1、 论文分类号: 题目:如何在英语课堂中有效使用游戏 系别 、专业 外语系英语专业 研 究 方 向 英语教学法 学 生 姓 名 * 学 号 2006010813 指导教师姓名 * 年 月 日Using Games Effectively in English ClassWritten by:*Supervised by:*Department of Foreign LanguagesSuzhou UniversityApril 10, 2010AcknowledgementsMy deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to *, My supervi
2、sor, for her constant encouragement and guidance. She has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without her consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not have reached its present form. Second, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Miss Zhang, wh
3、o led me into the world of translation. I am also greatly indebted to the professors and teach at the Department of Foreign Languages; Miss Liu, who has instructed helped me a lot in the past two years. Last my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving consideration and great confidence
4、in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis.AbstractWith the quality-oriented education put into force in our cou
5、ntry, the teaching method in English has been changed from the traditional “duck-filling” method to the elicitation method. Using well-chosen games in teaching English is a good way that not only simple and convenient, but also effective. It is one of the best ways in the elicitation methods of teac
6、hing. This paper is made up of four parts: the significance and importance of games, the characteristics of games, the fields of using games and something that the teacher should pay attention to. A well-chosen game is invaluable, it helps the teacher to create contexts in which the language is usef
7、ul and meaningful, help many learners to sustain their interest and work. A game is a closed activity, has a ludicrous element that other interaction patterns do not have. It must be easy for the players and needs less supervision from the teacher .the game is used in several fields .When learning p
8、honetics, letters, vocabulary, sentences and grammar, we often use the game because it is dull, it can make the activity more attractive. In addition, in order to communicate with the others, we must grasp the skills of listening, speaking and writing, the game plays an important part in these class
9、es .But we should pay attention to some aspects: as a teacher you must have the rich knowledge, the basic teaching skill, the intelligence of controlling classes, a sense of humor and the quality of an announcer. The game rulers must make clear to the player. During the game, the teacher must note d
10、own every current mistake without interfering. At last a summary must be given, the teacher should be very careful to encourage students, highlight the good point that occurred during the game, and take the opportunity to motivate the students. Only this way, all the students will benefit from it.Ke
11、y Words: “duck-filling” method; elicitation method; significance; characteristics摘 要随着素质教育的实施,我国的英语教学一改以往“填鸭式”方法,逐渐以“启发式”取代。使用精心挑选的游戏进行英语教学不仅简便,而且。本文由四部分组成:游戏的重要性和意义和重要性, 游戏的特点,使用游戏的领域,老师 应该注意的事项。一份精心选择的游戏是非常宝贵的,它有助于教师创造有益并且是富有意义的情境语言,帮助许多学习者,保持工作和学习的兴趣。游戏是一个自我封闭的活动中,有一个十分有趣的内容,对参与者来说,它必须很容易和需要老师较少的
12、监督。比赛可以使用在不同的几个领域。当学习拼音、字母、词汇、句子和语法时,我们通常使用游戏,因为它可以使枯燥无味的学习变得更具吸引力。在使用游戏的这些班级中,我们应该注意以下几个方面:作为一名教师,你必须有丰富的知识,基本的教学技巧,良好的智能控制,幽默感和演讲家的素质,游戏规则必须明确给参与者。在游戏中,教师必须在不干涉学生的情况下记下每一个当前的错误。此外,教师应该十分谨慎的鼓励学生,并借此机会,激励学生。只有这样,所有的学生将从中受益。关键词:填鸭式;启发式;意义;特点 ContentsAbstract.i摘 要.iiI. Introduction.11.1 The Importance
13、 of Using Games 11.2 The Significance of Using Games.1II. The Characteristics of Games.2III. The Fields of Using Games23.1 Games in Teaching the Basic Knowledge .23.1.1 Phonetics Games .23.1.2 Letter Games .33.1.3 Vocabulary Games .33.1.4 Sentence Pattern Games 43.1.5 Grammar Games.43.2 Games in Tea
14、ching the Basic Skills .63.2.1 Listening Comprehension Games .63.2.2 Speaking Games .73.2.3 Writing Games .7IV. Conclusion. .7Bibliography.9Using Games Effectively in English ClassI. Introduction“”1.1 The Importance of Using GamesLanguage learning is a hard task which can sometimes be frustrating. C
15、onstant effort is required to understand, manipulate the target language; well-chosen games are invaluable as they give students a break and at the some time allow students to practice language skills. Generally, they is a common perception that all learning should be serious and solemn in nature, a
16、nd that if one is having fun and there is hilarity and laughter, it is possible to learn a language as well as enjoy oneself at the some time one of the best ways of doing this is through games. Games help the teacher to create contexts in which the language is useful and meaningful, also can provid
17、e intense and meaningful practice of language .there are many advantages of using games in EFL class for children.1.2 The Significance of Using GamesGames are a welcome break from the usual route of the language class .Games are fun and children like to play them , it can be lower anxiety , thus mak
18、ing the acquisition of input more likely .they can learn a lot without stress through playing games.Games are motivating and challenging, they add variation to a lesson and increase motivation by providing a plausible in creative to use the target language. For many children between four and twelve
19、years old, especially the youngest, language learning will not be the key motivational factor .games can provide this stimulus.Learning a language required a great deal of effort. Games help student s to wake and sustain the effort of learning. They must be more than just fun, should involve “friend
20、ly” competition, should keep all of the students involved and interested, should encourage students to focus on the use of language rather than on the language.Games provide language practice in the various skill-speaking, writing, listening and reading .They should give students a chance to learn,
21、practice or review specific language material.Games encourage students to interact and communicate through them children experiment, discover and interact with their environment. They can give shy students more opportunity to express their opinions and feelings, and make the reasons for speaking pla
22、usible even to reluctant children.Games create a meaningful context for language use, their context makes the foreign language immediately useful to the children, and it brings the target language to life.II. The Characteristics of GamesA game is governed by rulers .Playing just to pass the time wil
23、l not have the same effect .To make a simple activity into a game just a couple of rulers and that is all. A game has objectives .This objective can be something like making points for correctness or finishing and an end. It must be easy for the players, or the teacher, to know who is a about reach
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- 英语 专业本科 毕业论文 如何 英语课堂 有效 使用 游戏
