1、 毕业论文(设计)外文资料及译文题 目: 学 生 姓 名: 指 导 教 师: 系 别: 专业 、班级: 人力资源管理 完 成 时 间: 河北科技师范学院教务处制Web Address:http:/www7.scu.edu.au/programme/fullpapers/1893/com1893.htmLearning and development: A strategic human resource development planIntroductionThis Human Resource Development (HRD) Plan provides for a strategic
2、approach to learning and development within AFMA. It provides a framework for the identification of corporate skill needs, both current and for the future, and for the identification and incorporation of the learning needs of individuals. The ultimate aim and vision is a workforce that has the skill
3、s and knowledge to undertake the tasks required of staff, and a workforce that is eager to learn new skills in order to be able to meet future challenges. In other words, AFMA aims to become a learning organization.The 2000 Certified Agreement sets out AFMAs purpose and the principles when dealing w
4、ith staff. The relevant principles are to: attract and retain, develop and manage quality employees maintain flexibility in balancing work and family commitments meet diverse client needs be accepting of change give value for money within a cost recovery environment and within budgetary constraints
5、be an effective and efficient organization foster and be committed to two way communicationA strategic HRD Plan will assist AFMA in achieving its purpose and pursuing its objectives as an organization - an organization that must demonstrate its value to government and industry, and ensure that the a
6、bove values and principles are adhered to. HRD cannot achieve the principles by itself or in isolation from other human resource practices and policies - it is one of the foundations that an organization is built upon and not the only foundation. It must support AFMAs Corporate and Annual Operationa
7、l Plans, be consistent with the Human Resources Plan and become an integral part of AFMAs business environment. This requires a commitment from all staff for it to be effective, a commitment to identify areas requiring development and a commitment to action in order to address these identified needs
8、.The Plan must recognize and align with diversity management principles. These principles, which include equal employment opportunity, are further developed and explained in AFMAs Diversity Management Plan. It must also provide a background whereby staff who are less than fully effective can be supp
9、orted in addressing the areas identified as requiring development.Legislatively, the Fisheries Administration Act 1991 also requires AFMA to develop and implement a Human Resource Development Plan.What is HRD?HRD goes beyond the traditional concepts of training and development through coursework. It
10、 should look at the methods that are most appropriate for achieving the desired learning and encompasses and includes, but is not limited to, on-the-job training, placements, rotations, research, seminars, mentoring, coaching and study. Indeed, without this broader framework, most training ends up a
11、s wasted money.A traditional training course is not always the most appropriate method of learning and it is often the case that the potential learning that the staff member is supposed to have gained are quickly lost due to a lack of follow up or the opportunity to practice the learning and cement
12、the knowledge transfer. Managers must provide staff with the opportunities to practice and discuss what they have learnt. The follow up to learning requires both managers and staff to plan how this will be undertaken - forward planning ensures that no-one is forgotten. Although important in all orga
13、nizations, it is especially true in a small organization where repeat training is not financially feasible.Managers, therefore, must identify the most appropriate method of learning. This may range from the use of traditional training courses to internal discussions or seminars, from rotational oppo
14、rtunities and mentoring to including junior/new staff so that they can observe more experienced staff at meetings. Not all learning methods cost money - sometimes it only requires lateral thinking and an expenditure of effort and minor inconvenience. Further study is an important component of a lear
15、ning organizations repertoire. AFMA is committed to supporting staff in their desire to undertake appropriate studies and has a separate study policy to address this issue.AFMA has a commercially-oriented work environment requiring staff who are client focused and outcome-oriented, able to respond q
16、uickly to unforeseen changes, and able to develop options for action through negotiation, liaison, and skilful communication as well as recourse to regulation: AFMA is an organization in which staff need to be multi-skilled, flexible, adaptable, innovative and able to think laterally. Staff need to
