1、LOGO,从SCI看针灸与中风恢复期的关系,北京中医医院针灸科 张蕾 2012.4.27,由Nordri()设计提供,LOGO,主要内容:,由Nordri()设计提供,Does Acupuncture Work for StrokeRehabilitation:What Do Recent Clinical Trials Really Show?,Samuel C.ShiflettSamuel C.Shiflett,PhD,is University ResearchAssociate,Department of Psychology,University of Arizona,Tucson.
2、Top Stroke Rehabil 2007;14(4):4058,此篇综述的主要内容:,1990年至2005年研究现状分析目前文献存在的问题结论,1990年至2005年研究现状:,Beginning in the early 1990s,research of much improved rigor began to appear(eg:Stroke,Neurology,Archives of Physical Medicine,Rehabilitationt)along with other research published over the past 25 years.Sugges
3、t in a cumulative though not systematic fashion that acupuncture may be an important adjunct to stroke rehabilitation.,1990年至2005年研究现状:,The evidence was strong enough so that the 1997 National Institutes of Health ConsensusDevelopment Conference on acupunctureconcluded that there was limited and enc
4、ouragingevidence for the relationship between acupunctureand stroke recovery,although there was not yet enough evidence to recommend its use as amedical procedure.,1990年至2005年研究现状:,Since that time(97、98年),several apparently well-controlled,randomized clinical trials examining the effects of acupunct
5、ure on stroke recovery.These studies have raised considerable doubt as to the usefulness of acupuncture for stroke recovery.,1990年至2005年研究现状:,Recently,an extensive meta-analysis was published evaluating most of the randomized,controlled,clinical trials that were published beginning around 1990 until
6、 just prior to 2002.The conclusion of this meta-analysis was,in essence,that there was no credible evidence for the effectiveness of acupuncture in stroke rehabilitation.,前后两个阶段结论不同的原因:,1.Improved methodology has eliminated the effects of suggestion,placebo,and other methodological artifact(改进后的方法学消
7、除了suggestion,placebo和其他方法测量的影响)2.Population differences on any number of variable(群体差异?)-各种变量对治疗结果的影响eg:中风类型、中风的严重程度、中风后至针灸治疗前的各种干预措施对其影响、治疗后进行评估的时期等.,前后两个阶段结论不同的原因:,3.文章质量Johansson:when the tabular and figure-based data presentations in these articles were subjected to the“eyeball test”(i.e.,examin
8、ed directly by actually looking at the patterns in the data),there appeared to be positive effects in the acupuncture condition,despite the fact that the statistical analysis did not yield significance.Gosman-Hedstrom:methodological limitations that may have prevented the emergence of a positive eff
9、ect due to acupuncture.,“针灸对中风恢复期治疗是否有效”影响因素:,One.Statistical AnalysisTwo.Stroke SeverityThree.Timing of posttreatment assessment,一.Statistical Analysis系统分析存在缺陷,目前相当一部分文献 used crude and low-powered statistics,尽管有more powerful and more appropriate statistics 可利用。The use of statistics:a shift(1990年至20
10、05年间)from 参数统计 such as 方差分析 to much less sensitive and less powerful非参数统计,一.Statistical Analysis系统分析存在缺陷,Reason:the requirements of intention-to-treat data management.Result:one simply looks at the data as presented in the articles,it is obvious that acupuncture has been having a positive effect,des
11、pite the fact that the statistics used do not appear to support this conclusion.,二.Stroke Severity中风严重程度不明确,中风轻、中、重三种程度:轻度:治疗组和对照组的所有功能基本上都能恢复,尽管治疗组在某种程度上恢复的更快 这种情况下,有足够时间恢复时期和multiple posttreatment assessments(医师评估?),分析治疗组和对照组的差异比较困难。中、重度:针刺效果较好,尤其是大脑损害较严重者。问题:中风轻、中、重不同程度的划分,未有明确标准。,三.Timing of pos
12、ttreatment assessment治疗后进行评估的时期不统一,针刺治疗疼痛的效果是立竿见影的人们同样希望针刺治疗中风的效果亦是如此很明显,这个希望不切实际通过对1990年至2005年文献研究表明:治疗24周即完成针刺效果的评估,结果往往无效或不显著随访时间在36个月的效果较为明显,结论:,1.单看其独立的临床实验研究,很明显,针灸对中风恢复期的治疗作用是确切的。大多系统回顾分析并不支持这一观点。2.针刺治疗后需要一定的恢复时期。建议为36个月。3.针刺方式对其治疗结果最具影响,包括治疗次数和治疗间隔时间。建议一周23次,持续610周。此外,穴位和电针的影响因素,目前尚未有明显证据。,4
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- SCI 针灸 中风 恢复期 关系
