Grammar Teaching in the New Curriculum in Middle School英语专业毕业论文.doc
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1、AcknowledgementsThanks for giving me this chance to achieve this paper and to make a conclusion for my four years education. Through writing this paper, I have gained more knowledge than I supposed. My sincere thanks are due to my supervisor, Miss Du Ai Hong for helping me to clarify my thought and
2、sharpen my thinking.Here, I also want to give my thanks to other teachers and my classmates who gave me much help. Thank you!AbstractGrammar has a long history and grammar research still has a long way to go. It is the foundation of developing students listening, speaking, reading, writing, and tran
3、slating abilities. However, grammar teaching becomes more and more unimportant in the new curriculum reform. In this paper, firstly, the author has stated the current situation of grammar teaching; secondly, mainly analyzed the principles and strategies of grammar teaching in the new curriculum refo
4、rm; lastly, pointed out how to teach grammar well in the new curriculum. Students will find it easy to learn English grammar well and apply grammar knowledge to the practical use of English language.Key Words: English; grammar teaching; strategy摘要“英语语法教学”贯穿于中学英语教学过程的始终,是学生提高听说读写译五项技能的基础,但随着新课改的进行,语法
5、教学越来越不被重视,本文首先分析了当前英语语法教学现状,其次重点分析新课改下语法教学的原则和策略,最后指出新课改下如何更好地进行语法教学,最终使学生真正学好语法知识,并把它应用到英语这门语言中。关键词:英语;语法教学;策略Contents1. Introduction12. The Role of Grammar in English Language12.1 The Definition of Grammar12.2 The Importance of Grammar Teaching23. The Current Situation of Grammar Teaching34. The P
6、rinciples in Grammar Teaching44.1 Practical Principle54.2 Sentence and Grammar Principle54.3 Individual and Integrated Principle65. Several Strategies of Grammar Teaching65.1 Analytic Skills and Comparative Skills75.2 Providing Plentiful, Appropriate Language Input75.3 Using Predicting Skills85.4 Li
7、miting Expectations for Drills, Encouraging Communicative Drills85.5 The Grammar-Translation Approach85.6 Grammar Teaching in Culture Class95.7 Sentence Recombination96. Conclusion10Bibliography12Grammar Teaching in the New Curriculum in Middle School1. IntroductionGrammar is the means by which ling
8、uistic creativity is ultimately achieved and inadequate knowledge of grammar would lead to a serious limitation on the capacity for communication. As we know we cannot use words unless we know how they should be put together. In China the teaching of grammar, however, is an area of some controversy
9、and debate. In the grammar teaching classroom, some teachers excessively pay attention to the importance of teaching rules that can be clearly formulated and some are relatively difficult. These more difficult rules are not always governed by the immediate linguistic environment and thus are difficu
10、lt to practice in simple contexts. So gradually the students are not interested in learning English. They are successful in mastering only small amounts of structural forms which are useless in improving their integrative communicative competence. Some other teachers excessively pursue the communica
11、tive function, and emphasize the instruction. The method of ignoring structure is as putting the cart before the horse. The result is that learners are successful but grammatically inaccurate communicators. It is not surprising that a Chinese cannot express himself fluently and accurately after spen
12、ding more than ten tears in teaching English. To some extent, the lack of grammar knowledge leads to the difficulty of communications.This paper has firstly described the current situation of grammar teaching in middle school. Then the author puts forward the principles of grammar teaching which con
13、tain practical principle, sentence and grammar principle as well as individual and integrated principle. At the same time the author gives several strategies of grammar teaching including analytic skills and comparative skills, providing plentiful language input and using predicting skills etc, whic
14、h give instructions to teachers in their grammar teaching. With the help of teachers, students can have a good knowledge of English grammar and they can improve their English language level. Thus the aim of English teaching in the new curriculum will be obtained. 2. The Role of Grammar in English La
15、nguage Grammar teaching has a long history. Grammar teaching is very important in our daily life, because we use it every day. It is the foundation of speaking, reading and writing.2.1 The Definition of GrammarIn linguistics, grammar is the set of structural rules that govern the composition of clau
16、ses, phases, and words in any given natural language. The term refers also to the study of such rules, and this field includes semantics, syntax, and phonology, often complemented by phonetics, semantics, and pragmatics. The grammar is often used by non-linguists with a very broad meaning indeed; as
17、 Jeremy Butterfield puts it:” Grammar is often a generic way of referring to any aspect of English that people object to.” However linguists use it in a much more specific sense. Every speaker of a language has, in his or her head, a set of rules for using that language. This is a grammar, and-at le
18、ast in the case of ones native language-the vast majority of the information in it is acquired not by conscious study or instruction, but by observing other speakers; much of this work is done during infancy. Language learning later in life, of course, may involve a greater degree of explicit instru
19、ction. The term” English grammar”, therefore, may have several meanings. It may refer to the whole of English grammar-that is, to the grammars of all the speakers of the language-in which case, the term encompasses a great deal of variation. Alternatively, it may refer only to what is common to the
20、grammars of all, or of the vast majority of English speakers. Or it may refer to the rules of a particular, relatively well-defined variety of English. “An English grammar is a specific description, study or analysis of such rules.2.2 The Importance of Grammar Teaching Language is the tool used by u
21、s to communicate thoughts and information. And a good knowledge of grammar is essential in learning a language. The importance of the grammar can be seen from three aspectsFirstly, the purpose of developing the students communication needs grammar teaching. Students grammar skills are not in an idea
22、l standard. Grammar is the form of a language and communication is the function of a language. Teachers should create the harmonious combination between grammar and communication. On one hand, grammar knowledge is the basic and necessary foundation of communication. We cannot talk clearly and correc
23、tly without it. On the other hand, the aim of learning grammar is just to learn a language well so as to speak it fluently.Secondly, grammar teaching and learning is of importance in the present learning environment. The cultural and teaching environments are different from country to country. In so
24、me countries where English is their mother tongue, English is spoken everywhere, which gives the students abundant stimulus. So the students can naturally obtain an instinctive sense for the language without learning grammar painstakingly. On that condition, they easily have a command of English. Ho
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- Grammar Teaching in the New Curriculum Middle School 英语专业毕业论文 英语专业 毕业论文