17、take an active and leading role in developing policies, management and administrative arrangements which ensure the pursuit of AFMAs objectives the operational context requires empathy with stakeholders across many arenas - environmental, social, political, scientific and industry. HRD assists AFMA
18、to develop and retain highly skilled people who are motivated, innovative and flexible. AFMA is striving to become a learning organization, where HRD is an accepted part of individual and organizational responsibilities and people are continually learning. Achieving this will assist AFMA to remain a
19、 successful and desirable employer.How will we achieve this?In order to achieve the aim of a skilled workforce that is responsive to change, current and future skills gaps need to be identified: Current skills gaps are those skills and abilities that AFMA needs in its people now but are either missi
20、ng or need development for fully effective performance. AFMAs Performance Recognition Scheme will assist with the identification of those staff whose skills require development Future skills gaps are those skills and abilities that AFMA will need in the next two to five years. By identifying them no
21、w, AFMA can start to address the needs in a structured and cost effective manner. Once the needs have been identified, individuals must be assessed as to their level of competence and appropriate action commencedThese skills gaps are further broken down into corporate and job-specific training needs
22、: Corporate training needs are those skills that are applicable across most or all of the organization Job-specific training needs are those skills that are specific to a particular area or position elegiac skills, fisheries managementThere are five streams of identified learning competencies. These
23、 streams are: management and leadership skills (both existing and potential managers) general skills information technology skills communication skills job-specific skillsA structured program, based on these groups and streams, will be developed so that staffs have the opportunity to learn in a mann
24、er that is appropriate and cost effective.AFMA also recognizes the importance of preparing staff to undertake higher level work. This is important from a succession planning perspective as well as ensuring that high performance capabilities are developed. Achieving this will benefit both AFMA and st
25、aff. The streams, therefore, will address not only the skills required for the current level but also those skills that may be needed for effective performance at the next level.Other activities that support the learning and development of staff include: The recognition that keeping up to date with
26、developments in our field/s is an important component of learning. Building activities such as literature research into staff work plans recognizes that it is a valid part of learning and of importance to AFMA. The creation of forums to deal with specific challenges/problems can help with the develo
27、pment of staff as well as exposing staff to other ideas. The manager meetings have started this process but extending this concept to other staff or using the concept to brainstorm or gain consistencies in approaches will be of value. A (two-monthly) in-house seminar series, targeting developments i
28、n issues relevant to AFMA allows for the greater dissemination of information and increases the effectiveness of communication channels. These seminars may be delivered by AFMA staff or by external speakers. The development opportunities for staff are important but can be too expensive for individua
29、l programs/fisheries to support. The creation of a corporate development fund will allow staff to enjoy these opportunities and accrue the benefits for both themselves and AFMA. Staff will be invited to nominate proposals on an annual basis and these will be judged on their value. Development opport
30、unities could include overseas visits, conferences and full time study. 学习与发展 一个策略性人力资源发展计划导言这种人力资源开发(人力资源开发)计划,提供了一种战略方针,应用于学习和发展。它提供了一个框架,以便识别目前和未来公司的技能需要,以及确定并纳入个人的学习需要。公司员工的最终目标和理想是做一个有技能有知识,负责任的,有劳动力的,渴望学习新的技能的工作人员,以便能够应付未来的挑战。换句话说,就是组织公司员工成立一个学习组织。2000年认证协议规定了美国光纤厂商协会在处理与工作人员相关工作的宗旨和原则:吸收高素质员工
32、成为不可分割的整体。我们需要一个有决心,能够领导所有工作人员,确定地方真正的发展需要,并能够解决需要。该计划必须被承认,并配合多元化的管理原则。在这些原则中,其中包括采取多样化管理并给与员工平等的就业机会,员工也必须提供背景资料,以便工作人员有效的解决地区的发展需要。 什么是人力资源开发? 人力资源开发已超越了传统观念的培训和发展课程。由于有了人力资源开发这个大的框架,不会浪费员工的金钱,它包括研究,讲座,辅导和训练,它不仅限于对在职人员的培训,还帮助大多数受培训人员到它们适合的工作。传统的培训课程是在很小的组织下进行重复性训练,这并不是最适合的学习方法,没有前瞻性,使员工不能迅速进步,不能在
37、,给公司提建议。工作人员应在1-2周内了解他的工作,增长经验,并能正确作出决策。责任:人力资源开发与美国光纤厂商协会一起负责:常务董事和总经理 实施战略领导,为人力资源开发计划,明确今后的学习需求,并承诺支持和积极鼓励的人力资源开发计划经理-确保实施人力资源开发的计划,其中包括确定个人和公司的要求,发现并利用商机;对工作人员进行培训,以满足他们的发展需要。 工作人员-根据自己的水平和职业目标,确定他们学习的优先次序,他们的经理可以帮助他们找出他们的学习需要,改善他们的个人生产力,追求人力资源开发的机会,并取得进展。人力资源科-是权力机构,应尽可能地给工作人员提供咨询和援助,制定组织的人力资源开发计划,督导并实施它。审查和评价:每年将进行两次人力资源计划进展的审查,-在今年中,该计划将与年度预算周期和绩效管理周期一起进行,以协助编写下一年度的计划。审查过程将努力在今年年底完成。成功的人力资源开发规划方案,应把评估的目标放在每一个部门的绩效指标上。评估表现在三个层面:据节目水平而言,应注重生产力,效率和计划目标据各人水平而言,应重视能力发展、提高工作绩效和生产率据运送水平而言,应注意成本效益、效率和恰当的实施和管理