1、葡萄酒浅谈 Wine derful,SKY YU Imported Wine&Spirit Dept.,内容概述 Table of Contents,1.葡萄酒的种类 Wine Varieties 2.葡萄酒的起源 Origins of Wine3.葡萄酒的酿造 Vinification4.红白葡萄品种 Red&White Grapes5.新旧世界对比 New World VS Old World6.葡萄酒的品尝 Wine Taste7.葡萄酒与美食 Food Pairings8.葡萄酒的术语 Terminology,什么是葡萄酒 Whats Wine葡萄酒就是100%经过发酵的葡萄汁Wine
2、 is 100%fermented grape juice酿制葡萄酒神奇的方程式The magic formula of Wine making这个神奇的方程式就是:糖+酵母=酒精+二氧化碳+化合物 The magic formula is:sugar+yeast=alcohol+co2+chemical compound,1.葡萄酒的种类 Wine Varieties,1.葡萄酒的种类 Wine Varieties,按颜色分类 Classify by Color按酒内糖分 Classify by Sugar按饮用方式 Classify by Food,1.葡萄酒的种类 Wine Variet
3、ies,按颜色分类 Defined by color红葡萄酒:带皮发酵 Red wine:Fermented with skins and other solids白葡萄酒:不带皮发酵 White wine:Fermented without skin and solids桃红葡萄酒:红葡萄酒短期浸渍 Rose wine:Maceration in short piriod,Red wine,White wine,Rose wine,Sparklingwine,Fortifiedwine,1.葡萄酒的种类 Wine Varieties,按酒内糖分 Defined by sugar干葡萄酒 Dr
4、y 40g/L,1.葡萄酒的种类 Wine Varieties,按饮用方式 Defined by course开胃葡萄酒 Aperitif Wine佐餐葡萄酒 Table Wine餐后葡萄酒 Dessert Wine,2.葡萄酒的起源 Origins of Wine,外高加索地区 Transcaucasia 美索不达米亚 Mesopotamia腓尼基人(1100 B.C.开始在欧洲各地运输葡萄树)Phoenicians(Start to transport vines around Europe)埃及坟墓中的证据 Evidence in Egyptian tombs,葡萄酒的简史 Wine H
5、istory,埃及人饮用葡萄酒成了埃及文化精髓的一部分,记录了葡萄酒年份和葡萄园,甚至在套管上课路了酿酒师的名字,在古埃及贵族坟墓里可以找到这些证据。最初只会饮用葡萄酒,后来学会在尼罗河三角洲种植葡萄酒The Egyptians drinking wine became a major part of the culture of Egyptian elite.Recorded vintages,vineyards,even winemaker names on their clay pots,some of which were placed in the tombs of the nobi
6、lity.The Egyptians were wine drinkers first,but soon learned to grow grapes in the fertile Nile River delta,葡萄酒的简史 Wine History,埃及人和腓尼基人是闪族人的两大贸易合作伙伴Two groups with whom the Sumerians traded were the Egyptians and the Phoenicians腓尼基人(1100 B.C.开始在欧洲各地运输葡萄树)1100 B.C.商业社会,开始在欧洲各地运输葡萄树 Phoenicians(Start
7、 to transport vines around Europe)1100 B.C.Mercantile society started to transport vines around Europe最出色的航海家。地中海盆地-北非-南欧-西不骆驼岩山,The finest sea travelers in their age.Mediterranean basin and established colonies in north Africa and in southern Europe as far as the Rock of Gibraltar.Wine drinkers go,
8、vine goes too,葡萄酒的简史 Wine History,希腊人 Greeks 日常健康饮料 social beverage 殖民欧洲.带葡萄树回家.贡献:将新葡萄酒品种核心技术引进法国南部,西班牙,最重要的是意大利 Colonizes Europe.Brought vines to permanent home.Contribution:spread vine,brought new grapes and new techniques to southern France,Spain,and perhaps most importantly,to southern Italy.,葡
