1、英语口译中的听解技巧 你知道听解吗?也许正在进行翻译培训的学生们了解。听解过程是口译过程的先导,如果听不懂或不能完整地听懂原语的意义,则口译便无从谈起。下面就和大家分享英语口译中的听解技巧,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。英语口译中的听解技巧在口译听解时要注意力高度集中并积极地听,对原语进行思维加工,分析原语的意义,综合原语的信息要点,以便顺利完成记忆、转换、表达的任务。听的过程中不仅要使用自己的语言能力,还要有意识地调用自己的言外知识,包括百科、主题、场合知识。事先应彻底了解发言人的身份、立场观点、发言主题、场合和听众的类型。口译听解所涉及的两大技巧为:识别主题思想和进行积极预测。主题思想
3、初学者的一个通病就是往往把注意力集中于词语而忽略了它们所表达的信息意思。因此口译听力训练时一定要训练捕捉要点,准确把握讲话者要传达的意思,既不能曲解也不能遗漏。训练方法可以采用放一段讲话录音/录像,然后用英语或汉语复述大意。复述时要求学生抓住讲话人的主题对讲话人所讲的要点要做到心中有数。这样既可以提高听力能力又可以锻炼逻辑思维能力。2020年翻译资格考试一级口译实务材料正本清源 捍卫法Get the Fundamentals Right and Safeguard the Rule of Law驻香港公署特派员谢锋在2019年国际法论坛上的主旨演讲Keynote Speech by H.E.
4、Mr. Xie Feng Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China in the Hong Kong SAR at 2019 Colloquium on International Law2019年8月15日15 August 2019尊敬的林郑月娥行政长官,肯尼迪加斯顿秘书长、郑若骅司长,黄进会长、梁定邦主席,各位来宾、各位朋友:The Honorable Chief Executive Carrie Lam,Secretary General Prof. Dr. Kennedy Gastorn,Secretary of
5、 Justice Teresa Cheng,President Huang Jin,Chairman Dr. Anthony Neoh,Distinguished Guests,Friends,大家上午好!很高兴再次应邀出席国际法论坛。Good morning. It gives me great pleasure to attend again the Colloquium on International Law.国际法论坛连续四年在港举行,充分体现了林郑月娥行政长官领导的特区政府对法治的重视,也体现了国际社会对香港法治的高度认可。按照世界正义工程发布的“2019年法治指数”,香港法治水平
6、在126个国家和司法辖区中位列第16位。For the fourth consecutive year, the colloquium has been held in Hong Kong, which fully shows the importance the SAR Government led by Chief Executive Carrie Lam has attached to the rule of law, and the universal recognition of Hong Kongs performance in this regard. According to
7、the World Justice Project Rule of Law Index 2019, Hong Kong ranks 16th among 126 countries and jurisdictions.令人痛心的是,一段时间来,一小部分激进分子不断升级暴力犯罪,不断突破法律、道德、人性底线。外国势力里应外合包庇纵容,严重冲击香港法治和社会秩序。在此时刻探讨法治议题尤具现实意义。To our great distress, however, some radical forces in Hong Kong have ramped up violent crime in recen
8、t months, which has gone beyond the limits of law, morality and humanity. To make things worse, some foreign forces have condoned and even colluded with them, seriously undermining law and order in the city. That makes our discussions here on the rule of law even more relevant.我从事外交工作33年,本科攻读的专业是国际法
9、,愿借此机会与大家就近期共同关心的三个问题分享一些看法。Ive been in the diplomatic service for 33 years, but I was an international law major in my undergraduate years. So Id like to take this opportunity to share with you my thoughts on three issues of common interest.一、关于国际法上不干涉内政的原则First, on the non-intervention principle o
10、f international law.主权平等和不干涉内政是最根本也是最重要的国际法原则。17世纪初,国际法鼻祖格劳秀斯提出主权平等,强调国家无论大小强弱都拥有同等权利和义务,为威斯特伐利亚以降的国际关系奠定了基石。作为主权平等的必然要求,不干涉别国内政原则应运而生。著名国际法学家瓦泰尔论述道:“国家自由与独立的必然结果,就是她们有权以其认为适当的方式进行自我管理,任何国家都没有丝毫权利去干涉别国内政。在国家的所有权利中,主权无疑是最严肃的,其他国家必须给予最诚敬的尊重。”Sovereign equality and non-intervention are two fundamental
11、principles of international law. In the early 17th century, Hugo Grotius, founding father of international law, proposed the principle of sovereign equality, which emphasizes that states, big or small, strong or weak, have equal rights and obligations, thus laying the foundation of post-Westphalian
12、international relations. The non-intervention principle came into being as the necessary requirement of sovereign equality. As the renowned international lawyer Vattel argued, “It is an evident consequence of the liberty and independence of nations, that all have a right to be governed as they think
