1、全 球 合 作 伙 伴 征 集 书,影片部分人物概念,影片部分场景概念,目 录,影片基本信息介绍,影片宣传发行攻势,全球合作伙伴征集,影片基本信息介绍,影片概况片 名:孔子拍攝地点:中國类 型:史诗 出 品 人:韩三平 刘荣 岑建勋导 演:胡玫监 制:崔宝珠编 剧:陈汗 江奇涛 何燕江 胡玫摄影指导:鲍德熹美术指导:林潮翔造型设计:奚仲文音 乐:苏聪出 品 方:中国电影集团公司 大地时代文化传播(北京)有限公司 大地娱乐有限公司 语 言:中文製作预算:1.5亿人民币制作进度:后期制作上映日期:预计2010年春节档全国隆重上映,About the FilmTitle:ConfuciusShoot
2、ing Location:ChinaGenre:EpicProducers:Sanping HAN John SHAM Rong LIUDirector:Mei HUExecutive Producer:Po Chu CHUIScreenplay:Khan CHAN Qitao JIANG Yanjiang HE Mei HU Cinematographer:Peter PAUArt Director:Chung-Man YEEMusic:Cong SUPresented By:China Film Group CorporationDadi Century(Beijing)LimitedDa
3、di Entertainment LimitedLanguage:MandarinProduction Budget:US$20,000,000Status:In developmentDelivery:Jan.2010,China Film Group CorporationFounded in 1951 as China Film Corporation,China Film Group Corporation(CFGC)was conglomerated in 1999 from eight different entities.It is the most extensive stat
4、e-owned film enterprise in China with a comprehensive industry coverage that facilitates film production,distribution,and exhibition as a coordinated process.CFGC integrates film,TV and video into one single entity.It has many fully funded subsidiaries,proprietary and joint stock companies,joint ven
5、tures,as well as a movie channel.Its Beijing Film Studio and China Childrens Film Studio,which boast a history of more than 50 years and a library of over 1000 titles,form a solid foundation for CFGCs production brand.Since its establishment in 1999,CFGC has produced more than 200 feature films,incl
6、uding“Heng Kong Chu Shi”,“Zhang Side”,“The Promise”,“CJ7”,“The Warlords”and“Red Cliff”,Its reputation and production power has attracted world famous production talent and co-production companies to create a highly experienced and international production force.,中国电影集团公司中国电影集团公司是经国务院批准,于1999年由原中国电影公
7、司、北京电影制片厂、中国儿童电影制片厂、中国电影合作制片公司、中国电影器材公司、电影卫星频道节目中心、北京电影洗印录像技术厂、华韵影视光盘有限责任公司等8家单位组成,是以影视产业为依托,多种产业综合发展的国内一流的大型电影集团。拥有50多年历史、拍摄了近千部影片的北京电影制片厂和中国儿童电影制片厂,为中影集团奠定了影片制作品牌的基础。1999年组建以来,集团创作生产了横空出世、张思德、无极、长江7号、投名状、赤壁等200多部影片,赢得了广泛的社会影响和良好的经济效益、吸引了一批国内外优秀制片人才和多家国内外著名公司加盟合作。,大地电影大地时代文化传播(北京)有限公司暨大地娱乐有限公司 大地电影
8、是大地时代文化传播(北京)有限公司(简称大地时代)和大地娱乐有限公司在电影业务方面的共享品牌。大地电影以出品一流的电影作品、打造一流的电影文化传播、推动电影文化交流为己任,其总部设在北京,在香港、广州、上海等亦有分支机构。大地电影致力于中国优秀电影的策划、制作和发行。2004年,大地出品了电影往事,被国外影评人高度评价为中国版的天堂电影院,获得包括第七届法国杜维尔电影节Lotus Premier奖在内的国内外多个知名奖项。2007年,出品了纪录片张纯如-南京大屠杀,透过该片在中国及海外多国的发行放映,使更多人认识了日本侵华那段鲜为人知的史实和感动于张纯如索求公义的精神,其现实意义远超过影片本身
9、。大地电影目前正在制作和发行进度中的影片有武术之少年行(2008年)、命悬800公里(2008年)、孔子(2009年)。大地电影隶属于大地文化传播,大地传播在电影院线、数字影院建设及管理、海内外优秀电影整合营销及发行推广几个方面亦有所建树。,Dadi FilmDadi Century(Beijing)Limited and Dadi Entertainment LimitedDadi Film is a shared brand between Dadi Century(Beijing)Limited(hereon referred to as Dadi Century)and Dadi En
10、tertainment Limited.Dadi Films mission is to produce the best movies,create the best movie culture,and promote movie cultural exchange.Its headquarters are in Beijing;it has branches in Hong Kong,Guangzhou,and Shanghai.Dadi Film endeavors to plan,produce,and distribute top Chinese movies.In 2004,Dad