9、萄酒的简史 Wine History,罗马人对整个欧洲影响深远,用手稿记录了葡萄栽培和酿造,了解土壤,坡度和葡萄园方位的重要性,提高酿酒技术,发展欧洲贸易。对欧洲葡萄区重要贡献,包括:法国勃艮第,波尔多,香槟,阿尔萨斯,隆和谷,卢瓦尔谷,德国莱茵高,奥地利多瑙河流域等。It is difficult to overstate the importance of the Romans for the development of wine culture in Europe.The Romans produced manuals describing grape growing and wine
10、making,understood the importance of soil,slope and vienyard aspect,and developed a pan-Europe wine trade,葡萄酒的简史 Wine History,公元前5世纪(476)完全崩溃。黑暗年代到来,疾病肆虐。频繁入侵。基督教修道士推动欧洲从黑暗时代迈入中世纪时代The vast and sweeping culture of Romans began its deadline by roughly the forth century and was in full collapse by fift
11、h(476CE).Dark Ages coming with disease and foreign invasion.The Christian monasteries spread Europe after the fall of Roman Empire,helped to drag Europe out pf the Dark Ages and into Middle Ages,葡萄酒的简史 Wine History,葡萄酒与罗马天主教会的联系 Wine links to the Roman Catholic Church.宗教典礼上的必需品,奢侈享乐用途 Essential to r
12、eligious rituals.Luxury and comfort本笃会的修士 Benedictine.酿造高品质的葡萄 produced top quality wine.做详细记 kept detailed record西多会修士 Cistercian.建立许多优秀的葡萄园 Founded many great vineyards,葡萄酒的简史 Wine History,15世纪,人们意识改变,非宗教内容引入葡萄酒业,渴望探索欧洲之外的世界。European consciousness began to change by the 15th century and an increas
13、ingly secular element entered into the wine industry.Started a desire to explore the world beyond Europe.新世界大门敞开,修道院葡萄园繁荣,商人在港口城市设立店铺为欧洲和美洲提供葡萄酒。The opening of the new world brought opportunities for viticulture,and significant wine industries were soon developed around new population centers in Nor
14、th and South America。Traders set up shop in port cities to satisfy European and American demand for foreign productors,葡萄酒的简史 Wine History,19世纪末 Late 1800s疾病和虫害侵蚀整个欧洲,几乎毁掉所有的葡萄Widespread disease and pest damage in Europe20世纪初 Early 20th century出台了葡萄酒法律,以防止造价和保证产品的真实性Wine laws created to prevent frau
15、d and guarantee authenticity20世纪末 late 20th century技术发展迅速Vast improvements in technology,葡萄酒的简史 Wine History,直到今天,法国 France 1855&1943-12-08 把葡萄酒做成文化 Nowadays,developed wine culture意大利 Italy 全民皆酒 everyone drinks wine澳大利亚 Australia中国 China 新世界国家 New world country,自然条件 natural+天气 weather=微气候 unique cli
16、mate+土壤 soil=“风土”terrior,酿造技术 vinification选择葡萄品种 grape types(最适合“风土”)terrior酿造工艺 vinification-种植 growing-发酵 fermentation-陈酿 aging-调配 blending,地理环境 geographic,3.葡萄酒的酿造 Wine Vinification,“Terrior”这是一个法语词,它的含义广泛,包括葡萄种植区域的传统,气候,土壤,湿度,光照时间,以及酿酒师的技艺等方面。我们把它概括翻译成“风土条件”。正是这个特定的“风土条件”使得每个葡萄种植区域都富有自己的特色。“Terr
17、ior”is a French term of wine industry.It embraces several meanings including the tradition,climate,soil,humidity,sunshine and all the elements like these making a wine-making region unique to the other ones all over the world.At its core is the assumption that the land from which the grapes are grow
