暂告安全 中英双语对照字幕 看字幕学习英语 文本文件.doc
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1、 你在说谎Youre lying to me 没有,我不知道你说的什么Im not, I dont know what youre talking about 我发誓 我真的不知道你讲的什么意思I do not know what you want me I swear I dont我有三个孩子I have three children.为人父母,给我最大的经验就是 知道什么时候孩子在撒谎The first thing you have to learn as fathers is to know when your children are lying to you.你给我放老实点Youre
2、 lying to me.要是你还这样不合作的话.And if you dont stop.我可是什么招儿都有 到时任你哭爹叫娘也没有I am going to use one of those tortures your people are so famous for on your little body除非你赶紧老实点 把知道的告诉我until you tell me what I want to know我最后一次问你For the last time.把你脑子里那些数字给我交出来Give me the numbers.If you count in this way, it sho
3、uld be If counted another way, it should be .Only one way is correct, Mr Su, I dont mean to correct you, but your way is wrong.Mei, we should transfer you to another school But all my friends are here, and I have mom.You are too smart, gifted, you should go to a special school, you can make new frie
4、nds.We are your friends always. Ive heard the children in Beijing are very nice, you will have a happy life there.I dont like the numbers at all, I like my friends. I dont want to make new friends, I dont like maths.You go there to do maths, we will write to you. send mail to Beijing every week.You
5、promise?Sure, youd like us to lose a famous friend? We are always here for you Mei.AAh. 你还敢来医院!?How dared to come here? 冷静点!Mom, enough.谁让你来这里的!像你这种人 应该呆在监狱里!Youve no right to be here. You should be in jail. 滚!滚!You get out of here.我恨你!我要杀了你! - 对不起!- Im sorry. - Ill kill you.你这王八蛋,为什么要让我上场! 都是你害的!Yo
6、u piece of garbage, he shouldnt been in there with me.别这样,哥们! 别冲动,冷静点!Come on. What are you crazy man?滚!Get off man我从来没对你撒谎,LukeI never liked you luke.本来你打过的比赛里面, 差不多都是你明明稳赢的You are a better fighter than % the guy that go in the cage with.可是结果你总是被人扁But you just let him ham on you like youre side of
7、beef.我以为,你还是会这样根本三秒都撑不了Youre already lost to every chump in the circuit谁他妈知道but last night of all nights昨晚你喝了什么春药 竟然那么神勇you suppose to go down on the second you son-of-a-bitch. 我只打了他一拳! - 后退!- Once. - Back off你以为比赛是操场练球吗?I hit him once, where do you find him? A fucking playground?你这蠢猪YouTube you ass
8、hole.那小子是内定的“报送生” 看看你,竟然把他打成了植物人The kid an internet sensation until you put him in a comma老实讲,我才不管他死活which frankly I did not give a shit about但是你这混蛋 让我损失了百万!but you cost me a million dollars钱也就算了,可你知道吗 那小子是cheski的人!which nothing compared what you cost to cheski.这名字耳熟吧You recognize the name?没错,就是恶名远扬
9、的DocheskiI bet on you big time to take a dive本来计划简单完美, 全都拜你所赐,现在他会全怪在我头上and he was going to take out on me too because he know Im the schmuck that set this hold thing up除非,我把你的项上人头 连同损失费一起送到他那里赔礼unless I delivered your head with a down-payment.他们是俄国佬, 你应该知道的You know how the Russians are.Ah Mei, your
10、 brain doesnt work well. Your classmate lied then?Shes not my classmate, Shes my friend.She said your brain is like a computer.I have spoke with your teacher, he also said so.You know that eh, very nice, I dont like computers, you know why? They leave traces.They also said. Go away, go away.You wont
11、 forget what you said, will you?Now pay attention, arrange them back! You dont want your mom to die do you?Good, good, it seems your teacher and friend are correct. Mr Qui told me your dad went away when you were a child, eh?You can count on us to take good care of your mom.Well, your new dad will t