13、 proper, and that no state has the smallest right to interfere in the government of another. Of all the rights that can belong to a nation, sovereignty is, doubtless, the most serious, and that which other nations ought the most scrupulously to respect.”主权平等和不干涉内政已成为现代国际法基本原则和国际关系基本准则。联合国宪章第2条第1款规定“
15、稳定或其任何制度的行动或企图。1975年欧洲安全与合作会议赫尔辛基最终法案也规定:“成员国将避免干涉另一成员国国内管辖的内外事务,无论这种干涉是直接或间接、单独或集体行为,也无论有关成员国之间关系如何”。国际法院在尼加拉瓜诉美国的“军事与准军事活动”案判决中指出,不干涉内政原则“是习惯国际法的一部分”。Sovereign equality and non-intervention have been established as basic principles of modern international law and norms governing international rela
16、tions. For example, Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Charter of the United Nations states that “The Organization is based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all its Members.” Paragraph 7 of the same article provides that “Nothing contained in the present Charter shall authorize the United Na
17、tions to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state.” The Declaration on Principles of International Law adopted by the UN General Assembly (UNGA) in 1970 further clarifies that “Every State has an inalienable right to choose its political, economic, soc
18、ial and cultural systems, without interference in any form by another State”, and that “No State or group of States has the right to intervene, directly or indirectly, for any reason whatever, in the internal or external affairs of any other State.” Other declarations adopted by the UNGA also point
19、out that States have the duties to “refrain from the exploitation and the distortion of human rights issues as a means of exerting pressure on other States or creating distrust and disorder within and among States or groups of States”, to “abstain from any defamatory campaign, vilification or hostil
20、e propaganda for the purpose of intervening or interfering in the internal affairs of other States”, and to “refrain from any action or attempt in whatever form or under whatever pretext to destabilize or to undermine the stability of another State or of any of its institutions”. The Helsinki Final
21、Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe in 1975 also stipulates that “The participating States will refrain from any intervention, direct or indirect, individual or collective, in the internal or external affairs falling within the domestic jurisdiction of another participating S
22、tate, regardless of their mutual relations.” In the “Military and Paramilitary Activities” case (Nicaragua vs. U.S.), the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled that the principle of non-intervention “is part and parcel of customary international law”.外交和领事人员是派出国在接受国的官方代表,国际法对其职能有明确规定,要求他们不得干涉接受
23、国内政。维也纳外交关系公约第41条和维也纳领事关系公约第55条明确规定,外交和领事人员“负有尊重接受国法律规章之义务”,“并负有不干涉该国内政之义务”。国际法院在解释为何必须确立不干涉别国内政原则时说,“这是因为就事物的本质而言,(干涉别国内政)总是最强权的国家所为,会轻而易举地妨害国际正义”。一语道破干涉别国内政的霸权实质。International law clearly defines the functions of diplomatic agents and consular officers who officially represent the sending State in
24、 the receiving State, requiring them not to interfere in the internal affairs of the receiving State. Article 41 of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and Article 55 of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations stipulate that it is the duty of diplomatic agents and consular officers “to
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