18、n imparts a unique quality that is specific to that region.,3.葡萄酒的酿造 Wine Vinification,白葡萄酒酿制过程,Fouloirs rouleaux,整串葡萄 Whole grapes,压榨 press,泵 pump,Pompe,泵 pump,白葡萄 white grspes,澄清容 器 Racking tank,固体杂质沉淀Deposit ofsolids,发酵罐 Fermentation tank,温度控制 temp control18-20C,温控发酵 Temperature control,葡萄汁流出 dra
19、ining,榨汁机 crushing,添加二氧化硫Addition of sulphurdioxide,红葡萄酒酿制过程,红葡萄Red grapes,去梗Destemming,Stems removed,滚筒榨汁机Rollercrusher,添加二氧化硫Addition sulphur dioxide,泵,发酵容器Fermentation vat,葡萄皮和籽的混合物 30C Must at 30,Pump,凉水 cold water,降温过程 cooling,葡萄皮和籽的混合物降温至25CMust cooled to 25C,Remontage,葡萄榨渣的抽取Spraying ofthe ma
20、rc cap,4.常见葡萄品种 Grape Varieties,Chardonnay葡萄特征 Features of grape 果粒大,黄色,边缘棕色斑点 Large yellow berries with brown spots产量中高 Naturally medium-high yields,4.常见葡萄品种 Grape Varieties,Chardonnay 著名产区 Notable region勃艮第:风格多样,夏布力,莫尔索,布衣复赛,Burgundy,wide range of styles,Chablis,Meursault,Pouilly-Fuisse香槟产区(气泡酒)Ch
21、ampagne(sparkling wine)加州:浓郁,橡木风味 California:rich,oaky style澳大利亚:热带水果,橡木风味 Australia:tropical flavors,oaky,4.常见葡萄品种 Grape Varieties,Chardonnay 口感 Palate中等酸度 Medium acidity中-高酒精度 Moderate to high alcohol中-重酒体 Medium to full-body极少酿甜酒 Rarely produced in sweet style,4.常见葡萄品种 Grape Varieties,Sauvignon B
22、lanc 外观通用描述 Appearance葡萄特征 Features of grape中等大小果粒 Medium-sized berries高酸,特别茂盛 High natural acidity.Particularly vigorous,4.常见葡萄品种 Grape Varieties,Sauvignon Blanc 口感 Palate高酸度 High acidity中等酒精度 Moderate alcohol中轻酒体 Light to medium body A bunch of Riesling grapes after the onset of noble rot.The diff
23、erence in colour between affected and unaffected grapes is clearly visible botryis干型和甜型 Dry and sweet styles,4.常见葡萄品种 Grape Varieties,Riesling 外观通用描述 Appearance葡萄特征 Features of grapes果粒小,紧凑 Compact clusters of small berries萌芽早,晚熟 Early budding,late growing,4.常见葡萄品种 Grape Varieties,其他常见白葡萄品种:Other wh
24、ite grapes varieties 麝香:非加强型(芦笋,细腻白肉),加强型(奶油奶酪,冰激凌,水果挞馅饼)Muscat:non-fortified wine(asparagus,delicate white meats),fortified style(creamy cheese,ice cream,fruit tarts)灰皮诺:梨,香料,苹果,花香,柑橘味,配合烤白肉,鹅肉,鸡肝酱,浓郁的奶酪 Pinot gris:pear,spice,apple,flora,citrus,pairings with roasted white meats,goose,chicken liver
25、pate,strong cheese,4.常见葡萄品种 Grape Varieties,其他常见白葡萄品种:Other white grapes varieties 白诗南:甘草,苹果,湿羊毛,花香,搭配山羊奶酪,法式酱和烩牛肉,苹果派 Chenin Blanc:hay,apple,wet wool,floral,pairings with goats cheese,pates and terrines,apple pie.,白葡萄品种间的对比Differences among the White Grapes,4.常见葡萄品种 Grape Varieties,3.常见葡萄品种 Grape V
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