1、毕 业 设 计 (论 文) 设计(论文)题目:On Business English Rhetoric from thePerspective of Register Theory 语域理论视角下的商务英语修辞研究 学 院 名 称: 外国语学院 专 业: 英语 班 级: 姓 名: 学 号 指 导 教 师: 职 称 定稿日期:2012年 4 月 30日ABSTRACTRhetoric, as an art of discourse, belongs to the category of linguistics. Rhetoric aims to improve the facility of s
2、peakers or writers who attempt to persuade or motivate audiences in specific situations. This thesis is to focus on Business English rhetoric (here referred to as modern rhetoric) which is an effective communication skill in certain context. This thesis is to analyze the Business English rhetoric fr
3、om the perspective of register theory. The author employs documentary analysis method, case analysis method and classification analysis method to make an adequate and comprehensive research on Business English rhetoric. This thesis begins with the introduction in which the reason why this topic is c
4、hosen and the purposes of writing are displayed briefly. In the second part the author gives a brief survey of rhetoric. And then the author will introduce the Business English rhetoric from the phonetic, lexical, sentential and textual level. The fourth part is a brief introduction of register theo
5、ry. In the fifth part, the author intends to explore the rhetorical features of vocabulary, syntax, and text of Business English on the basis of functional linguist Hallidays three variables of register theory: field, tenor, and mode, thus further analyzing how Business English rhetoric is strained
6、by Hallidays register theory. Finally, the author makes a conclusion that the register theory is well applied to analyze rhetoric in Business English.摘 要修辞是话语的艺术,是语言学的范畴。修辞是讲话者或写作者在特定的情景下试图说服或激励群众而采用的艺术手法。本文的研究对象是商务英语修辞(这里指的是现代修辞),即在特定语境中一种有效的交流手段。本文对将从语域理论视角下研究商务英语修辞。作者采用文献分析法、个案研究法、分类分析法对商务英语修辞进行全
7、面充分的研究。文章首先简要叙述了选题原因和写作目的;第二部分作者简单陈述修辞学的理论;第三部分介绍商务英语在语音、词汇、句法、语篇层面上独特的修辞特点;第四部分作者简单陈述语域理论;第五部分作者以韩立德的语域理论的作为理论依据,阐释商务英语在词汇、句法和语篇三个方面具有独特的修辞特征,且受话语范围、话语方式和话语基调三种变量的制约。最后作者得出结论:语域理论可以很好地分析商务英语修辞。 KEYWORDS: rhetoric, register theory, Business English, discourse关键词: 修辞, 语域理论, 商务英语, 话语ContentsIntroducti
8、on11. A Brief Survey of Rhetoric21.1 Origin of Rhetoric21.2 Definition of Rhetoric21.2.1 Classical Rhetoric21.2.2 Modern Rhetoric32. Business English Rhetoric42.1 Phonetic Level42.2 Lexical Level42.3 Sentential Level52.4 Textual Level53. Theoretical Background: Register Theory63.1 Malinowskis Regist
9、er Theory63.2 Firths Register Theory63.3 Hallidays Register Theory74. BE Rhetoric Strained by Hallidays Register Theory84.1 Field of Discourse on Lexical Level84.1.1 Technical Words84.1.2 Abbreviations and Acronyms94.1.3 Archaic Words94.1.4 Alien Words104.2 Tenor of Discourse on Sentential Level104.
10、2.1 Modal Verbs104.2.2 Passive Voice114.2.3 Your Attitude114.3 Mode of Discourse on Textual Level114.3.1 Cohesive Devices124.3.2 Transitive Devices12Conclusion14References15Acknowledgements16IntroductionIn recent years, rhetoric has been regarded as an important topic of study instead of the traditi
11、onal view that rhetoric is “empty talk” or even “deception”. Its significance to public discussion of important political, social and even scientific issues has been widely recognized. Many linguistics and scholars have paid great attention to the topic. In our social life, business communication be
12、tween different people has become more frequent as the result of the flourish of business activities. In practical field of Business English, people try to express successfully to make a successful transaction. As a result, people make great efforts to employ proper words in proper places and use pr
13、oper sentences in proper situations. So, it provides us a good chance to explore the Business English rhetoric in the specific business context.Business English (hereinafter referred to as BE) generally regarded as an ESP, has its own keen register characteristics and objectives. Based on point of v
14、iew of functional linguistics Halliday, register is language variant which is decided by a set of special context value that is social activity. Register has three main variants, which is field (refers to what is happening, the nature of the social action that is taking place), tenor (refers to who
15、is taking part, the nature of the participants, their status and roles, what kind of relations obtain among the participants.) And mode (refers to what part language is playing, what the participants are expecting the language to do for them in the situation.) (Halliday, 2000)Both the rhetoric theor
16、y proposed by modern rhetoricians and register theory put forward by Halliday make it possible to analyze the BE rhetoric from the perspective of register theory. People have done some studies and researches on this topic and strive to systematize their observations and account for all the option. H
17、owever, we find that most studies focus on traditional rhetoric, i.e. figures of speech, such as simile, metaphor, chiasmus, and ellipsis and alike which mainly serve as refinement and polish of literary discourses. As a matter of a fact, rhetoric refers to not only the figure of speech, but also “t
18、he notion that a piece of discourse must be judged against the cultural and situational contexts in which it was produced and in which it is being interpreted”. (James A. Herrick, 1996) Rhetoric in this thesis is not traditional rhetoric, but modern rhetoric which is an effective communication skill
19、 in certain context.This thesis is aimed to analyze the BE rhetoric employment from the perspective of register theory and mainly explore the rhetorical features of vocabulary, syntax, and text of BE on the basis of functional linguist Hallidays three variables of register theory: field, tenor, and
20、mode. Finally, this thesis concludes that the register theory is an advanced academic basis on analyzing rhetoric in BE.1. A Brief Survey of RhetoricRhetoric is an art of discourse, which aims to improve the facility of speakers or writers who attempt to inform, persuade, or motivate particular audi
21、ences in specific situations. The art of rhetoric is ubiquitous and using rhetoric is regarded as an efficient way to persuade others. Since from ancient Greece, extensive efforts have already been made in the study of rhetoric. Rhetoric in language is actually an inseparable part of human language.
22、 An appropriate use of rhetoric may highly enhance the efficiency of language expression.1.1 Origin of RhetoricTraced back to the origin, rhetoric first appeared in the earliest civilization. During the 4th century, in ancient Greece, rhetoric was first used in public forums and institutions like co
23、urtrooms and assemblies as the way to persuade the audiences. In Athens, the capital of Greece, the politicians used the rhetoric in their orators to advise and exhort their peers and followers. The oratories made by teachers, philosophers, leaders, heroes express their beliefs, values, perceptions.
24、 And thus they develop a unique voice upon the historical stage. Since then, rhetoric as a speech skill plays an important role in solving public affairs.The earliest theory about rhetoric comes from Aristotles Rhetoric where Aristotle proposes that rhetoric is an art of persuasion. Aristotle consid
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- 英语 本科毕业 论文 理论 商务英语 修辞 研究
