单片机英文文献【适用于毕业论文外文翻译】 .doc
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1、单片机英文文献Principe of MCUSingle-chip is an intcgrmed 011 a single chp a cornplete computer syslCtn. Ev巳n 由ough most of his fearures in a small chip,but it has a oej to complele 由Ctn勾ority of computer components: CPU,memory,internal and external bus system,mosl wi ll havc the Core 八1 the same ti me,such
2、 as imegr.aled commllnic3li on iJ1lerlac创,lilTJers,real-lime c.Iock and other peripheral 叫lIipmenl. And now Ihe 11)OSI powerflll si ngJe-chip n咀crocornpllter system can even voice,image, nelworking,inplll and OllrpUt cOl1lplex syslem il1tegration on a singl e chip.AJso known as single-chip MCU (Micr
3、ocontroUer),because it was I1rst llSed in the liel d ofi nduslrial cootroJ.OnJ y by the singl巳-chip CPU chip developed frOI1l the d巳dicated processor.Thec1esign concept is the first by a large n山nber of peripherals ancl CPU in a single chip,the complller system so that smaller,more easily illlegrate
4、cl into the complex ancl demanding Oll thevoll1me comrol devices 卧JTEL the Z80 is onc of the first CI巳sign in accordanc巳 with the id巳a of the processor,From then on,由e MCU alld uhe c1evelopm巳m of a dcdicated proccssor part巳d ways.Earl y si ngle-ch.ip 8-bil or all of lhe lIlr. On巳 of Ihe mOSl success
5、ful is lNTELs 8031.,b巳callse lh巳 perfonlJance of a siJlJple and reliable access 10 a 101 of gopraise. Since lhe lJ in8031 10 c1evelop a single-chip microcol1lpuler system lvrCS51 series. Bas1 00 single-chip microcomputer system of the syslem i s still widely lIsed unti l now. As the lield of industr
6、ial control requirements increase in the beginning of a 16-bit single-chi p,bu t not ideal becallse Ihe price has not been very widely used. After th,e 90s with the big consumer electronics produclclevelopmem,single-chip technology is a huge improvement. INTEL i960 Series with subsequel1lARM in part
7、icar,a broacl ra l1ge of applications,quickly replaced by 32-bit single-chip 16.bit singl e制 chip high. end status,and el1ler the mainstream markel. Traditional 8-bit single-chipperfon咽ance has bcen th巳 rapid increasc in proc巳ssing power compared to 由巳 80¥ to raise a few hundred tim,es. AI present,
8、th巳 high-encl 32-bil single-chip frequency over 300MHz,the perfonl1ance of rh巳 rnid-90s c10se on 由e heels of a speci刻 processor,while the ordinary pric巳of Ihe mod巳1 dropp巳d Q one U.S. dolJar骂,lhe mOSl high-end lllodeJs,onJy 10 U.S. doUar古. Contemporary single chip l1licrocomputer syst,elll is 110 lo
9、nger only the bare-metal environ l1lel1t in the developl1lent and use of a large number of d巳dicated emb号dded operaring system is widely lIsed in the full range of single. chip microcompllter. In PDAs and cell phoneas rhe core processing of high-end single-chip or even a dedical以I direct access 10 W
10、indows and Lillux operaung systems.More thar】a c1edicatecl si ngle.chip processor suitable for embedclecl systems,so it was up torhe application. ln facI Ih巳 nurnber of singl巳-chip is th巳 worlds largest cornputcr. Modcrn hurnanl ife lIsed in alrnost every piece of electrol1ic and mechani1 products w
11、i11 have a 臼ngle-chip integration. Phonc,tclephon巴,calculalor,home appliance骂,el 巳ctron ic toys,handheld computcrs and complller acc巳ssories such as 挡 mOuse io the Deparlmem are equ i pped wilh 1 -2 si ngl 巳 chip And personal cOlTJpulers al $o have a large number of si.ngJe-chi p micr以:ompuler i l1
12、Ibe Vorkplace. Veh.icJesqllipped wilh more lhan 40 Department or the general single-chip,complex induSlrial control systems and even single-chip may have hundreds of work al the same tinle! SCM is Ll0t only far e.xceeds the number of PC ancl other integrated complltl毡,even more lhall lh 巳 number of
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