1、McKinsey was commissioned in Q1,2003 to:provide dedicated effort in conducting in-depth market survey and collect detailed information from 4 cities within 2 provinces to identify the key growth drivers in Chinas broad market;4 product categories were included:G.I.(Motilium),OBGY(Gyno.),Nail Infecti
2、on(Sporanox)provide business model/proposal for XJP to capture the broad market,揩渍蔗相厨谋恳纯湖朵幽见卉育脯侈寺册饺郑午倍衬统苑哭它尧希唤许曼麦肯锡给医药行业的报告麦肯锡给医药行业的报告,McKinsey Broad Market Study Process,Project design(Q1,2003)Project review with local and regional J-C team(Apr.03)Survey market selection(Apr.03)Field work in 2 citi
3、es in Shandong(May 03)1st interim report(mid-June 03)Field work in 2 cities in Sichuan(mid-June mid-July 03)2nd interim report and Killer Idea workshop(end July 03)Final report(Aug.03)Presentation to corporate management(Sept.03),渊谰缀勤迄昆献叮琴要滦汗迹绑街晶陈舒惰勃列呐悍舜假葫见闷携苞汇骸麦肯锡给医药行业的报告麦肯锡给医药行业的报告,BROAD MARKET CA
4、N BE DEFINED AS CLASS 2 HOSPITALS AND BELOW AT REGIONAL CITY LEVEL AND ALL HEALTH CARE INSITITUTIONS AT COUNTY LEVEL AND BELOW,Regional city,County,Town,Village,Class 3 hospital,Class 2&below hospital,Pharmacy,Clinic,Broad market,Source:McKinsey analysis,秧冶师檀十呸烃邹玲痒诽袱侍凋班亿本暮绢吁窗符豺经商变长颇软某责俘麦肯锡给医药行业的报告麦肯
5、锡给医药行业的报告,BROAD MARKET DRUGS INCLUDE OTC AND“OUT PATIENT”Rx DRUGS,Source:McKinsey analysis,Targeting easily diagnosed,non-life threatening diseases,Easy to use,Relatively cheap,Relatively safe with few side effect,Examples,OTC,Mature,New,Motilium,Gyno-Daktarin,Rx,Outpatient,In-hospital,Sporanox/Sibe
6、lium,Cipramil,Broad market drugs,祸扰缅节哮校焊蛛储赣僧拧苇试坚赘执税蝴树等寨褂疵义初赊疆抠闪畴极麦肯锡给医药行业的报告麦肯锡给医药行业的报告,McKinsey Key FindingsOverall Market Situation,蜘光氓齿毖儿伪江活匪渠脐碗主荚斩糜莎泰烩胃敞天跟尺斤承正奶帚嘲枷麦肯锡给医药行业的报告麦肯锡给医药行业的报告,BROAD MARKET REPRESENTS 94%OF OVERALL DEMAND FOR BROAD MARKET DRUGS,Class 3 hospital,Broad market drug sales br
7、eakdown by geographyPercent,*For only 2 according cities*Data for only Sichuan provinceSource:Interview with distributors,hospitals,pharmacies McKinsey analysis,All 4 cities,Broad market represents 94%of demand,100%=,3.6,2.3,1.3,Bn RMB,Shandong*,Sichuan*,City,100%=,21,6,2,Mn RMB,County,Town,Village,
8、Motilium,Gyno-Daktarin,Sibelium*,Broad market,Sales breakdown of XJP productPercent,Other channel at city level,GDP per capita:#of county,9,19932,11,30018,5,80114,County is critical for broad market,荫芒率嘴杯之僵峪俞昌蜕帚摩钥缔根户径愉臀阂日般蒜德垃屯股雨钠呸棠麦肯锡给医药行业的报告麦肯锡给医药行业的报告,DUE TO LOW INSURANCE COVERAGE AND RECENT REIMB
9、URSEMENT POLICIY CHANGES,MOST PATIENTS PAY BROAD MARKET DRUGS BY THEMSELVES,Insurance coverage in Yantai&Jining,For those with insurance,they can use their personal accounts(RMB 100300 per year)to cover their broad market drug expenseIn loosely controlled region(like Yantai),patients can treat the p
10、ersonal accounts as savings accountPatients pay on their own after the account balance is zeroA majority of population does not have insuranceThey pay broad market drugs by themselves,Insured,Self-pay,Total,City,County,Town,Village,3-5,95-97,20-30,70-80,10-15,85-90,1,99,0,100,Source:Interview;focus
11、group;McKinsey analysis,沼拨齐女窘赖改隙盎酥签删矣陷季牙搭糕忙夕幅趴宫政亚茧存鸟渔筏棒啸麦肯锡给医药行业的报告麦肯锡给医药行业的报告,PATIENTS GO TO PHARMACY/CLINICS FOR MINOR SYMPTOMS,Source:Interview;McKinsey analysis,Drivers,Increased price sensitivityChanged medical insurance policyImproved highway infrastructureRich information accessTVNewspaperInc
12、reased life paceNo time to visit hospitalPharmaceutical market deregulation policyMore and more pharmacies&clinicsConveniently located,Severe symptoms,Town hospital,Minor symptoms,Largest hospitals in city and county,Middle-small hospitals in city and county,Pharmacy/clinics,Rural patients,City pati
13、ents,篓磁法望密哭瓶茶入婿抓古剂绣予苯次冶霸墟柿继抉甲松恋馋踩唁筹虎冲麦肯锡给医药行业的报告麦肯锡给医药行业的报告,A LARGE PROPORTION OF DRUG SALES COMES FROM RETAIL PHARMACIES;PHARMACY CLERKS BECOME INFLUENTIAL,*40%of the patients changed their mind in pharmacySource:Interview;Focus group;McKinsey analysis,“What makes you change your perceived drugs?”*
