred year (Brown 102). This statistic reveals the raising temperature is detrimental to global cl
11、imate and the main reason why global warming results in sea level rising are strongly due to thermal expansion (Brown 102). When the temperature of the sea becomes warming than before, the sea level will rise. In addition, as a result of ice melting, landscape also transforms. Meanwhile, global warm
12、ing also causes climate change to bring about many other awful effects such as more destructive storms, more fire disaster and more intense droughts. The second effect of global warming is to make many animals and plants endangered. Considerable data verified that more than 200 native plant species
13、in the United States have gone extinct; more than 760 plant species in the U.S. are federally listed as endangered or threatened and 20 percent of our native plant species are in decline and on a conservation watch list (Keppler). As same as plants, there are also many endangered animals generating
14、which are imputable to global warming, such as Polar bears. Some scientists believe the Polar bears in Alaska would become extinct in 50 years time (Keppler). These data warn us that we call for paying effort on survival of species.The last negative effect of global warming is more related to humank
15、ind. Global warming will also threaten human society. It will cause the infectious diseases too easy to spread and infect. Bacteria will hard to control through fast breeder reactor, and threat our lives. The house will be eroded by destructive insects and it may lead a vagrant life eventually. What
16、s more, global warming impedes outdoor activities. Some outside entertainment sports such as skiing and snowboard will be influenced by ice melting and climate change.Nevertheless, when we face these negative affects which caused by global warming, what we could do to against it? A survey conducted
17、by Yale University and George Mason University found that the number of Americans who believed that climate change was a joke or scientific conspiracy had more than doubled since 2008, to 16 percent of the population from 7 percent. An additional 13 percent of Americans said they thought that even i
18、f the planet was warming, it was a result solely of natural factors and was not a significant concern (Brown 158). This survey exposes a certain number of people do not seen it as a severe problem. In order to arouse peoples consciousness to take actions against global warming, enacting some specifi
19、c regulations and laws are indispensable by the government. First, forest protection is requisite; one type of forest protection is to purchase land to secure it. Furthermore, enhancing the international corporation to consist an Alliance is also an effective method to spread the concept of conservi
20、ng sources. At climate change conference which held in 2009 at Copenhagen. There are five nations, including China and the US, reached a deal on a number of issues, such as a recognition to limit temperature rises to less than 2C and they got the deal to promise to deliver $30bn (18.5bn) of aid for
21、developing nations over the next three years, and outlined a goal of providing $100bn a year by 2020 to help poor countries cope with the impacts of climate change (Revkin). Of course, education is essential as a portion to prompt childrens environmental consciousness. Through the education, it conv
22、eys an appropriate environmental concept to the kids, for instance: taking public transportation, saving energy and recycling waste substance.However, is there any positive effect? Yes, there is. The widespread knowledge of global warming has already waked the consciousness of residents throughout t
23、he world. One of the major concerns in conservation is the use of plastic bags. Plastic bags are given away too freely by many stores. The amount of waste is alarming as we are reaching tons of waste each year! Plastic waste is polluting the environment and we need to address it now. There are sever
24、al things being done to bring plastic recycling to the forefront where these plastic bags are concerned. Companies have started to take steps to reduce the number of plastic bags been given away in their daily operations. Some Solutions Some companies place recycling bins at their stores. When custo
25、mers come back to the store they can bring their bags and recycle them easily. However, the number of bags leaving the store and the number returning are not quite equal with far more going out then coming back. There are stores that even remove the use of bags. The stores have started to encourage
26、the use of cloth shopping bags and some stores ask the customers to purchase their own bags. Some consumers have already jumped on the idea and bring their own bags when they go shopping.Who say you cannot change the world? April 22nd is the Earth Day, and it is designed as a day to inspire awarenes
27、s and appreciation for the Earths environment. What will you do on that day? I think it should be expanded to four aspects: food, clothing, shelter, and transportation. First, for food, we should eat vegetables instead of meats. Eat less or even have an absolute diet! Refuse to use cups made by Styr
28、ofoam, because Styrofoam cannot be recycled even the products are existing more than several hundred years. Second, for clothing, we should know which material can be recycled. Also, we should slow down the frequency of buying new clothes in order to reduce the recycle cost. Third, for shelter, we s
29、hould saving water and electricity. It is good to grow some green plants in our houses, and second-hand furniture is environment-friendlyand money saving. Fourth, for transportation, we can choose one day to not drive weekly, taking buses or walk instead. One thing we must notice is, balloons are ma
30、de of biorefractory compounds, that is, a kind of material that can hardly recycle. It will also cause the death of rare animals if they eat balloons by accident, so we should better not buy balloons, as well as Styrofoam cups and plastic bags. In conclusion, global warming has hazard to cause sea l
31、evel rise and climate change: it leads to the extinction of plants and animals, while hinders peoples daily life and threatens human society. It also has few positive effects which leading people to focus on reuse, reduce, and recycle. Based on these negatives effects of global warming, I stressed t
32、hat alleviating the effects of global warming is not a simple task. It calls for global concentration that every country takes action to preserve the earth ecosystem. This essay consequently addressed people requiring nurturing the consciousness to conserve the sources, enlightening people to preser
33、ve the planet. If people can comprehend the details of global warming well, they will realize the significance to protect the environment and what we should do in our daily life. The more attention we paid, the better world will be. Works CitedBrown, Lester. Plan B: Mobilizing to Save Civilization. New York: Carroll and Graf Publishers, 2005. Print.Keppler, Frank. “Global Warming: The Blame is not with the Plants.” Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg. 18 Jan. 2006. Lecture.Revkin, Andrew C. “Global Warming.” New York Times. 20 May 2010. Web. 10 June 2010.