1、Facebook:the“social media”revolutionA study and analysis of the phenomenon,Paris,October 3rd 2007,03.10.2007 Facebook study,2,This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license.To view a copy of thislicense,visit http:/creativecommons.org/licen
2、ses/by-nc-sa/3.0/or send aletter to Creative Commons,171 2nd Street,Suite 300,San Francisco,California,94105,USA.,03.10.2007 Facebook study,3,Summary,Facebook:key facts and figuresFacebook revenue modelMeasuring social media:2 business casesUniversity students:exchange andcollaborateBloggers:communi
3、cate and get feedbackConclusion03.10.2007 Facebook study,4,Summary,Facebook:key facts and figuresFacebook revenue modelMeasuring social media:2 business casesUniversity students:exchange andcollaborateBloggers:communicate and get feedbackConclusion03.10.2007 Facebook study,5,History,In February 2004
4、,Facebook was created by Mark Zuckerberg(with DustinMoskovitz,Chris Hughes and 2 other Harvard students)Initially,the membership was restricted to students of Harvard University,and subsequently expanded to other US and Canadian colleges then toEuropean and Asian colleges(email addresses with.edu)Si
5、nce September 11,2006,it has been available for any email addressglobally,but the interface is in English onlyOn May 24,2007,Facebook launched the Facebook Platform(f8)whichprovides a framework for developers(anyone)to create applications thatinteract with core Facebook featuresAs of Sept.25th 2007,
6、with 42 million active users,FaceBook is the secondlargest social networking site globally after MySpace,Source:Facebook,03.10.2007 Facebook study,6,Things you can do on Facebook,Keep in touch with your old friends and meet new onesPrivate and public messaging optionsKeep tabs on what your friends d
7、o via their News feedFind former schoolmates using the search featureUser groups let you discuss with others who share your interestsKeep them informed about what you do Update your status Share your pictures,blog messages and videos Promote events you are organizing or planning to attendAccess a we
8、alth of applications made for all purposes Fun,interactive applications Applications that let you publish content(photos,videos,notes,)Applications linked to other platforms(Flickr,Pownce,Twitter,)Retain your privacy Control what strangers and friends may see and read about you03.10.2007 Facebook st
9、udy,7,Explosive growth that accelerated in 2006,More than 42 million active users as of Sept.25th 2007:the second largestnetworking siteGrowth:270%between June 2006 and June 2007The number of active users has doubled since Facebook expandedregistration to include users outside US campuses in Sept.20
10、06Facebook is the sixth-most trafficked site in the USWorldwide Growth of SelectedSocial Networking SitesAge:15+,SocialNetworking,Total Unique Visitors(000),SiteMyspaceFacebookHi5FriendsterOrkutBeboTagged,Jun-0666,40114,08318,09814,91713,5886,6941,506,Jun-07114,14752,16728,17424,67524,12018,20013,16
11、7,%Change172%270%56%65%78%172%774%,Sources:Facebook,ComScore Media Metrix,faberNovelanalyses 03.10.2007 Facebook study,8,The evolution of the user base has been,synonymous with an expanded range of uses,A favorite among students(85%market share of 4-year US universities),but halfof Facebook users ar
12、e now outside of collegeFastest growing demographic:25-34 years old(+181%between May 2006 andMay 2007)Since the launch of the Facebook platform in May,almost 4000 applications havebeen created by third-party developersAge slice12-1718-2425-34,May2007,35+,Sources:Facebook,comScore Media Metrix,eM,fab
13、erNovel analyses03.10.2007 Facebook study,9,A feature of its users daily life,More than half of active users return daily People spend an average of 20 minutes on thesite daily More than 6 million active user groups on the site Over 55,000 regional,work-related,collegiate andhigh school networksActi
14、vity and loyalty are twokey characteristics of theFacebook communitySources:Facebook,comScore Media Metrix,faberNovel analyses03.10.2007 Facebook study,10,International growth at a frantic pace,Facebook has developed a strong following inEnglish-speaking countriesA third of the Canadian population h
15、asjoined Facebook as of June 2007,a growthof more than 3,000%in a yearThe United Kingdom is the third largestcountry with more than 5 million activeusers,London being the largest networkon Facebook(1,105,515 members as ofSept.11 2007)There is far less growth in Europe and Asia asthe website is only
16、available in EnglishTo act against knock-offs who took advantage ofFacebooks lack of international compatibility,amajor localization initiative will be launchedsoon:the website will be translated and thereforeaccessible to users from other countriesTop to bottom:Facebook,Vkontakte(RU),Sources:Facebo
17、ok,comScore Media Metrix,faberNovel analyses03.10.2007 Facebook study,Xiaonei(CHN),11,A closer look at the European situation,Facebooks growth in Europe mainly stems from the UKs dynamismFacebook has not had much success in Germany to dateFacebook has only secured a foothold in France recently but t
18、he results are showing,42,000 members in the Francenetwork in June 2007,andmore than 127,000 now(Sept.20th):a 300%growth!,Leading Social Networking sites ranked by European uniquevisitorsTotal unique visitors(000),This figure does not take intoaccount the people that do notjoin networks,or only join
19、,PropertyTotal Internet audience,Jan 2007218,063,July 2007224,759,%Change3%,OriginEU,school or business ones:the,site had almost 260,000 uniquevisitors in August 2007Observations by media agency,MYSPACE.COMSkyrock NetworkBEBO.COM,20,34111,3277,461,25,17613,78512,101,24%22%62%,USFRUK,KR Media France
20、show that,the number of visitors keptincreasing in the slow-trafficsummer months,hinting at an,FACEBOOK.COMHI5.COMPICZO.COM,2,0666,9797,557,10,7959,5548,035,422%37%6%,USUSUS,explosive growth with the start,of the school year,NETLOG.COM,8,140,7,450,-8%,BEL,Sources:Facebook,comScore Media Metrix,faber
21、Novel analyses,KR Media France,03.10.2007 Facebook study,of,12,A winning strategy:opening the platform,to third-party developers,Less than a month after its launch,the Facebook Platform had alreadyattracted more than 40,000 developers,and produced more than 1,500 newapplicationsOn Sept.25th 2007,the
22、 top 44 applications represented almost 200 millioninstallations and had a total of more than 16 million daily active users3,900 applications exist as of Sept.11,2007,while Facebook itself only offers13A long tail effect applies toapplications:the top ones attractmillions of users but the numbersqui
23、ckly drop for others down thelistA strategy which competitors willhave a hard time imitating,because,structural,differences:after the f8 launch,LinkedIn announced it would openitself to outside developers but thenecessary adjusments would takeSources:Facebook,comscore Media Metrix,Adonomics,nine mon
24、ths InsideFacebook,faberNovel analyses03.10.2007 Facebook study,13,Facebook applications are quickly,replacing specialized websites,Facebook is the n 1 photo sharing application on the Web(more than 2.7billion photos on the site and more than 14 million uploaded daily).The Photoapplication draws mor
25、e than twice as much traffic as the next three sitescombined(Photobucket,Yahoo!Photos,Webshots Community)There are three times more people invited through the Events applicationthan through a leading focused website such as EThe video application allows users to upload and record their own videos,di
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