11、i produced Electric Shadows,which was favorably compared to Nuovo Cinema Paradiso by international critics.The film won many domestic and international film awards,including“Lotus Premier”at the seventh Deauville Film Festival in France.In 2007,Dadi co-produced the documentary“Iris Chang The Rape of
12、 Nanking,”which was shown and distributed in China and overseas.Through this project,Dadi helped spread the largely unknown history of the Japanese invasion and occupation of China,as well as the undying spirit in Iris Changs continued search for justice.Its underlying message is much bigger than th
13、e movie itself.Current projects under production and distribution include“Wushu The Young Generation”(2008),“The Wild Horse from Shangrila”(2008),and“Confucius”(2009).Dadi Film is a subsidiary of Dadi Cultrue and Media Group.Dadi Cultrue and Media Group has also made ventures into franchising movie
14、theaters,building and management of digital theaters,repackaging and distribution of top domestic and international movies.,影 片 定 位,中华人民共和国建国60周年献礼影片2009年最有影响力的一部华语影片,导演:胡玫胡玫是中国屈指可数的优秀女性导演之一。曾执导过远离战争年代、芬妮的微笑等十余部电影,及雍正王朝、汉武大帝、乔家大院等数百集电视连续剧,其作品曾荣获过中国政府影视大奖“飞天奖”最佳导演一等奖、意大利第32届萨尔索国际电影节评委会特别奖等十余项国内外奖项。Di
15、rector:Mei Hu Hu is one of the top female directors in China.She has directed more than 10 films and several popular TV play series.She has won the best director award several times over and has been honored both at home and abroad.,摄影指导:鲍德熹曾为卧虎藏龙、无极、功夫之王等多部大片掌镜的香港金牌摄影师鲍德熹,曾先后5次夺得香港电影金像奖的最佳摄影奖。2000年
16、凭卧虎藏龙再夺波士顿影评人协会最佳摄影、芝加哥影评人协会最佳摄影和纽约影评人协会最佳摄影、第43届台湾金马奖最佳摄影等多个奖项,更因此成为首位获得奥斯卡金像奖最佳摄影奖的华裔摄影师。Cinematographer:Peter PAU Peter PAU,one of the top cinematographers in Hong Kong,was behind many blockbusters including“Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon,”“The Promise,”and“The Forbidden Kingdom.”He was awarded Ho
17、ng Kong Film Awards Best Cinematography award five times.In 2000,his work with“Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon”won him Best Cinematography at the Boston Society of Film Critics Awards,Chicago Film Critics Awards,New York Film Critics Awards,Taiwan Golden Horse Awards,and many others.He also became the
18、 first Chinese cinematographer to win the Best Cinematographer award at the Oscars.,美术指导:奚仲文在业内鼎鼎大名的奚仲文,从影多年来已经为多部经典影片担任艺术指导和服装设计,并多次获得香港电影金像奖、台湾金马奖美术及造型类大奖和提名。由他担任服装设计的满城尽带黄金甲更是入围了第79届奥斯卡金像奖最佳服装设计,并夺得美国电影业服装设计公会奖历史类最佳服装设计奖。Art Director:Chung-Man YEE Renowned among his peers,Chung-Man YEE was art di
19、rector and costume designer for many top films in his illustrious career.He has been nominated for and won the Best Art Direction and Best Costume Design at the Hong Kong Film Awards and Taiwan Golden Horse Awards many times.In 2007,his work on the“Curse of the Golden Flower”was nominated for Achiev
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- 孔子 史诗 电影 全球 合作伙伴 征集
