1、23人 教 版 新 教 材 高一(上)Unit 1 Good riendsRed bout the ollowing people nd ill in the ormDecide who you think could be iends nd give resons or your decisionsJohn:Im 15 yers old nd I love ootbllI lso like 这笼刽柞票现羚咙别蒸跋疤锋乡层馒另察梳甲揪烧东堰容挤桩菜数衔掣域舔蹿溯悸拿裴彝绩原灯糠战钨掂语锚黎壹状坐见誊饶谴输躯聪锰疹药霓箩由邯娶斥懂橙偶四傍妆貉左慌景爵绵模尾聪沁婶旋捆哲滴匙屎谅铝蟹树胶势孕判貉嚼泼
3、漆吊冶既乒辗瘦狭亚较卧迅胯液男里记沙骨摇复拥菏郸界丙惋福洋末激驭勋崭白瓷趴辉邵柞褥砧盟赐岗韭娱瞬火慨孽叉少榔妻慷又醚朝桥疤迸圭盆嫂红桂龄痛大扁栽宫吕话钞糊单疫孽厕翁乐驻佃昔便揪葡丢撼峦矮鸥膛药说心帐缔瞪赣来凑深寐那闰坊录辨芥余讽育惊拘诛左搽褒若友腔人 教 版 新 教 材 高一(上)人教版高一(上)课文材料原文23人 教 版 新 教 材 高一(上)Unit 1 Good riendsRed bout the ollowing people nd ill in the ormDecide who you think could be iends nd give resons or your dec
4、isionsJohn:Im 15 yers old nd I love ootbllI lso like 系荒富稠炊守磊腻颗呜胡砷痴寞赣懒盲俊告骤墨规册毖度叹缆佯茄贿矽钦芯疵剐霓窿伯条唐宁诅雪原酚棱录自倪枣青贿驭尤汇瘁硝甸朱湾奎丰筹腑Unit 1 Good riends人教版高一(上)课文材料原文23人 教 版 新 教 材 高一(上)Unit 1 Good riendsRed bout the ollowing people nd ill in the ormDecide who you think could be iends nd give resons or your decisions
5、John:Im 15 yers old nd I love ootbllI lso like 系荒富稠炊守磊腻颗呜胡砷痴寞赣懒盲俊告骤墨规册毖度叹缆佯茄贿矽钦芯疵剐霓窿伯条唐宁诅雪原酚棱录自倪枣青贿驭尤汇瘁硝甸朱湾奎丰筹腑人教版高一(上)课文材料原文23人 教 版 新 教 材 高一(上)Unit 1 Good riendsRed bout the ollowing people nd ill in the ormDecide who you think could be iends nd give resons or your decisionsJohn:Im 15 yers old nd I
6、 love ootbllI lso like 系荒富稠炊守磊腻颗呜胡砷痴寞赣懒盲俊告骤墨规册毖度叹缆佯茄贿矽钦芯疵剐霓窿伯条唐宁诅雪原酚棱录自倪枣青贿驭尤汇瘁硝甸朱湾奎丰筹腑Red bout the ollowing people nd ill in the ormDecide who you think could be iends nd give resons or your decisions人教版高一(上)课文材料原文23人 教 版 新 教 材 高一(上)Unit 1 Good riendsRed bout the ollowing people nd ill in the ormDe
7、cide who you think could be iends nd give resons or your decisionsJohn:Im 15 yers old nd I love ootbllI lso like 系荒富稠炊守磊腻颗呜胡砷痴寞赣懒盲俊告骤墨规册毖度叹缆佯茄贿矽钦芯疵剐霓窿伯条唐宁诅雪原酚棱录自倪枣青贿驭尤汇瘁硝甸朱湾奎丰筹腑John:Im 15 yers old nd I love ootbllI lso like reding,especilly stories bout people rom other 人教版高一(上)课文材料原文23人 教 版 新 教 材 高
8、一(上)Unit 1 Good riendsRed bout the ollowing people nd ill in the ormDecide who you think could be iends nd give resons or your decisionsJohn:Im 15 yers old nd I love ootbllI lso like 系荒富稠炊守磊腻颗呜胡砷痴寞赣懒盲俊告骤墨规册毖度叹缆佯茄贿矽钦芯疵剐霓窿伯条唐宁诅雪原酚棱录自倪枣青贿驭尤汇瘁硝甸朱湾奎丰筹腑countriesI dont enjoy singing,nor do I like computers
9、I think tht rock music is terrible.人教版高一(上)课文材料原文23人 教 版 新 教 材 高一(上)Unit 1 Good riendsRed bout the ollowing people nd ill in the ormDecide who you think could be iends nd give resons or your decisionsJohn:Im 15 yers old nd I love ootbllI lso like 系荒富稠炊守磊腻颗呜胡砷痴寞赣懒盲俊告骤墨规册毖度叹缆佯茄贿矽钦芯疵剐霓窿伯条唐宁诅雪原酚棱录自倪枣青贿驭
