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1、托福TPO18套听力真题(文本)小马过河为大家准备了“托福TPO18套听力真题(文本)”, 供各位备考托福的考生们参考使用,来提高自己的托福成绩!免费咨询电话:400-0123-267。TPO-18Listening1A: Hi ! I hope you can help me . I just transferred from Northeastern State University near Chicago.B: Well welcome to Central University .But Chicago is such agreat city.Why did you leave?A:
2、 Everyone asks that. Its my hometown. And it was sure convenient to go to a school nearby. But Northeastern is still fairly small. And it doesnt have the program Im interested in. I want to major in international studies. And the only program int the State is here.A: We do have a great program. Well
3、 how did you get interested in international studies?B: My family hosted a few foreign exchange students while I was growing up. Then I took part in an international summer program after I graduated from high school. I thought I reallyI like meeting people from all over,getting to know them.A: OH! O
4、k! And that led you to our program. Right now though I think you are looking for a job.B: Yeah,a part time job on campus. I thought Id save money,being away from the big city.But it doesnt seem to be working that way .Anyway Im not having muchluck.A: Im not surprised. Most of our campus jobs are tak
5、en in the first week or two of the semester.What work experience have you had?B: Well,I worked in the university library last year.But I already checkedat the library here.They said their remaining positions were for work-study students getting financial aid.Ive never run into that before.A: Well, I
6、 guess each school has its own policies. Uh, we really dont have much right now.You mightbe better.If you really want something, how are your computer skills?B: About average Id say. I helped teach some of the basic computer classes. Northeasternoffers for new users, ifthat helpsany.A: OK, The techn
7、ology support department needs people to work its helpdesk. Its basicallya customer service job, answering questions, helping people solve their computerproplems,give you a chance to developyour people skills.B: Something every diplomat needs. But is there some problem? I mean why is the job stillop
8、en?A: Well,they have extended hours, from 6am to 2am every day. So they need a large staff.But right now they only need people early mornings, late nights, and weekends. Youdprobably end up with a bit of everything rather than a regular spot. On the bright sideyoull probably be able to get some stud
9、ying done between calls. At least it could be astart and then you can try for better hours nextsemester.B: Um, I see why the hours might be a problem.But Iguess I cant afford to be too picky ifIwant a job.Still maybe we can work something out.Listening2We are going to start a study of sunspots today
10、, and I think youll find it rather interesting.Now Im going to assume that you know that sunspots, in the most basic terms, are darkspots on the Suns surface. That will do for now. The ancient Chinese were the first torecord observations of sunspots as early as the year 165. When later Europeanastro
11、nomers wrote about sunspots, they didnt believe that the spots were actually on theSun. Thats because of their belief at the time that the heavenly bodies, the Sun, Moon,Stars, and Planets, were perfect, without any flaws or blemishes. So the opinion was thespots were actually something else, like s
12、hadows of planets crossing the Suns face. Andthis was the thinking of European astronomers until the introduction of the telescope,which brings us to our old friend, Galileo. In the early 1600s, based on his observations ofsunspots. Galileo proposed a new hypothesis. He pointed out that the shape of
13、 sunspots,well, the sunspots werent circular. If they were shadows of the planets, they would becircular, right? So that was a problem for the prevailing view. And he also noticed that theshape of the sunspots changed as they seemed to move across the Suns surface. Maybe aparticular sunspot was sort
14、 of square, then later it would become more lopsided, then latersomething else. So there is another problem with the shadow hypothesis, because theshape of a planet doesnt change. What Galileo proposed was that sunspots were indeed afeature of the Sun, but he didnt know what kind of feature. He prop
15、osed that they mightbe clouds in the atmosphere, the solar atmosphere, especially because they seemed tochange shape and there was no predicting the changes, at least nothing Galileo couldfigure out. That random shape changing would be consistent with the spots being clouds.Over the next couple hund
16、red years, a lot of hypotheses were tossed around. The spotswere mountains or holes in the solar atmosphere through which the dark surface of theSun could be seen. Then in 1843, astronomer named Heinrich Schwa be made aninteresting claim, Trobe had been watching the Sun every day that it was visible
17、 for 17years, looking for evidence of a new planet. And he started keeping tracks of sunspots,mapping them, so he wouldnt confuse them, so he wouldnt confuse them with anypotential new planet. In the end, there was no planet, but there was evidence that thenumber of sunspots increased and decreased
18、in a pattern, a pattern that began repeatingafter 10 years, and that was a huge breakthrough. Another astronomer named Wolf kepttrack of the Sun for an even longer period, 40 years actually. So Wolf did 40 years ofresearch, and Trobe did 17 years of research. I think there is a lesson there. Anyway,
19、 Wolfwent though all records from various observatories in Europe and put together a history ofsunspot observations going back about 100 years. From this information, he was able toconfirm the existence of a pattern, a repeating cycle but Wolf detected an 11-year cycles?Dose that sound familiar to a
20、nyone? No? Well,geomagnetic activity,the natural variationsin Earths magnetic field, it fluctuates in 11-year cycles. Well, well cover this later in thissemester, but for now, well, scientists in the late 19thcentury were aware of geomagneticcycles, so when they heard that the sunspots cycle was als
21、o 11 years, well, they just hadto find out what was going on. Suddenly, everyone was doing studies of the possiblerelationship between the Sun and the Earth. Did the sunspots cause the geomagnetic fieldsor did the geomagnetic fields cause the sunspots? Or is there some other thing that causedboth? A
22、nd astronomers did eventually figure out what sunspots had to do with magneticfields. And the fact that sunspots are magnetic fields accounts for their dark appearance.Thats because magnetic fields reduce the pressure exerted on the gases inside of them,making the spots cooler than the rest of the S
23、uns surface. And since they are cooler, theyare darker.Listening3A: Today well continue our examination of ancient Roman sculpture. Weve already lookedat portrait sculpture which are busts created to commemorate people who had died,and weve looked at relief sculpture, or sculpting on walls. And toda
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