1、英语报刊新闻的语言特点论文 毕业 论文题 目: 英语报刊新闻的语言特点 学 院: 北京大学继续教育学院 专业名称: 英语 班级学号: ? 指导老师: 二 零 壹 壹 年 一十一 月 南昌大学继续教育学院 摘 要摘 要 当今世界,英语被广泛使用,成为一种国际通用语言,其普及性体现在国际政治、经济、科技、文化、学术、信息交流等各个领域。英语报刊新闻( journalistic English)指英文报刊上常见的各类文章,它的体裁多样题材广泛,English at linguistic levelMeanwhile, it points out the features of the headlin
2、e, the lead and the body. It will also discuss the features of news writing. It is hoped that this paper will help people change their stereotyped views about English newspapers, help English learners understand the English newspapers more effectively and accurately, and help students try to cultiva
3、te the habit of reading English newspapers.I南昌大学继续教育学院 目录ContentsAbstract . INowadays English is widely used as an international language, and its popularity isreflected in the international political, economic, technological, cultural, academic,information exchange and other fields. Journalistic En
4、glish refers to various types ofEnglish in common newspaper articles with diverse genres, wide range of topics and content.English newspapers are a great source of information, reflecting the politics, economy,culture, technology around the world. English newspapers are also the media who can maketh
5、e fastest reflection about the development and changes of English. With the rapid socialdevelopment, languages are constantly evolving. As new things, new terms are constantlyemerging, reading English newspapers is a shortcut to understand modern English, and isthe most practical, simple and effecti
6、ve way to learn and master modern English. Englishnewspapers can help expand vocabulary, enhance the sense of language, reading ability. Thispaper will give an analysis of linguistic features of news English at linguisticlevelMeanwhile, it points out the features of the headline, the lead and the bo
7、dy. Itwill also discuss the features of news writing. It is hoped that this paper will help peoplechange their stereotyped views about English newspapers, help English learners understandthe English newspapers more effectively and accurately, and help students try to cultivatethe habit of reading En
8、glish newspapers. . I1. Introduction . 21.1 Significance of the Study . 21.2 Structure of the Paper . 23.1 Headline . 53.1.1 Grammatical Features of Headline . 53.1.2 The lexical features of English news headlines . 73.2 Lead . 83.2.1 Definition and function . 83.2.2 Five WS and H 6:30 . 83.2.3 Clas
9、sification of lead . 94. Linguistic Features of News English . 94.1 The lexical features . 94. 1. 3 use of slangs . 114.1.4 creating new words . 114.1.5 Vague words . 114.2 The syntactic features . 114.2.1 Loose sentence structure . 11II南昌大学继续教育学院 目录4.2.2 Extensive use of tenses . 124.2.3. active vo
10、ice . 124.2.4. Extensive use of quotations . 134.2.5 Use of Subordinate Clauses . 134.3 The textual features . 134.3.1 Inverted Pyramid Structure . 13Acknowledgements . 16Bibliography . 17III南昌大学继续教育学院 Chapter Five ConclusionAn Analysis of the Language Characteristics of Journalistic English 1. Intr
11、oduction1.1 Significance of the StudyWith increasing international communication between China and other countries of the world,language study is becoming an inevitable thing in our daily life, especially nowadays,as English has been widely used as an international language and people need more info
12、rmation on the language and the ways in which it is usedLanguage plays a critical role in social intervention and is an important medium in the transmission of cultural and social valuesReading English newspapers give us an opportunity to be dipped into new things and stories, and to pick up languag
13、eThey are the primary material from which people receive new information. Newspapers have a rich mixture of contents including news, advice, comics, opinions and dataThe language used in English newspapers has its unique features and is quite different from general English articles to some extent. T
14、hat is why so many people feel English news difficult and abandon it. Then how can we cope with such linguistic problems to read the English news effectively and understand it accurately? The main purpose of this paper is to increase readers ability to read English news. It is hoped that this paper
15、will be particularly useful to those who have strong interest in reading English news1.2 Structure of the PaperChapter One is a brief introduction which proposes the significance of the study and the structural arrangement of the paperChapter Two deals with the basic elements of news,such as definit
16、ion of the newsHowever, the general features of English news reports will be emphasized throughout the paperChapter Three touches heavily on the two major elements of the news the headline and the leadThe headline plays a role in attracting the attention of the readers and luring them to read on, so
17、 its linguistic features will be our major focusThe characteristics of the lead will be discussed from four aspects: functions of the lead,five Ws and H, classification of the lead and language characteristics of the leadChapter Four is the main part of the paper and lists the linguistic features of
18、 English news at lexical, syntactic and context levels2南昌大学继续教育学院 Chapter Five ConclusionChapter Five summarizes the previous studyAt the same time, it points out that reading English news is an effective way to learn modem English and by mastering some characteristics of English news we can underst
19、and the English news accuratelyMoreover, it points out the inadequacy of the study in the hope that more researches should be carried out in this field2. Definitions of News and General Characteristics of English newspapersTo figure out the features of news,it is necessary to know what news isThe wo
20、rd “News” derives from GreekIn American reporter Joests opinions, the word “News” comes from the word New”. It is clear that freshness is one of the most essential features of newsTypical definitions of news suggested by journalists include "news is the same thing happening to different people,
21、” “news is what the editor thinks is news, or news is “what Im interested in”.In fact,there is no single all-encompassing definition of news because the elements that constitute it are constantly changing, and so are the women and men who select it for print, broadcast and other sources such as the
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- 关 键 词:
- 英语 报刊 新闻 语言 特点 论文
