1、 南国商学院本 科 毕 业 论 文 题 目 从严复三字翻译原则“信、达、雅”浅析英语广告中双关语的翻译 姓 名 梁 贤 贤 学 号 120110519 单 位 英文学院 年 级 专 业 2012级英语翻译 指 导 教 师 张 映 先 完 成 时 间 2016年 4 月 教 务 处 制Analysis of the Translation of Puns in English Advertisements from Yan Fus Three - Word Translation PrincipleLiang XianxianA Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfi
2、llment of the Requirementsfor the Degree of BA in EnglishSouth China Business CollegeGuangdong University of Foreign StudiesApril, 2016DECLARATIONThe thesis contains no material which has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma in any institutions of higher learning and to the bes
3、t of my knowledge and belief, the thesis contains no material previously published or written by another person, except when due references are made in the text of the thesis.Signature: Liang Xianxian 梁贤贤 Date: April 10th, 2016 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSFirst, my sincere gratitude must be extended to my super
4、visor Zhang Yingxian, for her dedicated commitment of time, efforts, encouragement. In the period of time from the preparation of this thesis to its completion, Miss Zhang kept in touch with me. And her useful and patient assistance can not be emphasized too much. Under her strict guidance, I have b
5、een able to doing my research work independently and successfully. Second, my appreciation should also go to my classmates and my families who gave me support and reasonable advice on my thesis.Finally, many thanks must be given to my college for educating me, providing me with a lot of research mat
6、erials from its library and local area network. Their earnest and comprehensive instructions have helped me complete this thesis smoothly. With their enlightenment, I will take efforts to be better.AbstractAs the development of international trade progresses, the advertising industry is presenting u
7、s a scene of blooming. Successful advertisements have the effect of captivating the hearts of consumers and inspiring their desire to buy the products. To enhance the effect of publicity, advertising designers often use puns to reach the business purpose. Pun is concise, humorous and interesting so
8、that the application of it in advertisements can easily and quickly attract the attention of people. Having a good command of the classifications, characteristics and functions of puns and improving the translation skills of puns in English advertisements will be of practical significance of underst
9、anding the original implied beauty and effect.Many well-known translation theorists at home and abroad have summed up some guiding principles and standards for the translation process, of which is the most typical “Three-character Guide”, initiated by Yan Fu. Yan Fu thinks that translation has to do
10、 three difficult things: to be faithful, expressive and elegant. His translation theory influenced the translation circle deeply. A lot of scholars think it is an essential standard and regard it as the goal that a best translator will try his effort to reach. Combining with practical analysis of Pu
11、n Translation in English advertisements, six effective skills can be extracted from Yan Fus theory. They are selection, creation, addition and omission, division, rhetorical antithesis and rhyme, reduplication and repetition .Based on these approaches, this paper is expected to provide a new viewing
12、 angle for Pun Translation and offer inspirations to future translations in this field.Key Words:Yan Fu s theory; English advertisement; translation skills; translation of puns摘要随着国际贸易的进一步发展,广告业呈现出一种繁荣的景象。成功的广告可以牢牢抓住消费者的心,激发他们购买产品的欲望。为了增强宣传效果,广告设计者经常使用双关语来达到商业的目的。双关语简洁,幽默以及有趣,它在广告中的应用可以很快地吸引人们的注意力。掌
13、握好双关语的分类、特点和功能,提高英语广告中双关语的翻译技巧,将对了解原广告所要展现的审美效果以及作用具有现实意义。 当前,国内外许多著名的翻译理论家总结出了翻译过程中的一些指导原则和标准。其中,最有代表性的就是严复的“三字指导原则”。 严复认为翻译要做三件难事:信、达、雅。他的翻译理论对翻译界产生了深远的影响,许多学者认为这是翻译的基本标准,而一个好的译者则应尽最大努力去达到这个标准。结合英语广告中双关语翻译的实际分析,从严复的翻译理论中可以得出六个有效的翻译方法,它们分别是:选择法、再造法、增补法、省略法、拆分法、修辞性对偶、押韵、重叠和重复法。基于这些方法,本文希望可以为广告双关语的翻译
14、提供一个新的视角,并给未来在这一领域的翻译带来启示。关键词:严复的翻译理论、英文广告、翻译技巧、双关语翻译Contents1.Introduction1 1.1 Background of the Study11.2 The Purpose and Significance of the Thesis21.3 The Structure of the Thesis22. Brief Survey to Puns in English Advertisements32.1 Definition of Advertisements and Puns32.2 Classification of Pu
15、ns in Advertisements42.3 Characteristics and Functions of Puns in English Advertisements53.Introduction to Yan Fu s Three-Word Translation Theory63.1 Definition of “Faithfulness” 63.2 Definition of “Expressiveness” 73.3 Definition of “Elegance” 74. Application of Yan Fus Three-word Translation Theor
16、y in Pun Translation 74.1 Introduction to the application of Yan Fus Translation Theory in Pun Translation 84.2 Translation Skills of Puns in English Advertisement from Yan Fus Three-Word Theory94.2.1 Skills in“Faithful”Translation94.2.1.1 Choice of Equivalent Meaning94.2.1.2 Creation of Similar Mea
17、ning104.2.2 Skills in “Expressive” Translation114.2.2.1 Addition and Omission of the Original Meaning124.2.2.2 Division of the Original Text134.2.3 Skills in “Elegance” Translation144.2.3.1 Rhetorical Antithesis and Rhyme154.2.3.2 Rhetorical Reduplication and Repetition165. Conclusion186. References
18、201 .IntroductionNowadays, people live in a world full of different kinds of colorful advertisements. In a short and simple sentence, advertisements are able to show the products charm and achieve business goals, featured by their great variety and interesting originality. As one of the most creativ
19、e means of rhetoric, puns are excessively used in advertisements to strengthen the publicity effect. However, the translatability of puns arouses a lot of debates in translation circle. It is hard to translate the double meaning of puns in English advertisements because of different languages, cultu
20、res and habits of expression. Yan Fus translation theory, on the basis of loyalty and smoothness, trying to make the sound preservation of the taste and shade of the original, provides a novel perspective for Pun Translation.1.1 Research Background With the continuous development of economic globali
21、zation, international trade has further promoted the development of advertising industry. English advertising translation has become an important topic in the translation field. Currently domestic and foreign scholars have done extensive researches on the translation of puns in English advertisement
22、s, giving their translation methods by analyzing a lot of fresh examples. But so far the translation skills of pun still need to be specified and systematized .Moreover, some businesses are done for the purpose of quick and big profits so that the translation of English advertisements could be shodd
23、y. Therefore, it is urgent to understand the characteristics of puns in English advertising and develop the translation strategies of puns in English advertisements.1.2 The Significance and Purpose of the Thesis Since China is connected with the world closely, more business opportunities are brought
- 配套讲稿:
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- 关 键 词:
- 从严 复信 浅析 英语 广告 双关语 翻译
