On the Significance of Contrastive Study between English and Chinese浅谈英汉语言对比对研究25.doc
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1、 毕业论文任务书中文题目: 浅谈英汉语言对比研究的重要性 英文题目: On the Significance of Contrastive Study between English and Chinese 姓 名: 专 业: 英语 年 级: 一、 研究方案和目标1、研究方案本论文的主要研究方法是在图书馆资料查阅和网络上的资料查询进行的文献分析法。参考前人已经做过的研究,取其精华,摘录对本研究有用的文献材料。对有关英汉语言对比学习及英汉翻译文化差异等相关资料进行查阅。2、研究目标本选题重点将分析我国目前英语语言对比的重要意义,通过把英语和母语进行对比分析,使学生了解其重要性,认识其差别,从而使
2、其对英语学习有更深刻的认识。英汉语言对比,有利于教师们改进课堂教学,提高教学效果,时也有助于学生的学习和发展。二、 任务要求和主要内容1、任务要求本选题研究是要解决这些问题,根据我国目前学生学习英语的现状,以及学习过程中存在的问题,英汉语言文化的差异及对学生学习的影响等方面进行讨论,从而总结出英汉语言对比研究的重要性。让学生了解英汉语言对比的重要性,有利于学生在学习过程中找到学习的重点以便提高学习效率,避免中式英语,掌握翻译技巧。2、主要内容 不同国家民族的语言表现出的文化背景和思维模式有所不同,将英语与母语进行对比分析是最好的学习英语的方法。英汉语言对比分析能够帮助学习者在错综复杂的语言现象
3、中把握其规律,找到学习的重点;其次,能够帮助学习者有效地避免“中式英语”,从而表达出地道的口语;再次,能够帮助学习者掌握翻译技巧。三、 指导教师针对选题提供的参考文献Peter Newmark, eds. About Translation. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2006Susan Bassnett and Andre Lefevere. Constructing Cultures: Essays on Literary Translation. Shanghai Foreign Language Educ
4、ation Press,2007.张维友 ,英语词汇学。北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1997。张宁,英汉习语的文化差异及翻译。上海:上海外语教育出版社,1999。毕业论文开题报告中 文 题 目:浅谈英汉语言对比研究的重要性英 文 题 目:On the Significance of contrastive Study between English and Chinese学 院:外国语学院年级、 专业:2006级英语学 生 姓 名:日 期:2010年3月15日选题依据、目的意义与准备解决的问题(包括国内外目前对该论题的研究现状与发展趋势简述;论文选题的依据及论文的理论意义、现实意义及应用价值;
5、准备解决什么样的问题并将在哪些方面有可能突破等):一、国内外目前对该论题的研究现状与发展趋势简述: 在经济全球化的当今世界,我们对外交流中跨文化语言交际愈发重要。语言是文化的载体,我们有必要把英语与母语进行对比分析,从而促进跨文化交际。二、论文选题的依据及论文的理论意义、现实意义及应用价值1.理论意义语言是文化的载体,文化差异反映到语言层面上则表现为语言差异。通过对比分析和研究,我们不仅可以进一步认识英语和母语的特性与差异,认识不同语言的各个层面的相似性和差异性,而且能够有意识地注意不同语言各自的表现方法,有利于跨文化交际中防止语言表达错误。2.现实意义通过英汉语言文化对比,可以使学生认识到英
6、语和汉语的差别,从而对英语学习有更深刻的认识,从而更好地学习英语。3.应用价值学习英语最有效地方法就是将其与母语进行对比分析。英汉语言对比分析能够帮助学习者在错综复杂的语言现象中把握其规律,找到学习的重点;其次,能够帮助学习者有效地避免“中式英语”,从而表达出地道的口语;再次,能够帮助学习者掌握翻译技巧。三、准备解决什么样的问题并将在哪些方面有可能突破:学生在英语学习过程中出现的问题:不明确学习的重点,难以把握其规律,学习效率不高;“中式英语”现象严重。英汉语言对比可以帮助学习者找到学习英语的突破点,从而避免翻译错误,提高英语成绩。 主要研究内容、研究方法及预期目标:一、主要研究内容研究重点及
7、其难点:重点:英汉语言对比对学习者英语学习的重要影响。难点:针对学生在英语学习中存在的表达错误进行归纳总结,并通过实例来说明其相异之处,以帮助学习者确定学习重点,改进方法,提高成绩。本论文的主要研究内容如下:本文通过大量的实例对英汉两种语言在词汇、句子结构、段落和篇章以及英汉文化上的对比与分析来说明两种语言的相异之处,以帮助英语学习者确定学习重点和针对性,避免中式英语,培养与提高英语学习者的翻译能力。从而体现出英汉对比对英语学习的重要性。二、研究的方法总的来说我会采用文献分析法参考前人已经做过的研究,取其精华,摘录对本研究有用的文献材料。三、预期目标 通过英汉语言对比,说明其相异之处,以帮助学
8、习者确定学习重点,改进方法,提高成绩。参考文献、资料:Cay, Doleful, eds. Perspective: Studies in Translatology. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2003.Katan, D. eds. Translating Cultures: An Introduction for Translators, Interpreters and Mediators. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2004.Michell, “ The Eng
9、lish Learners Guide of Chinglish,” 中式英语之鉴, 28 Aug. (2008), 7 Feb. 2010Peter Newmark, eds. About Translation. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2006Susan Bassnett and Andre Lefevere. Constructing Cultures: Essays on Literary Translation. Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2
10、007.“中式英语,”百度百科,2009年,2010年2月18日丁往道、吴冰、钟美荪、郭栖庆,英语写作手册。北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2006年。冯庆华,实用翻译教程(增订本)。上海:上海外语教育出版社,2002。刘川、 段跃萍,跨文化差异与词汇翻译。北京:中国翻译, 1996。平卡姆,中式英语之鉴。北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2005。王桂珍,英语语音语调教程。北京:高等教育出版社,1996。徐晓婕,“英汉成语文及翻译对策,” 全刊杂志赏析网2007年5月11日,2010年3月2日杨丰宁,英汉语言比较与翻译。天津:天津大学出版社,2006。张培基、喻云根、李宗杰、彭谟禹,英汉翻译教程。上海
11、:上海外语教育出版社,1980。张维友 ,英语词汇学。北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1997。张宁,英汉习语的文化差异及翻译。上海:上海外语教育出版社,1999。On the Significance of Contrastive Study between English and ChineseAbstractThe languages in different countries and nations have their own cultural background and thinking model. For Chinese students, contrastive study