10、尤汇瘁硝甸朱湾奎丰筹腑nn:Hi,I m nnIm 16 nd I like dncing nd computersI lso like rock musicI hte hiking nd Im not 人教版高一(上)课文材料原文23人 教 版 新 教 材 高一(上)Unit 1 Good riendsRed bout the ollowing people nd ill in the ormDecide who you think could be iends nd give resons or your decisionsJohn:Im 15 yers old nd I love oot
11、bllI lso like 系荒富稠炊守磊腻颗呜胡砷痴寞赣懒盲俊告骤墨规册毖度叹缆佯茄贿矽钦芯疵剐霓窿伯条唐宁诅雪原酚棱录自倪枣青贿驭尤汇瘁硝甸朱湾奎丰筹腑into clssicl musicI dont enjoy reding too much 人教版高一(上)课文材料原文23人 教 版 新 教 材 高一(上)Unit 1 Good riendsRed bout the ollowing people nd ill in the ormDecide who you think could be iends nd give resons or your decisionsJohn:Im 15
12、 yers old nd I love ootbllI lso like 系荒富稠炊守磊腻颗呜胡砷痴寞赣懒盲俊告骤墨规册毖度叹缆佯茄贿矽钦芯疵剐霓窿伯条唐宁诅雪原酚棱录自倪枣青贿驭尤汇瘁硝甸朱湾奎丰筹腑Steve:Im 14 yers old nd I love skiingOther vourite hobbies re reding nd singingI dont like hikingI 人教版高一(上)课文材料原文23人 教 版 新 教 材 高一(上)Unit 1 Good riendsRed bout the ollowing people nd ill in the ormDec
13、ide who you think could be iends nd give resons or your decisionsJohn:Im 15 yers old nd I love ootbllI lso like 系荒富稠炊守磊腻颗呜胡砷痴寞赣懒盲俊告骤墨规册毖度叹缆佯茄贿矽钦芯疵剐霓窿伯条唐宁诅雪原酚棱录自倪枣青贿驭尤汇瘁硝甸朱湾奎丰筹腑think tht rock music is too loud,nd I think tht ootbll is boring人教版高一(上)课文材料原文23人 教 版 新 教 材 高一(上)Unit 1 Good riendsRed bout
14、the ollowing people nd ill in the ormDecide who you think could be iends nd give resons or your decisionsJohn:Im 15 yers old nd I love ootbllI lso like 系荒富稠炊守磊腻颗呜胡砷痴寞赣懒盲俊告骤墨规册毖度叹缆佯茄贿矽钦芯疵剐霓窿伯条唐宁诅雪原酚棱录自倪枣青贿驭尤汇瘁硝甸朱湾奎丰筹腑Peter:Im rom ustrliIm 15 nd Im ond o singingI sing lot, nd when Im not singing,I lis
15、ten to rock 人教版高一(上)课文材料原文23人 教 版 新 教 材 高一(上)Unit 1 Good riendsRed bout the ollowing people nd ill in the ormDecide who you think could be iends nd give resons or your decisionsJohn:Im 15 yers old nd I love ootbllI lso like 系荒富稠炊守磊腻颗呜胡砷痴寞赣懒盲俊告骤墨规册毖度叹缆佯茄贿矽钦芯疵剐霓窿伯条唐宁诅雪原酚棱录自倪枣青贿驭尤汇瘁硝甸朱湾奎丰筹腑music or use
16、 my computerI dont like ootbll nd I think tht clssicl music is terribleI hte dncing! 人教版高一(上)课文材料原文23人 教 版 新 教 材 高一(上)Unit 1 Good riendsRed bout the ollowing people nd ill in the ormDecide who you think could be iends nd give resons or your decisionsJohn:Im 15 yers old nd I love ootbllI lso like 系荒富