12、ake care of you overseas, In return, I want you to help us to count.听到嘀声请留言I got the right number so leave the right message.听到我的留言马上打给我,AnnieCall me when you get this Annie马上I mean right away.去哪里都好,不要回家If youre out, dont go home.我不是吓唬你 很危险 打给我!Felt scare of me?, thats good, call me老婆?Annie?就这样吗, 我可
13、是告诉我的小弟,你是条硬汉I thought youre some kind of a though guy.不是很能打的吗?No fighting?你就这么简单跪在地上?跟条斗败的狗一样You just going to sit on the floor like a dog who wants to die?把你家搞得很乱, 不好意思啊Sorry it had to so messy本来你老婆把家里弄得 挺干净整齐的我不知道,但是我想 你老婆准备了两个人的晚餐Im not a doctor, but I think she was eating for a two家庭多和谐啊like Ch
14、arlie Manson fella then.我老爸本来想派别人过来收拾你 但是.My father was going to send someone else, but.我想得我亲自出马才行Im making my bones.你会后悔的Youre making your bones by killing someone who could hurt you back.后悔什么?And who would that be?老子怕个鸟?You?你还想怎么样吗?Well, why not?知道吗 杀了你老婆的人You just killed your wife不是我,是你I didnt ki
15、ll her, you did.是你害她这样的 怎么,你还想跟我来两下子?Look you want to crack me?好Good我且看你能怎样I would like to see you try.我就在这,来呀Get it over with.你害我爸损失了很多米 让我家族蒙羞You cost my father money, make my family look bad现在我要给你个教训 算是以儆效尤吧now we going to make an extra special example of you.我看了你的履历So, we looked into your record
16、不怎么样嘛not much to find原来是个下环卫工人,收垃圾的 福利是不错,fight for city, garbage collectors, sanitation.可是怪没面子,对吧Good benefits but no glamor.父母双亡Father and mother dead没有姊妹no brothers or sisters挺可惜的which is too bad如果不是这样,我会连他们一起杀了because I would like to take them from you too但是你很爱你的老婆but you love your wife对吧we know
17、 that.现在摆在你面前的路是So, heres the deal我们不杀你your free to go但是不要想跟任何人打交道but we will have rise up.或者交朋友Not always不然他们都得死but when you least expected well be there任何人,那怕跟你唠闲嗑儿anyone you try to make friends with or even talk to只要我不高兴也是一样or to eat Hot Dogs都得死youll die如你妻子like your wife全都拜你所赐because of you.当然,你
18、可以避免这种事发生 很简单,你可以跳江,或者卧轨都行Of course you can always end it, jump off a bridge, throw yourself in front of a train直接去地狱, 很干脆的damn your eternal to hell.若你相信有地狱这回事If you believe that kind of bullshit.我强烈推荐Trust me, I dont如果是我,就干脆买块豆腐撞死so I go for it if I were you但是我不是你but I am not you.幸亏Thank God.任你自便了S
19、o do what you want.如果你明天还在这里住 我就杀了你的包租婆If youre still here tomorrow, were going to kill the land lady.叫啥名来的?Balovsky?Whats her name?, Balovsky is it?Balovsky太太Ms. Balovsky对了,她好像人不错nice lady把家里整理一下吧 傻逼clean up the mess, garbage man.搞定了,她以后 就是你的女儿,美国公民Alright, shes your daughter, she an american citiz
20、en.我不管你们之间 发生过啥事Immigration asked what the deal is with her thats your business但是弄这一套东西I going tell you可让我花费不菲pulling strings is hard work and hard work dont come free你要多少?your price, Captain Price Wolf?你得多给成的价钱Chinatown precinct goes up %再加成Bronx on the , Brooklyn division each goes up %每月monthly.给
21、个小女孩搞这些东西 你他妈的不是开玩笑吧That a steep price for passports and papers for a little girl现在世道不景气,不想以前那么好弄things are though all over me老子不管你那么多 老价钱Chinatown get up %, Bronx and Brooklyn will set on the current rate不然,别忘了, 每天都有警察或者警察家属 意外身亡的and the factory wont start shooting at cops and their family in their
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- 暂告安全 中英双语对照字幕 看字幕学习英语 文本文件 安全 双语 对照 字幕 学习 英语
