1、Ambiguity and Its Pragmatic Functions英语歧义及其实用功能赵 宣Abstract: Ambiguity has traditionally been regarded as a kind of language misuse, which, however, is a quite limited view of ambiguity. Ambiguity is not good-for-nothing. Instead, it can play an active role in helping people to achieve positive commu
2、nication effects. In this thesis, the author first introduces Wu Qianguangs classification of ambiguity and then explores the functions of ambiguity, especially the pragmatic functions of ambiguity, which can be summarized as follows: avoiding conflict, achieving politeness and realizing purpose, et
3、c. Key words: ambiguity; pragmatic functions; meaning1. IntroductionAs a feature of language, ambiguity arises when a word, phrase, or sentence has more than one meaning. As far as ambiguity is concerned, it is always associated with wrong or bad language use mainly due to the speakers or writers ig
4、norance or negligence. For a long time, there has been a common belief among people that good language use involves clarity and should not contain any ambiguity. Deemster has said that Communication does not always require absolute clarity: partial understanding is often enough for making inferences
5、 that a hearer is most interested in (1996: 204). So not only in oral communication, but also in other language uses such as in literary works, attentive and sensitive people will find that ambiguity is not worthless or good-for-nothing. This thesis is going to explore ambiguity from the perspective
6、 of pragmatics. The ultimate purpose of the thesis is to study the functions of ambiguity. 2. The classification of ambiguityScholars abroad and at home have put forward many ways of classifying ambiguity. The significance of making a classification lies in the fact that it can help people understan
7、d how ambiguity is caused. This paper intends to apply the Chinese scholar Wu Qianguangs classification. He puts forward two ways of classifying ambiguity. One includes lexical ambiguity and grammatical ambiguity; the other includes phonological ambiguity, lexical ambiguity, and grammatical ambiguit
8、y. (伍谦光,1994) 2.1 Phonological ambiguityPhonological ambiguity is mainly caused by homonymy, variation of stress and tone, liaison, etc. Such kind of ambiguity often appears in spoken language and disappears in written form or it appears in written form and disappears when spoken out. Homonymy is a
9、common phenomenon in both English. Flower/ flour and heir/ air are some examples. Ambiguity caused by stress change can be shown in the phrase “a green house: a house whose color is green” when the stress is put on the word house and “a green-house: a special house designed for the growth of flowers
10、” when the stress is on green. As for ambiguity resulting from liaison, grey day and Grade A, “a nice man” and an ice man are some cases in point.2.2 Lexical ambiguityLexical ambiguity is mostly related with polysemy and homophones. For example, in sentence “The damage was done by the river”, by can
11、 mean “beside” or “through the agency, means, or instrumentality of”. So this sentence may mean either “The damage was done beside the river” or “The river brought about the damage.” “Pass the port” is a more ambiguous sentence, because there are two polysemous words: pass may mean “go across”, or “
12、give by hand”; port has the meaning “harbor” or “a kind of wine.” Hence the sentence can mean: “(The ship) went across the harbor,” or “Please hand me the wine.” Only the actual situation can decide the meaning of such ambiguous sentences. 2.3 Grammatical ambiguityAnother type is grammatical ambigui
13、ty arising from the grammatical analysis of a sentence or a phrase. For example, the phrase young men and women can be analyzed either as “young/men and women/” (i.e. both are young.) or “/young men/ and women” (i.e. only the men are young.) Another example is He left the room unwashed where unwashe
14、d is ambiguous in that it can be a complement to the room or to he. The whole sentence may mean: he did not do some washing to the room; or he left without taking a bath. 3. The functions of ambiguityIn the scientific fields that require and worship accuracy, ambiguity has always been identified as
15、the main obstacle for various natural language processing tasks. In such cases, it is justifiable to regard ambiguity as something negative, which should be avoided as far as one can. When it comes to some other occasions such as daily communication and literary works, however, ambiguity is not alwa
16、ys so undesirable as people usually think. Instead, ambiguity also has its positive aspect, which mainly lies in its pragmatic functions. 3.1 Ambiguity and rhetoricIt is widely acknowledged and recognized that ambiguity can be used to achieve unexpected rhetoric effects. Most of the traditional stud
17、ies of ambiguity focus on its relations with rhetoric. So the paper will first explore the relations between ambiguity and rhetorical devices, such as metaphor, pun and irony. 3.1.1 Ambiguity and metaphorMetaphor is a figure of speech in which a word of phrase that ordinarily designates one thing is
18、 used to designate another, thus making an implicit comparison. (Dictionary of the English Language, 1992). Metaphor can be regarded as a kind of pragmatic ambiguity, because every kind of metaphor contains its literary meaning and implied meaning, and the two meanings in one word or phrase make the
19、 sentence ambiguous. For example,1)Girl: You remind me of the ocean.Boy: Wild, romantic and restless.Girl: No, you just make me sick. (邱述德1998: 543)The word sea is used as a metaphor. We usually use this word to express the meaning of broad-minded and it is a praising word. So when the boy heard tha
20、t he was like an ocean, he was certainly very glad. But to his surprise, the girl used the word to imply that the boy reminded her of the sailing of the sea. That is to say he also made her sick. The same word creates quite different effects, thus ambiguity occurs.3.1.2 Ambiguity and punThe pun expl
21、oits ambiguity, or similarity between two words, to make the same word suggest two different but equally possible meanings. From its definition we can see that the semantic emphasis of pun is laid on its ambiguity. So pun uses the ambiguity caused by the words of homophony or polysemy to express the
22、 real intention of the speaker. For example,2)Farewell to Arms.This is one of the masterpieces by Hemingway. It is translated into Chinese永别了,武器. Strictly speaking, the name of the book is ambiguous, because arm is a polysemous word, it can be understood as weapon or upper limbs of a human being. So
23、 some scholars think that the figure of speech pun is used in the title. The hero was far away from the war at last, but he lost his love一the warm arms of a lady as well. 3.1.3 Ambiguity and ironyIrony is the use of words to express something different from and often opposite to their literary meani
24、ng. So obviously the figure of speech irony violates the quality maxim of Cooperative Principle, but irony violates this maxim deliberately so as to create a sarcastic rhetorical effect that is more forceful than direct expression. For example,3)It is truth universally acknowledged that a single man
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