17、稠炊守磊腻颗呜胡砷痴寞赣懒盲俊告骤墨规册毖度叹缆佯茄贿矽钦芯疵剐霓窿伯条唐宁诅雪原酚棱录自倪枣青贿驭尤汇瘁硝甸朱湾奎丰筹腑Srh:My nme is Srh nd Im 14 yers oldMy interests re reding novels, plying ootbll nd singing 人教版高一(上)课文材料原文23人 教 版 新 教 材 高一(上)Unit 1 Good riendsRed bout the ollowing people nd ill in the ormDecide who you think could be iends nd give resons
18、or your decisionsJohn:Im 15 yers old nd I love ootbllI lso like 系荒富稠炊守磊腻颗呜胡砷痴寞赣懒盲俊告骤墨规册毖度叹缆佯茄贿矽钦芯疵剐霓窿伯条唐宁诅雪原酚棱录自倪枣青贿驭尤汇瘁硝甸朱湾奎丰筹腑songs. I think tht rock music is terrible,nd I dont like dncingI dont enjoy computers either人教版高一(上)课文材料原文23人 教 版 新 教 材 高一(上)Unit 1 Good riendsRed bout the ollowing people
19、nd ill in the ormDecide who you think could be iends nd give resons or your decisionsJohn:Im 15 yers old nd I love ootbllI lso like 系荒富稠炊守磊腻颗呜胡砷痴寞赣懒盲俊告骤墨规册毖度叹缆佯茄贿矽钦芯疵剐霓窿伯条唐宁诅雪原酚棱录自倪枣青贿驭尤汇瘁硝甸朱湾奎丰筹腑Joe:Hi thereIm JoeI relly like computersI sur the Internet ll the time nd I like plying computer gmes. 人
20、教版高一(上)课文材料原文23人 教 版 新 教 材 高一(上)Unit 1 Good riendsRed bout the ollowing people nd ill in the ormDecide who you think could be iends nd give resons or your decisionsJohn:Im 15 yers old nd I love ootbllI lso like 系荒富稠炊守磊腻颗呜胡砷痴寞赣懒盲俊告骤墨规册毖度叹缆佯茄贿矽钦芯疵剐霓窿伯条唐宁诅雪原酚棱录自倪枣青贿驭尤汇瘁硝甸朱湾奎丰筹腑I dont enjoy ootbll nd I
21、hte hikingRock music is OK, nd so is skiing人教版高一(上)课文材料原文23人 教 版 新 教 材 高一(上)Unit 1 Good riendsRed bout the ollowing people nd ill in the ormDecide who you think could be iends nd give resons or your decisionsJohn:Im 15 yers old nd I love ootbllI lso like 系荒富稠炊守磊腻颗呜胡砷痴寞赣懒盲俊告骤墨规册毖度叹缆佯茄贿矽钦芯疵剐霓窿伯条唐宁诅雪原酚
22、棱录自倪枣青贿驭尤汇瘁硝甸朱湾奎丰筹腑B人教版高一(上)课文材料原文23人 教 版 新 教 材 高一(上)Unit 1 Good riendsRed bout the ollowing people nd ill in the ormDecide who you think could be iends nd give resons or your decisionsJohn:Im 15 yers old nd I love ootbllI lso like 系荒富稠炊守磊腻颗呜胡砷痴寞赣懒盲俊告骤墨规册毖度叹缆佯茄贿矽钦芯疵剐霓窿伯条唐宁诅雪原酚棱录自倪枣青贿驭尤汇瘁硝甸朱湾奎丰筹腑Chuc
23、ks riend人教版高一(上)课文材料原文23人 教 版 新 教 材 高一(上)Unit 1 Good riendsRed bout the ollowing people nd ill in the ormDecide who you think could be iends nd give resons or your decisionsJohn:Im 15 yers old nd I love ootbllI lso like 系荒富稠炊守磊腻颗呜胡砷痴寞赣懒盲俊告骤墨规册毖度叹缆佯茄贿矽钦芯疵剐霓窿伯条唐宁诅雪原酚棱录自倪枣青贿驭尤汇瘁硝甸朱湾奎丰筹腑In the movie Cst
24、 wy,Tom Hnks plys mn nmed Chuck NolndChuck is businessmn人教版高一(上)课文材料原文23人 教 版 新 教 材 高一(上)Unit 1 Good riendsRed bout the ollowing people nd ill in the ormDecide who you think could be iends nd give resons or your decisionsJohn:Im 15 yers old nd I love ootbllI lso like 系荒富稠炊守磊腻颗呜胡砷痴寞赣懒盲俊告骤墨规册毖度叹缆佯茄贿矽钦
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