1、数字控制的历史在机床领域工作的任何人都不能忽视计算机对制造业的影响。这些机床对工业的影响能力强迫公司经理和所有者更新他们的思想来保持竞争力。这些机床的固有准确性和反复性已经帮助了质量过程工具例如统计过程控制在金工车间获得立足处。NC/CNC机床的演变数字控制其实不是什么新东西。早在1808年织机装入带孔的金属卡片控制所生产布料的样式。机器的每根针由装入的卡上孔的有无来控制。卡片成为机器的程序。如果改变了卡片,样式也跟着改变。自动钢琴也是数字控制的例子。自动钢琴使用带孔的纸卷。孔的有无决定音符是否被演奏。空气被用于感应孔是否存在。计算机的发明是数字控制的一个转折点。1943年,称作ENIAC (
3、电路。当制造商发现了如何小型化电路,它比晶体管更有助于减小尺寸和改进电子控制的可靠性。大规模集成电路大规模生产是在1965年。在1974年发明了微处理器。由此产生了微型计算机,使小规模运用成为可能。计算机记忆卡制造的巨大进步使它计算机更加功能强大而容易支付。作为政府生产高精度副翼的方法数控机床的原始构想源于20世纪50年代。这些复杂的零件用传统方法制造并且通过和模板作比较来检验它们。模板也必须用传统方法制造,是非常费时和不精确的。然而,在Michigan一个商店,一个叫做John Parsons的人正在研究一种新方法来改进直升机动叶片模板的制造方法。Parsons是工具室学徒而且没有大学学位。
5、的马达。伺服电动机诞生了。Parsons构想了随后的系统。计算机能计算刀具应该遵循的轨迹并在穿孔卡上储存信息。机器的操作者能读出卡片。控制机器从操作者得到数据并控制附着在每根轴上的马达。1951年 MIT被授予开发控制机器的主要合同。第一台由Parsons和MIT生产的机器在1952年展出。叫做Cincinnati Hydrotel,它是一台三轴垂直心轴的铣床。这个控制机器使用真空管。在使人编程更容易的其中一个早期尝试叫做APT(自动编程工具)符号语言。APT,发明于1954年,使用机床能读懂的和英文相似的符号语言来编制程序。记住,机器需要零件的几何外型和例如速度、饲料和冷却液的机器指令来运行
6、。APT使人们写这些程序变得更容易,这些程序随后又被翻译成机器能读懂的另一种程序。1955年空军得到制造数控机器的35,000,000美圆的合同。第一台数控机床非常庞大。这个控制机器靠真空管运行并需要一个分开的计算机来生成它的二进制磁带代码。(二进制代码系统使用0和1)。复杂零件的编程需要非常专业的人员。随着继续的发展和提炼,60年代初期数字控制机器在工业中变得更加普通。数字控制机器广泛接受,它们变得更加功能强大和容易使用。直到大约1976年这些机器被称作NC(数字控制)机器。1976年CNC (计算机数字控制)机器出现了。这些控制机器使用微处理器给了他们额外的功能。他们也以外存储为特色。代表
7、性的NCs每次读取一步程序(块)并执行它;然而,CNC机床能够存储整个程序。20世纪70和80年代后期计算机技术的改善使数控机床的价格跌到一个很多制造公司不能再没有它们的水平。HISTORY OF NUMERICAL CONTROLAnyone working in the machine tool field cannot ignore the influence of the computer in manufacturing. The capabilities that these machine tools have given to the industry have forced
8、managers and owners of companies to update their thinking to stay competitive. The inherent accuracy and repeatability of these machine tools have helped quality process tools such as statistical process control gain a foothold in machine shops.EVOLUTION OF THE NC/CNC MACHINENumerical control is not
9、hing new. As early as 1808 weaving machines used metal cards with holes punched in them to control the pattern of the cloth being produced. Each needle on the machine was controlled by the presence or absence of a hole on the punched cards. The cards were the program for the machine. If the cards we
10、re changed, the pattern changed.The players piano is also an example of numerical control. The player piano uses a roll of paper with holes punched in it. The presence or absence of a hole determined if that note was played. Air was used to sense whether a hole was present.The invention of the compu
11、ter was one of the turning points in numerical control. In 1943 the first computer, called ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) was built.The ENIAC computer was very large. It occupied more than 1500 square feet and used approximately 18,000 vacuum tubes to do its calculations. The h
12、eat generated by the vacuum tubes was a constant problem. The computer could operate only a few minutes without a tube failing. In addition, the computer weighed many tons and was very difficult to program. ENIAC was programmed through the use of thousands of switches. The $15 calculator available t
13、oday is much more powerful than this early attempt.The real turning point in computer technology was the invention of the transistor in 1948. The transistor was the replacement for the vacuum tube. It was very small, cheap, dependable, used very little power, and generated very little heat: the perf
14、ect replacement for the vacuum tube. The transistor did not see much industrial use until the 1960s.INTEGRATED CIRCUITRYIn 1959 a new technology emerged: integrated circuits (ICs). Integrated circuits were actually control circuits on a chip. When manufacturers discovered how to miniaturize circuits
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