12、can help them know the differences between English and Chinese, thus having depth of recognition of its importance of contrastive study In China, so many linguists have done lots of study on contrastive study between English and Chinese. Based on their study, I have done a literature review on contr
13、astive study before writing my paper, which includes: the definition of contrastive study and the process of the development of contrastive study in China . By this literature review ,this paper shows the development of contrastive English, thus making more and more English learners realize the sign
14、ificance of contrastive study between English and Chinese.This paper illustrates the differences of the two languages in contrast of words, sentence structure, photograph structure, information distribution and cultural background between the two languages through a great many of living examples to
15、help English learners to find the focus of English study, avoid Chinglish and improve their translation skills, thus representing the significance of contrastive study between English and Chinese.Key Words: contrastive study; literature review; English study; Chinglish; translation skills; significa
17、定学习重点和针对性,避免中式英语,培养与提高英语学习者的翻译能力。从而体现出英汉对比研究的重要性。关键词:英汉对比研究;文献综述;学习重点;中式英语;翻译技巧;重要性On the Significance of Contrastive Study between English and Chinese Contents1 Introduction12 Literature Review on Contrastive Study32.1 The Definition of Contrastive Study32.2 The Process of the Development of Contra
18、stive Study in China43 The Significance of Contrastive Study83.1 Helping Learners Find the Focus of Study83.2 Helping Learners Avoid Chinglish113.3 Helping Learners Improve Translation Skills184 Conclusion23Notes24Works Cited26Acknowledgements28Declaration of Thesis Originality29On the Significance
19、of Contrastive Study between English and Chinese 1 IntroductionSome American scholars developed an idea that most of the difficulties in foreign language study spring from disturbance of the mother language. When the mother language and a foreign language are different, the former will disturb the l
20、atters learning. However, when they are the same, the former will help the latters learning. It is called “language transfer”. Language transfer is positive when the two languages have much in common, and will be negative when they are different, which are called positive transfer and negative trans
21、fer. In their opinion language learners should pay attention to the differences caused by negative transfer. The purpose of contrastive study is promoting positive transfer by contrasting the characteristics of the two languages. In the process of language study we often find that if the foreign lan
22、guage is familiar with the mother language, it will be easy to study. Take Korean and Chinese for example, there are a lot of words having the same pronunciation, so Chinese people will find it easy to study Korean. On the contrary, if the two languages are different, the study will be difficult. Fo
23、r English learners, its a good way to do contrastive analysis between English and Chinese to help learn English well.Contrastive study will make English learners know the characteristics of the two languages. The contrast will tell us what should be focused and in what way the negative transfer coul
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- On the Significance of Contrastive Study between English and Chinese浅谈英汉语言对比对研究25 Chinese