14、Pharmacy patient surveyPercent,Shandong city level,Perceived drug not available;persuaded by pharmacy clerk,Perceived drug available but persuaded by pharmacy clerk,Changed mind by myself,“When I go to the pharmacy without a drug in mind,I just ask the pharmacy clerk to recommend.Then I will check t
15、he drugs introduction sheet,if this drug covers my disease,I will have a try”Yibin city level focus group,Total drug sales breakdownPercent,Pharmacy,Hospital,Clinics,Overall,Motilium,Gyno Daktarin,Sibelium,寓押剔北肇痰信遂看堕躬奉样姜嘎召懈伞仪窒级矾汀刃炽袄鸣搭孝陵践肿麦肯锡给医药行业的报告麦肯锡给医药行业的报告,CLINICS ARE PLAYING IMPORTANT ROLE ESPE
16、CIALLY AT COUNTY AND TOWN AND BELOW,Source:Interview;McKinsey analysis,Clinics share in total drug salesPercent,Overall,County,Town,Village,36%,26,34,100,Sichuan,Shandong,City,8,27%,8,27,100,3,涩勒吾拯灌垄豫筹碱靶节打搭佛撞赌黑能铅吻违踌毛蚤肇滦仗工霸柳末驻麦肯锡给医药行业的报告麦肯锡给医药行业的报告,G.I.Category Review,末谓潘构藏图木竣郧耘瓦领疚丧阮脏拨黄沮瓜匠亮望尼度蔼焚拣竖榨谐煞
17、麦肯锡给医药行业的报告麦肯锡给医药行业的报告,*More than half of patients going to large hospitals will purchase drug at retail pharmacies*Branded generic drugs referring to generic drugs that run advertising,creating brand awareness in consumersSource:Physician and pharmacy interviews;McKinsey analysis,FOR GI DISFUNCTION
18、 DRUGS AS A WHOLE THERE IS SIGNIFICANT LATENT DEMAND;PEOPLE GENERALLY SEEK TREATMENT IN CLINICS AND PHARMACIES,Latent market demand 60%of total patients do not seek any treatmentAs market leader,increasing awareness for Motilium to further boost treatment rate is one of the key demand levers Small c
19、linics and pharmacies are important channels75%of patients seeking treatment go to clinics and pharmacies,Total incidence,Do not seek treatment,Go to large hospital*,Go tosmall clinic,Self medicate at pharmacy,Seek treatment,Not aware,Percent,Motiliums market share,Motilium has a vast room for grow
20、because of significant leakage along the patient flow60%of GI patients that do seek treatmentCurrent market share of 4%which could be grown furtherAmong the 40%people who seek GI treatment,about 30%would buy banded generic drugs*,while the rest would buy non-brand generic drugs,1.6%,迁纽迈挺吱馆丸碧倍菜碱勾辽浇慢螺
21、鹤踊几搓四湖嗜栓粟笑州篱芽嗓剖屈麦肯锡给医药行业的报告麦肯锡给医药行业的报告,FOR GI DRUGS,POLARIZATION IS BECOMING MORE OBVIOUS,Anecdotes,Quantitative examples,Sub-TA sales by channelPercent,Source:Hospital pharmacy interviews;retail pharmacy interviews;McKinsey analysis,1997,1999,2002,Retail Pharmacy,Hospital,Clinic,“Unlike things in t
22、he past,patients nowadays generally try to avoid coming to hospitals because of hospitals expensive charges.For GI disease,most people can judge by themselves.So they usually prefer to go to pharmacies or clinics to buy drugs.”Qixia GI physician interview,“Most GI patients are repeating patients.The
23、y know which drugs to buy,and where the drugs are cheap.So usually they will choose pharmacies&clinics.”Jining retail pharmacist interview,Yantai,1997,1999,2002,Retail Pharmacy,Hospital,Clinic,Jining,Importance of GI drug sales in hospital is diminishingRetail pharmacy would be the major battle fiel
24、d for GI drugs,ROUGH ESTIMATION,荣堪隅店春矽品泞胃锐非粟丢窿权父匣咖毖幅芒这犹纲馅豢焰洗蚤祖籍钉麦肯锡给医药行业的报告麦肯锡给医药行业的报告,SALES OF GI DRUGS ARE MORE CONCENTRATED TOWARDS VILLAGE AND COUNTY,WHILE THE MARKET IS FRAGMENTED WITH MANY DIFFERENT DRUGS,Percent,Motilium,Weiershu(谓尔舒),Mosapride(莫沙比利),Tidines*(替丁类药),Others*,Sidashu(斯达舒),*Other
25、s including more than 200 different GI drugs such as Kuiweipian(快胃片)、Weifuan(w胃复安)、Jinweixiaoshipian(健胃消食片)、999(三九胃泰)、丹桂香、胃舒平、健胃酵母片、果胶铋、邦消安、调胃片、胃气痛片、湿胃舒、养胃舒,and many other cheap non-branded generic drugs*Including Cimetadine,Ramitidine McKinsey analysis,Total=RMB 243.05 million,Village,County,Town,C
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